The True Cormantian Iron Empire -={TRSA]=-
The True Cormantian Iron Empire -={TRSA]=-
8 juli 2018
United States 
OM The True Cormantian Iron Empire

The Real Sam Army

We are The Real Sam Army And We Can Never Be Broken By Tyrants they will come after us but we won't give up even if it means being destroyed we won't let our enemies touch us our foes are nothing but it that needs to be cured we will show all the traitors of Cormantia who we are WE ARE FREE STEAM IS MADE FOR FUN NOT WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-=[The Laws Of TRSA]=-

Rule 1: Never surrender or view Cyrus as a weak leader we are strong no matter what.
Rule 2: Never and I mean never ever join our foes or thier leader they will manipulate you.
Rule 3: our enemies are nothing but babies ignore them.
Rule 4: Brandenburg thinks i am not the real emperor but i am so you need to recognize me as the kaiser.
Rule 5: Support one another and help this group grow.
Rule 6: Please Respect Each other too
Rule 7: Remember We Are The Real Cormantian Iron Empire
Rule 8: No Trolling or harming or threatening the kaiser if any of this happens it's an instant ban.
Rule 9: Always Be Aware Of Spies And Traitors Warn Me When a traitor is nearby.
Rule 10: Do Not engage unless The Staff Say So.
Rule 11: Treat others how you want to be Treated.
Rule 12: We must Stay Strong No Matter What happens this is our home group and we are staying.
Rule 13: Take care of each other and watch each other's back No matter what the situation is.
Rule 14: Please Talk to the staff if you want to do an application become an admin we will be the judge of that in the future.
Rule 15: If any group attacks us they are no better than a toxic community ignore them what matters is as long as we are united we can never be broken.
Rule 16: If Anyone Makes Anti TRSA Propaganda they are harassers and that we should block and ignore people can have opinions too.
Rule 17: If Cyrus is Unable to reach you and/or a Complaint you have You will answer to Bubba.
Rule 18: Always look forward to the future for our great community and if there is any cool games we can all play together tell us and we will check it out.
Rule 19: Remember to respect others opinions even i respect some but there might be some i don’t like.
Rule 20: Please call anyone in the group show greatness.
Rule 21: If Any uprising riot or civil war starts the leader of these will be punnished serverly.
Rule 22: Autistic people are human beings too treat them like a human.
Rule:23 Never Boss the staff around it puts you in big trouble if you do that.
Rule:24 Never Joke About Taking Over Cormantia It Will be considered by kaiser point of view a huge crime.

Thats All the Rules For Now But You Can Always Make A suggestion In The Discussions Remember to look at your allies and friends as family we care for one another and for this we can restore the real tsa which is us so have a nice time in this group.

P.S If you See Any Spies Or Harassment Report it to the staff.

Music For Hub New Theme American Styled
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SE ALLA (84)
Meeting Canceled
Lets be a bit more active, Everyone
12 kommentarer
Heiyin Hothi 10 feb, 2021 @ 9:57 
Kystik 11 dec, 2019 @ 4:20 
Xonics 19 jul, 2019 @ 16:47 
How is everyone recently?
Kystik 21 sep, 2018 @ 18:59 
Seal 28 aug, 2018 @ 15:02 
Heiyin Hothi 5 aug, 2018 @ 9:08 
Gå med i chattrum
8 juli 2018
United States