Stranger's Wrath HD beta testers SWHDPC
Stranger's Wrath HD beta testers SWHDPC
17 July, 2012
ABOUT Stranger's Wrath HD beta testers

For participants of the closed beta for Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD for PC.

Oddworld Inhabitants[]
Just Add Water[]
Stranger PC credits
Hello beta testers,

Firstly, an apology. I had sent out an email to you all back when Stranger’s Wrath HD was first released on Steam. It listed the changes we’d made between the latest beta and release, and also the things we’d listened to you recommend but were unable to change due to design, technical or time restraints. I also explained why your names weren’t in the credits (we were having serious issues with the software used to render them), and that the same problem meant that even members of our own team were being left out of the credits for the time being.

For whatever reason, many of you – maybe even all of you – did not get this email. I can only apologize for the complete lack of information this means you were left with. That is definitely not how we wanted to leave things, and had I found out sooner, I would have sent this email earlier.

The good news is that we have now got the rendering software working and I’m putting together the credits now. What I would like to know from each of you is the exact name you would prefer to be credited as. I know some of you would prefer to go by a screen name, and that’s fine. I will try to use my best judgement for the time being (we may have to ship the new credits before I’ve heard back from you all), and we can correct mistakes with subsequent mini-patches. But the sooner I can hear from you, the more chance you can be credited in the way you’re happiest with.


Beta update live
MC Heavier (陶瓷刀) 26 Oct, 2012 @ 5:18pm 
Hello, everyone. New credits has been released and each one of us is listed in there.
This is the first time I've watched a game's credits so often.
Thank you, JAW, It is my honor of helping you.
MC Heavier (陶瓷刀) 13 Oct, 2012 @ 5:09am 
Hello, everyone, JAW has sent us email to inform us they are going to add our names in credit, please reply to it.
AmyGrrl 1 Oct, 2012 @ 2:57pm 
I'm also disapointed with the way this beta was run. The lack of communication about what was going on. I was under the impression we would be more involved with the testing. JAW didn't even bother to let us know the game was released and that the beta was over. Then lied to about having our names in the credits. Which I doubt will happen because we did so little. The game still runs badly for a lot of people.
MC Heavier (陶瓷刀) 1 Oct, 2012 @ 5:15am 
This is Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New n' Tasty pre-Alpha footage in case you don't know it.
Leon Belmont 24 Sep, 2012 @ 2:49pm 
I read in the Steam Forums from one of the JAW members, that they need to render again the credits video in order to add the names of the beta testers, but I really don't know if this is gonna happen or not, I don't think that they will add the names of the beta testers as they promised... anyways thank you for the opportunity to be part of this proyect and part of this great game! :D
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17 July, 2012