Lunar Surge Lunar Surge
Lunar Surge Lunar Surge
27 November, 2016
ABOUT Lunar Surge

From the Moon down into Earth with rage.

No information given.
Killing Floor servers are now live
Server IPs

Public: Offline
Private: Offline

Server Information

Both servers use the following mutators (all whitelisted, meaning stats and perks can be progressed normally):

AntiBlocker 1.1: Disables player collisions during trader time (avoids players from purposely blocking the trader door).
Patriarch HP Left: Shows how much health the Patriarch has left if the squad fails to defeat him.
Share Cash: Shares the cash of leaving players with alive players.
Visible spectators X: Make all spectators and dead players visible, you will see them as UFOs.
KFMapVoteV2: A fixed and improved map vote handler, which also lets you change game mode and difficulty.
Server Ads KF: Shows server messages from time to time.
Chat Status: Shows a icon on players who are typing to chat or using the console.
Weapon Pickup Message: Shows a message whenever a player picks up a weapon from the ground, this helps against weapon stealers.
Music Fix: Plays music on maps, even if the player is missing the music files, the maps don't have music or are bugged.
Door Messages V3: Shows a message whenever a player damages or destroys a door with a frag grenade, this helps against griefers.

Both servers use Lunar Surge's own HTTP redirect for faster downloads:

The difficulties available on the servers are Normal, Hard and Suicidal. Both Killing Floor and Objective Mode are available during map voting.

The private server currently has the same configuration of the public server, however it's passworded.

Custom maps are immediately below the official maps in the map list. More maps will be added over time, probably other mutators too.

Administration Information

Currently, I'm the only admin on both servers, but I will give admin access to a few others eventually.

It's strictly forbidden to kick players on the public server to give the slot to someone else, even if it's for a friend. Remember that it's a public server and kicking players when they did nothing wrong is always bad. Doing so will cause you to lose your admin access.

We have a private server for a reason.

Final Notes

These are the only KF1 servers we will have for now, and are also all we need for now too.

The VPS I currently have has only 1 GB RAM, and at max I could host 3 KF1 servers on it, but I will host just 2 since I wanna leave room in the RAM for other things.

In the future, when I become able to afford a more powerful VPS, I will host a server set on the Hell on Earth difficulty (the hardest one). It will have a mutator to auto-kick players whose perk levels are too low and that's why I don't wanna mix it with the public server, Hell on Earth is an entirely different beast and playing it without a high level perk ruins the game for everyone.

Maybe I will set up other KF1 servers when that happens, but like I said, these 2 we currently have are all we need for now. Have fun!

Crew information and rules
LadyElixa 29 Sep, 2017 @ 2:29pm 
oh apparently im already a member lol
. 4 Jun, 2017 @ 1:49pm 
I have gun ♥♥♥♥♥ mother ♥♥♥♥ Ow no Shirt :steamsalty: