Lazytown Nutters >NUTTER<
Lazytown Nutters >NUTTER<
게임 중
2008년 8월 3일
Lazytown Nutters 정보

Are you a Lazytown Nutter?

If you play Team Fortress 2 and enjoy the Lazytown maps, please join our group. No rules, no hassle, just fight hard and die well ..or blame it on lag.

Our NEW HOME SERVER! (May 2021)

Game Team Fortress
Map: cp_lazytown_g
Kindly hosted by Private Twinkletoes.

This is our permanent new home of the one and only Lazytown Nutters TF2 Server.

Please feel free to invite other Lazytown Fans to our Steam Group.

We do not ask for money, nag or overly advertise, its totally free! like the sunshine. We all tend to know each other so it is very much like a small family with adult banter. We are also the HOME OF THE CLEANER, a gamer legend and 100% nice guy, apart from his swearing!

We also have a brand new Discord Channel. We hope most Nutters will join and get involved, we promote, fun and frolics. Not overly serious. Here is the link;

Add (>NUTTER<) or (>N<) to your name which is purely optional. We play many other games not just Candy Crush Saga.

OUR WEBSITE FORUM: Jackknife Johnny is senior admin (senior cos he is old). Its hosted by the kindness of Serious Cat.

Our group started in 2008 with myself and +Sponge+, he is our complaints officer and deals with complaints like an assassin. We had nil complaints so far, but some players have gone missing. Sponge has expertly modded some of our Lazytown maps.

Why are we mad about Lazytown?

1. Its usually very difficult to win, battles can last for hours and hours. Its often an extremely hard fight.

2. Its developed its own unique strategies and tactics.

3. Its not a huge map, it will tend to have a "front line" battle that moves backwards and forwards from moment to moment.

4. Its developed its own sub community, some players have become expert on the Lazytown strategies.


NB. The original Lazytown Map was created by Zeta. Its been re modded by our community improving performance and adding variants.

Any other questions about our group please contact me or Jackknife Johnny via Steam Chat.


Lazytown (&gt;Nutters&lt;)[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
The Cleaners Birthday Match.
Birthdays Match tonight. 16th November 2022 .
댓글 31
+SPONGE+ (>N<) 2023년 10월 14일 오후 12시 36분 
Quit spamming comments! :golden:
TallyhoJrIV 2017년 8월 16일 오전 5시 45분 
It's surprising to see there's a lot of administrators here.
DazMan (>N<) 2016년 6월 4일 오전 8시 14분 
Tonight is ladies Night, please wear sexy lady gear. You will be asked what you are wearing, make it tasteful and remember our code: NUTTERS NEVER LIE. :steammocking:
The Cleaner ® (>N<) 2016년 5월 9일 오후 12시 05분 
Ladies and gentlemen... I need yore help!
1) We need to have a BIG gaming war! ( Someone will write about this )
2) The idea for this war requirement is we need Ladies :)

I need your help to get more Ladies to Girl Power Group
Send this link to all ladie player you know!

3) Then we can have super funn!
twic (>Nutter<) 2015년 7월 18일 오전 5시 06분 
1000 is a lot of people. If we can get 32 on the server at any one time, that's 32 games before everyone's had a go. Better get started.
Jackknife Johnny (>N<) 2015년 7월 17일 오후 1시 00분 
1000 now!!!!
게임 중
56 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2008년 8월 3일