14 July, 2019
ABOUT Αλεπού

I made a short list of things you should focus on to get better:

Start the round going for safe picks/contesting choke points in a way where the peak is to your advantage (do not over-peak/overcommit to the peak, just ensuring we maintain map control early).

Fall back and hold for pushes trying to understand where their site anchors are and how they are rotating.

Every map has two main choke points where you need someone to contest random pushes

After establishing a feel for rotations, start to challenge map control and work toward taking a site (We want to do our best to limit the opponent’s information. Shy away from forcing the issue into a crossfire. We want to catch their rotators off guard. The goal of the round should be to isolate a player, get a pick, reset and pinch a site).

After you’ve gained your information, you decide what you want to do. There are strategies for developing and forcing predictable behaviour in the opposing team. You want them adapting to us.

If you make the start of every round look the same, it forces the other team to spread out and respect your map control. It means that when you finally decide to take a site, each player will be relatively isolated. They won’t know where you’re going until the last minute, and it’ll prevent a quick flank or a quick rotation giving you time to plant and set up strong post-plants/crossfires positions.

Try your best to take fights when you know your teammate are in a position to trade. It is as much your teammate’s responsibility to rotate over to support as it is for you to delay until your teammate can’t get into a position to support you. Remember, the other team is trying to isolate the two of you, and create an opening. Do your best to delay/prevent that from happening).

During scrims, whenever you are frustrated about a given scenario or feel like we as a team are doing something wrong I want you to write it down. We will discuss it as a team.

Of course there are exceptions to each of these rules, especially when it comes down to x vs. x situations, but the same principles apply. Every fight you take, whether you win or die, should be to help put your team in a position to secure the round. Don’t expect people to be able to read your mind. Communicate every decision you make until it becomes ingrained/second nature for your team.

The sooner you buy into a system and start to read situations the same way as your team, the less need you will have to communicate the details. If all of these principles become second nature, you can focus on fragging.

Patience, communication, and consistency are important.

Everyone has strengths and preferences on each map so express them and we can develop strategies with those things in mind. That being said, everyone should strive to become well-rounded players, because depending on how a round unfolds, you might have to pick up any role.

Think about how the decisions you are making will impact the outcome of the round and act accordingly.