Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

Mauser Rifle & Bayonet
Zerunokasiar  [developer] 4 Jun @ 8:13am
Mauser Improve Charge Action
  1. Compatible Test
    Mitsuru, Spot, Sakura Forest, Geometry, Refrigerator Permafrost etc.
    Crab King, Fuelweaver

  2. Action

    • Before
      left mouse: normal attack
      right mouse near target: auto fire
      right mouse without target: charge
      right mouse equipped mauser: melee/range mode change

    • After
      left mouse: normal attack
      right mouse near target: auto fire
      right mouse without target: nothing
      right mouse equipped mauser: charge

  3. Game Pad
    fired bullet pick up issue.
    > OK. bullet add tag "NOCLICK"

  4. Ignore Wall when Auto Fire
    > OK. ignore target tag "wall"

  5. Charge Motion
    bell, flute make freeze or stiff character when action
    > CONCEPT: add no boost motion & musicbox fx until boosting
Last edited by Zerunokasiar; 6 Jun @ 3:55am
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Just now, I encountered another issue where using a Mauser rifle to attack a Toadstool would cause the game to crash
I and two friends were attacking Toadsool with rifles together, and I speculate that it is possible that three people continuously shooting would cause abnormal damage and overflow game data
My other friend and I are using official character, while the third person is using MOD character
Zerunokasiar  [developer] 5 Jun @ 8:25am 
could i get your log file?
log file is located at "C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether".
master_server_log > server is dead.
client_log > client is dead.

Originally posted by BigTailWolfSuomi:
I and two friends were attacking Toadsool with rifles together, and I speculate that it is possible that three people continuously shooting would cause abnormal damage and overflow game data
Sure, how should I send it to you? Is it through Baidu Cloud Drive?
I am unable to use Google Cloud Drive as a transfer tool because my network cannot connect to it
Zerunokasiar  [developer] 7 Jun @ 10:33pm 
anything almost ok.
but i dont have baidu account. it also able to access it without login?
It's not possible. You must have an account to download it
However, registering is not very troublesome, all you need is a phone number
If you have a WeChat account, I can also send it to you through it,
Lastly, there is QQ. Apart from that, I don't have any good software available for transferring files
Zerunokasiar  [developer] 15 Jun @ 3:30am 

How about this?

Charge Motion deleted.
Instead add Character shouts and Boosting Effect.

Right button to weapon is already used to ranged mode change.
it means used both ranged only mode and ammo check.
So Action Change need to more think about it.

Video is local debug version, not steam uploaded version yet.
Last edited by Zerunokasiar; 15 Jun @ 3:42am
I think it's okay, but I suggest adding an extra setting so that others can decide whether to use the old version of the charge or not
After all, not everyone will encounter the bug I encounter
Zerunokasiar  [developer] 15 Jun @ 5:53am 
Originally posted by BigTailWolfSuomi:
I think it's okay, but I suggest adding an extra setting so that others can decide whether to use the old version of the charge or not
After all, not everyone will encounter the bug I encounter
If someone want charge motion, it need not change something.
It just add new motion type.

whistle, bell, horn, flute
whiftle, bell, horn, flute, instant(new)

Boosting Effect is same, but it just different motion happen or not.

In video case, i set "instant" in config.

crash case when using some character, i not tested yet.
okay,thank you.
I think it should be the data overflow caused by MOD characters having higher attack power, speed, and other factors than official characters
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