ENDLESS™ Space 2

ENDLESS™ Space 2

Scions of the Endless
crymson  [desarrollador] 24 MAY 2017 a las 15:23
Please post any comments on Balance concerns here.
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Mostrando 1-8 de 8 comentarios
Marraqa 25 MAY 2017 a las 22:11 
My opinion
1. Damn The Torpedoes cost 0, but i dont think that -10% damage = -25 cost, so maybe need cost 10 or 15
2. Cybernetic allow more bonuses then negatives, so +5 cost or +1 negative
3. All "colonial" traits too great
4. maybe something else
You did interesting traits, thanks for this. I hope that you will develop this mod further.
Marraqa 25 MAY 2017 a las 22:21 
Also Cybernetic says approval rating forced to happy but for me it's always content
crymson  [desarrollador] 25 MAY 2017 a las 22:33 
The issue with Cybernetic is related to the games built in description for that modifier, I can dump that text entirely and replace it, I'll put that on the list for the next update.

Damn the Torpedoes is -10% damage for +2 movement speed not -25% cost, but I'm gonna look at that one again anyway.

Cybernetic the approval rating lock to content is kind of a negative cause you cant get the higher bonuses, And +5 value is about where I wanted it, all these traits are meant to balance a bit OP cause perfect balance is terribly fiddly and I'd rather go a little over than under.

Yeah the colonial traits I'm gonna hafta look at they lend themselves a bit too much to crazy expansion.

Thanks for the feedback I'll work this into the next version.
DarkSanity 26 MAY 2017 a las 9:09 
The ship health bonus is a bit misleading since it is the health from modules and not the ships base health. Out of curiousity is it even possible to increase ship base health from a trait? Also as far as the colonial traits go, i'd suggest something like reducing them to 5 and increasing cost to around 15-20.
Última edición por DarkSanity; 26 MAY 2017 a las 9:10
DarkSanity 26 MAY 2017 a las 9:48 
Also, wouldl like a greater variety of negative/positive traits for specializations xD. Some of my thoughts are:
+/-(~10 for 1/2 stage) for each of the three military units types (something like +/- 15% health/damage at 1/2).
+/-(~10 for 1/2 stage) for the two weapon types (something like +/- 15 or 20% damage at 1/2 stage)
Oh and the spacefareers bonus 10 vision seems a bit much, maybe 5-7 would be better since it expands with influence circle.
Última edición por DarkSanity; 26 MAY 2017 a las 9:49
crymson  [desarrollador] 26 MAY 2017 a las 10:13 
Ok I'll look into that.
The ship health bonus is the same modifier as is used by the Optimal Defense trait from the base game so it works exactly the same.

As to making expanded versions of the base game traits I may do that but will probably package it up as a seperate mod. While it is possible to extend existing traits there is no way to make the prerquisites and restrictions, ie can take both optimal defense and suboptimal defense, play together properly without modifying the base game file. I'm ok with doing that but Scions is strictly and extension mod so I'll do that in a seperate mod so as not to make Scions less than compatible.
Josh 27 MAY 2017 a las 14:36 
1. Intellectual ideologies is insanely powerful at a low cost. You basically can't have any happiness lower than 100%, which gives you all sorts of bonuses(30% Dust, Science, Influence, and food, free super tax, free cram exam, all sorts of buildings as well.) I feel like 1/4 of what it is now would be much more reasonable(Going from +10 to +50 instead of +40 to +200).

2. Strip mining, while not an insanely powerful bonus, is extremely cheap. +5 for +1 resource generation per source is too strong.

3. Ingenius intelectuals is underpriced, -20% tech costs should cost more than 20(Which doesn't even get you +20% science)

4. Communalists overcolonization penalty is too low for the awesome power it provides.
crymson  [desarrollador] 28 MAY 2017 a las 11:27 
I'll take a look at these for the next balance pass. Thanks
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