ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Upgrade Station v1.8i
 Ez a téma ki van emelve, tehát valószínűleg fontos.
Ghazlawl  [Fejlesztő] 2017. jan. 7., 12:25
Frequently Asked Questions
The contents of this discussion have been moved to the official Wiki:
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Ghazlawl; 2017. márc. 14., 10:29
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I would like to know how to hide the engrams on my server, which would make for a nice FAQ addition.
I can't download this mod. I can download any other mod except for this one, do you know any ways to fix this?

~ It's working now, I just had to restart my laptop.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Shez; 2017. febr. 10., 18:50
Ghazlawl  [Fejlesztő] 2017. márc. 14., 10:29 
destinysasquatch eredeti hozzászólása:
I can't download this mod. I can download any other mod except for this one, do you know any ways to fix this?

~ It's working now, I just had to restart my laptop.

Hello Ghazlawl, I would actually like to make a Fantasy RP server and would like to use this mod, but have a Coin (given for events and a welcome gift) this way i dont need to try and balance the items i give out. keeping it from getting broken fast. Anyways, i would like to add an aditional cost requirement to the codes. Making it cost a coin which price would also go up as the quality goes up. You probably have this already, but i just dont know how to make it happen. Thank you for helping and making this awesome mod :D
Is it cheaper to use an ascendant blueprint or build a fresh item and upgrade it?
Is there a way to disable certain upgrade-items?
I'm curious on how compatible this is with Antinode

I'd rather not players be able to push through these upgrades easily as there is a process to upgrading these items rather than 'find blueprint' etc;
when you salvage an item do you get 100% of the item back or just a percentage of it, if so could you tell me the percentage
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Voyn; 2017. aug. 16., 17:36
Is there a functional difference between the primitive and metal tables or are they just athestetics?
Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to limit what the upgrade station can upgrade? I would like it to only upgrade certain items.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Sanddragon; 2017. szept. 6., 6:25
Firedrake1988 eredeti hozzászólása:
Is there a functional difference between the primitive and metal tables or are they just athestetics?

I would love to know this too.
Defiler_of_Fate eredeti hozzászólása:
Hello, i noticed that there isnt away for admins to spawn in the reagents that are made in augment station, or perhaps im missing something? is there away to make this possiable or if there is, how would u go about doing so?
Did you check the Official Website Page?
I easily found them listed under "Admin Commands"
So I'm not really sure what I'm doing incorrectly. I've tried downloading this mod about 20 different times and every time it causes my game to crash during the download. I uninstall this mod, and the game goes back to working just fine. Any clue as to what could be causing this?
So I have the mod installed but I dont know what exactly it is I do to upgrade an item. There is no step by step guide here. So far what I have tried is crafting the benches and their addons, and putting items/weapons/armors in them all and crafting the upgrade "part things" but I dont see how to combine them and the buttons that say upgrade item and blueprint are unclickable. I dont understand. I really want to use this but its kinda useless to me if it doesnt work for upgrading things or even making blueprints.
President Donald Trump eredeti hozzászólása:
So I have the mod installed but I dont know what exactly it is I do to upgrade an item. There is no step by step guide here. So far what I have tried is crafting the benches and their addons, and putting items/weapons/armors in them all and crafting the upgrade "part things" but I dont see how to combine them and the buttons that say upgrade item and blueprint are unclickable. I dont understand. I really want to use this but its kinda useless to me if it doesnt work for upgrading things or even making blueprints.
The main part, the bench. Is where you can upgrade Quality. If you put just the item inside and click the button, it will tell you what you need to upgrade the item so you can put that inside the table to try again.

As far as the augmentation, you craft the augment items, then place your item into that part of the station and click "augment".

We don't use the BP station, but I'm fairly certain it's just a case of put item in, click button to turn it into a BP
ok thank you
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