Fluffy Breakdowns
Mavoc 2017 年 7 月 29 日 下午 11:24
Suggestion: Dynamic Life Time based on Component Cost
If you use the number of components required in the construction cost as part of a Life TIme multipler, the simplier objects will last longer between maintaince while the more complex objects will need more repairs. This should help out with large bases needing constant repairs as the they end up having a ton of smaller objects like heaters.

Simplified code for readablity
ResearchMulti = 1 or 2 or 4 // based on research level ComponentCost = // number of components in construction cost ComponentMulti = ( 1.5 / ( 1.5 + ComponentCost )) * 1.5 + 0.5 LifeTime = TicksPerSeason * ResearchMulti * ComponentMulti

Here is a list of the multis that formula would create
ComponentCost ComponentMulti 0 2.00 1 1.40 2 1.14 3 1.00 4 0.91 5 0.85 6 0.80 7 0.76 8 0.74 9 0.71 10 0.70 11 0.68 12 0.67 13 0.66 14 0.65 15 0.64 20 0.60 25 0.58 30 0.57

If you want to tweak the point in which the 1x multi happens just replace the first two 1.5 in the formula with the desired 1x value times 0.5.
最后由 Mavoc 编辑于; 2017 年 7 月 31 日 上午 3:47
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A very fierce smell 2017 年 8 月 3 日 上午 1:55 
nice idea
BigNose 2017 年 9 月 2 日 上午 7:02 
I'd love this, right now it really binds the workers overly much, especially in colonies with temperature extremes in Winter/Summer (needing lots of heaters/coolers)
JoeOhNo 2017 年 12 月 1 日 下午 6:02 
I'm very much in favor of this idea. I'm getting to the point where my couple of engineers are almost constantly bound to maintaince, and I'm not sure if the nano-infused components upgrade is going to help much. I'd like to see this implemented.
最后由 JoeOhNo 编辑于; 2018 年 3 月 29 日 上午 11:06
Talok 2018 年 1 月 27 日 下午 1:53 
This is an awesome idea, just posted a comment about maint. needs. A coffee pot requires less maint. than a car :)
AmbiguousMonk 2018 年 12 月 20 日 下午 3:38 
Did this ever get implemented in the mod, because it seems like a great idea
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