Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Adiya's Historical Flag Pack
A few requests & suggestions, if I may

I am a huge fan of your work and your mod, and I could not go back to using the vanilla flags (most are okay, but some are just awful made-up designs, and many 'historical' flags are simply wrong).

I wanted to propose a few suggestions if that's okay.

Apologies for the image quality, but the designs should at least be clear: https://i.imgur.com/okUh7iC.jpg


top row - fascist Belgium (Parti Rex), fascist Bulgaria (Fatherland Front*), fascist Canada (National Unity Party), fascist Denmark (DNSAP), non-aligned Egypt (alternative flag design), fascist Egypt (United Arab Republic), fascist France (Front révolutionnaire national**)

bottom row - non-aligned Iran (Reza Shah), fascist Iran (Davud Monshizadeh), communist Iran (Tudeh Party), fascist Britain (BUF**), non-aligned Russia (alternative imperial flag), fascist Russia (Russian naval jack, commonly used by far-right groups), fascist Romania (Iron Guard), democratic Brazil (1888 Júlio Ribeiro flag proposal for the United States of Brazil)

Basically I wanted designs which serve a purpose and are historically accurate, but which also stand out a bit more than some of the existing variants. I would also add this Dutch fascist flag to the list, but I know it's been discussed before: (I really don't think Dutch Nazis who managed to take over the state and were able to bring about a fascist 'new order' would simply settle for the Prinsenvlag...) http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/n/nl%7Dnsb1.gif

* This is up for debate as the Fatherland Front was a fairly mixed political grouping from both left and right, but it's an interesting flag and they did have far-right elements. Certainly worth considering I think.

** These are my favourite; the French State (or 'Vichy) should absolutely be non-aligned rather than fascist, although I concede that this is an issue in the vanilla game and not your mod. However, if you could make a unique, proper fascist/Nazi flag for France then this would be a great one. Perhaps you could at least add it as an optional extra like the RSI flag?

As for the BUF flag... I have seen the Union Jack/BUF hybrid flag (in vanilla) used in games/mods before, but again I am not convinced it would have been adopted by a fascist Britain. Realistically I actually think that the BUF flag and the Union Jack would probably have been used as dual official flags (like the imperial flag and Swastika in Germany 1933-1935) but obviously it's impossible to say. Either way, I do think the proper BUF flag is a much more interesting design and would look better in-game. But if you disagree, fair enough!

Anyway, those are my ideas and suggestions. I hope you like at least some of them. I prefer to use actual historical flags where possible, and I do think that *some* of those party flags *would* work as state flags (i.e. Swastika, Dutch Nazis, Iron Guard, BUF) even if I agree with you that it's not always the case.

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Oh, I nearly forgot -- a better flag for communist France: http://forumcontent.paradoxplaza.com/public/174287/728466CommuneFrance.png
Adiya  [ontwikkelaar] 20 jun 2016 om 19:31 
it's a lot of info. I'll look into it when got time.
the proposed brazilian flag is the current flag of the são paulo state
Laatst bewerkt door LucasCaesar; 23 jun 2016 om 18:19
Most political groups that are far right will keep the flag the same as a sign of national pride and history, hitler used both the german reich flag and his own political flag, but in other countries it is only the case where the historical flag was used, like romania of which during the iron guard rule never once used its political iconography with the state flag, almost all communist states add an emblem or leftist icon to their flag but most nationalist far right politics keep the flag as it is, or revert to the more historically triumphant one (modern day russians using the imperial flag) or reference to post cold war europe as each country removed the communist emblems from the flags but kept the historically pure base flags (minus czechslovakia and poland as they did not add emblems during communism.)
Adiya  [ontwikkelaar] 24 jun 2016 om 22:33 
Origineel geplaatst door Stern Coarth:
Most political groups that are far right will keep the flag the same as a sign of national pride and history, hitler used both the german reich flag and his own political flag, but in other countries it is only the case where the historical flag was used, like romania of which during the iron guard rule never once used its political iconography with the state flag, almost all communist states add an emblem or leftist icon to their flag but most nationalist far right politics keep the flag as it is, or revert to the more historically triumphant one (modern day russians using the imperial flag) or reference to post cold war europe as each country removed the communist emblems from the flags but kept the historically pure base flags (minus czechslovakia and poland as they did not add emblems during communism.)
I'm pro this. I made a lot of similar considerations implementing fictinal flags. It's the way IMO being 'historically accurate' in those non-historical cases.
I can't agree on the French Facist Flag, i don't really know where you picked it up but i have never seen something like this.

First of All, red in France is known to be the Communist party color so i don't see some fascist French having so much red on their flag.
The blue Symbol i have never seen it, today's far right use a flame, monarchy use Lilys (Flower de Luce).

Traditionnal French monarchy colors are blue (old kings) and White (more recent color).

The Actual fascist French flag in the game is the historical accurate Flag of Vichy France so i think it is appropriate.
Kaiserreich Flag would be better as german Neutral Flag.
But great Mod !
Give puppets that gain independence their own flags, for example Canada
Can you please change the flag of Fascist Austria to one thats linked to the NSDAP? Since the flag you chose was of the Suschnigg Regime wich opossed Nazism and the Anschluss and Fascist Austria is led by Arthur Seyß-Inquart, a NSDAP member
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