Building Progression Icons
Spartan VI  [Entwickler] 12. Sep. 2016 um 12:41
Please use this discussion to make your voices heard if there's something you'd like to see done differently or if you have an idea for something new to bring to the mod.
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Are there any plans to modify the icons for trading resource-based economy buildings? These are shared across factions so I think it would have a nice impact relative to the work.
Spartan VI  [Entwickler] 17. Sep. 2016 um 9:38 
Not presently, but if I get a stroke of inspiration I may revisit that.
Crynsos 17. Sep. 2016 um 15:46 
Do you plan to extend your mod to include the other buildings not done yet, like the farms?

Also, it would be interesting to see you include buildings added in popular mods that edit factions, such as Cataph's Southern Realms or the new Kraka Drak also made by him that add a few buildings or make some edits to building chains.
Spartan VI  [Entwickler] 18. Sep. 2016 um 9:52 
Yeah same answer to Goremand's question. I don't have plans presently to modify the resource/economy buildings such as mines, farms, etc. However, it seems like a very popular request and the logical next step. I'll comb over what's there presently to see what inspiration I can gather. :D:

I can safely say that I won't modify icons for buildings added by other mods.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Spartan VI; 11. Aug. 2017 um 11:04
L3TUC3 19. Sep. 2016 um 18:47 
I really like your changes. The only one I would alter is the following:

The level 5 chaos camp/warhost is missing the Chaos star/wheel. Not a huge deal.
Spartan VI  [Entwickler] 19. Sep. 2016 um 19:47 
Yep, at tier V, the Chaos Warhost icon is the vanilla artwork. I purposefully faded out the chaos star from tier IV to make the change less sudden.
NoSkill 22. Sep. 2016 um 13:20 
Or that guy uwrote with with his italian/english mod with all that morr stuff;)
Would be cool to see some nice economy mods merged
Do u consider overhauling the icons for the minor factions/subfactions like kislev mousillon tilea estali border princess?
Spartan VI  [Entwickler] 7. Okt. 2016 um 16:55 
I believe I already have, except for resource icons.
Any consideration for the Dwarf Kingdoms? The throng is strong and I'd love some spruceing up.
Spartan VI  [Entwickler] 18. Okt. 2016 um 20:23 
Dwarf buildings were the first ones I modded way back in June when this mod was released. Or did you mean something else?
Oh, so sorry. I just didn't see any showcased in the pictures of the mod and supposed that you did not include dwarfs. Thanks for clearing that up.
Sorry my bad
Suggestion : Unique City Icons for Middenheim and Marienburg
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