Space Engineers

Space Engineers

[BROKEN] Respawnships Enhancement Mod
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
LeonserGT  [developer] 7 Apr, 2016 @ 2:09am
GUIDE: How to configure mod for your own needs
Some ships feels too "luxury" to be a startship? Don't like an idea of interplanetary respawnships or just wheels summons Clang too often?

Then you can remove ships you don't want on your server!
Most admins have enough knowledge and experience to doing it by themselves, but this guide is for newbie-admins, who need some help with modding :)

First of all: locate your "mods" folder - it's located in C:\Users\*your name here*\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Mods, you need to find downloaded mod from workshop. Their names are numbers, which can confuse you at the first time, but don't worry - these just steam IDs, which you can find in url-link of mod. My mod have this link: steamcommunity .com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=660618362, so you're obviosly need to look for 660618362.sbm

Next step: rename it's extension to ".zip" and open it as simple archive, then extract it's content in same mods folder, in freshly created folder named as you want, like "Respawnship Enhancement Mod - alternative" or something like this.
Then go in "Data" and open RespawnShips.sbc - you will see a list of all ships in mod. I added comments and sections to help you navigate. First large section is "replacers" - those are replacements for vanilla respawnships, as you can see they have original SubtypeIDs like "PlanetaryLander" and "EscapePod", they not unique and used by vanilla ships. So any other mod which replace those vanilla respawnships will be not compatible with this one, unless you simply change all those subtype IDs to something unique, that will bring back vanilla ships and they can be replaced by another mod, if you have one.

To remove any unwanted ship simply selesct it's section which starts with "<Ship>" and ends with "</Ship>" and delete it. Done! So, keep in mind - removing replacer ships will change it to it's vanilla version in game, and removing unique ship will completely remove it from game.

That's basically all, you can also edit their cooldown timers if you want to.

After saving your edits, go in game and test it first, havent's you missed any redundant "<ship>" tags, maybe? Create world in offline and add this mod, if after loading world you'll see no critical errors with "MOD SKIPPED" message, then everything is ok. Open mod list again for any world, select your local alternative and click "Publish". As I said, I a priori give you my permission to publish it, you don't need to ask me about it! Just don't claim my work as yours, that's all.

Have fun!

P.S. Don't answer to this thread, it's only for this guide. You can write any questions and feedback in comments section of mod itself, I read all comments!
Last edited by LeonserGT; 7 Apr, 2016 @ 2:11am