Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Heavy Thinker
Heavy has a degree in russian literature and philosophy
come on, he's not stupid, right?
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Leo J 17. Dez. 2015 um 3:03 
Madman 17. Dez. 2015 um 12:02 
its a doctorate this dude is very well educated
ya its soldier thats the idoiot yet frikin hilarius
ba3b 24. Dez. 2015 um 0:48 
yeah, it's soldier that's the idiot
Heavy is definitely smart, which is why these this taunt and others taunt like heavy reading a book in the workshop
YOU HIPPIES THINKS WE ; SOLDIERS ARE IDIOTS! YOU ARE ALL MAGGOTS!(just kidding i agree heavy is smart)
Smart people think about stuff,too.
Isn't this supposed to be because the Heavy is smart? Sitting down and thinking about stuff isn't exactly a dumb person thing
Number 2 27. Nov. 2016 um 18:22 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von SuperLuigi9624:
Isn't this supposed to be because the Heavy is smart? Sitting down and thinking about stuff isn't exactly a dumb person thing
The description seems to imply that he isn't very smart. Notice how there's an exclamation mark after they say "Heavy is thinking"?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Number 2; 27. Nov. 2016 um 18:22
The taunt could actually go both ways.
If stupid: thinking about very obvious things (example: ‘‘Should I throw Sandvich at Doctor?’’)
If smart: trying to figure out the answer to conundrums of philosophy (examples: ‘‘What is beauty?’’ ‘‘What is art?’’ ‘‘What does it mean to be good or evil?’’)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Guquis (selling posters); 18. Feb. 2018 um 10:45
"Am I a bad class?"
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Fernandothealien:
"Am I a bad class?"
no he isn't and he will get the new class update
I think the whole 'stupid' thing came from his mediocre grammar, but that's because he's RUSSIAN. Grammar's different there.
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