Dota 2
The Next Generation - Hero Concepts
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SwordBacon  [Entwickler] 19. Aug. 2015 um 12:31
Bug Report Thread
Any bugs/crashes? Let me know!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SwordBacon; 10. März 2016 um 11:49
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Beiträge 115 von 21
- Viscous Ooze ult loses all charges on death, including items you have consumed

- At lower levels, Veera's Plain Runner passive sometimes will cause his movement speed and agility stat to fluctuate, usually while moving a long distance in a straight line

I'll post more as I keep testing the mode out.

SwordBacon  [Entwickler] 19. Aug. 2015 um 13:03 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Dirty Joe's Taco Shack:
- Viscous Ooze ult loses all charges on death, including items you have consumed

- At lower levels, Veera's Plain Runner passive sometimes will cause his movement speed and agility stat to fluctuate, usually while moving a long distance in a straight line

I'll post more as I keep testing the mode out.

I changed Viscous Ooze's ulti charges and items to be permanent this morning :D

I'm not sure how to address the Plains Runner fluctuation; it seems to be unsynchronized for some reason. I'll look into it!
SwordBacon  [Entwickler] 30. Aug. 2015 um 8:47 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Dirty Joe's Taco Shack:
The recent update wasn't correctly implemented. At least in my client, Evasive Roll was not renamed, and does not disjoint projectiles. The animations were changed, however.
Hmm, try updating again, it works on my end :/
Xarax's Shared Tricks, especially 'Trick Box #1' and 'Trap Door' will sometimes not expire, meaning they clog up your inventory permanently. As well, while this may be intended, Trick Boxes will disappear completely if the unit they are on dies.

Xarax also cannot level stats.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Dirty Joe's Taco Shack; 1. Sep. 2015 um 6:21
Sunagakure's Vicissitude is bugged to hell. The current effect caused any hero affected to switch teams, and persists through death. As well, being killed under its effect resulted in the game considering my death being caused by neutral creeps, despite being killed by my own fountain upon respawning. You may need to reconsider how the spell is coded.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Dirty Joe's Taco Shack; 21. Okt. 2015 um 0:21
SwordBacon  [Entwickler] 21. Okt. 2015 um 10:47 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Dirty Joe's Taco Shack:
Sunagakure's Vicissitude is bugged to hell. The current effect caused any hero affected to switch teams, and persists through death. As well, being killed under its effect resulted in the game considering my death being caused by neutral creeps, despite being killed by my own fountain upon respawning. You may need to reconsider how the spell is coded.

Working on this in the test client (its not in the public mod yet fyi).
My bad. I'll just start a report thread on test client.
In the selection hero screen, if you change the way you watch heroes the game crash... I don't know why.
We're working on implementing a massive UI change in the near future. Part of it will be an overhaul to the pick screen, which should solve this bug.
TanKer 1. März 2016 um 20:43 
Veera and Zulf interaction.

The Second ability of Veera consist of running into an enemy autoattack him and do a backflip.
Zulf have the ability to disarm.

So if you use the ability of Veera you start running against Zulf, if he desarm you while running to him, you will lose control of Veera and you'll be stuck there until you get disarmed and then sometimes you even will not do the damage and do the backflip. So Zulf can make you dive a tower and other things...

ALSO another thing I don't know if it's a bug or what. But the hero that uses the skin of Nyx, if he uses mind control on an enemy the allied structures will attack the mind controlled enemy too... I don't know if that is intended or not. But At least needs a rework... becouse that's worst than Winter Curse.

ALSO the one that uses the skin of Juggernaut, sometimes can make his model dissappear and just be untergateable and totally invisible, like he just doasn't exist but he can continue attack you... It can be fixed using his first ability.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von TanKer; 1. März 2016 um 20:44
SwordBacon  [Entwickler] 1. März 2016 um 21:09 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von TanKer:
Veera and Zulf interaction.

The Second ability of Veera consist of running into an enemy autoattack him and do a backflip.
Zulf have the ability to disarm.

So if you use the ability of Veera you start running against Zulf, if he desarm you while running to him, you will lose control of Veera and you'll be stuck there until you get disarmed and then sometimes you even will not do the damage and do the backflip. So Zulf can make you dive a tower and other things...

ALSO another thing I don't know if it's a bug or what. But the hero that uses the skin of Nyx, if he uses mind control on an enemy the allied structures will attack the mind controlled enemy too... I don't know if that is intended or not. But At least needs a rework... becouse that's worst than Winter Curse.

ALSO the one that uses the skin of Juggernaut, sometimes can make his model dissappear and just be untergateable and totally invisible, like he just doasn't exist but he can continue attack you... It can be fixed using his first ability.

I'm glad you were able to bring these to my attention, thank you! I'll fix them right now. The first issue is a really simple fix, the second will probably need a rework, and the third is sortof hard to recreate, but I've seen it before and will find another way to check his model.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SwordBacon; 1. März 2016 um 21:14
Not so much a bug as a mechnical change, but on Unholy Ecstasy (for Bellatrix) the buff gained at the end of the duration should be given to the target, I.E. If Bellatrix uses the buff on an ally, the ally gets the bonus damage on next hit and mana recovery. (And yes, I am the same Eli Green who created the hero suggestion on PD )
SwordBacon  [Entwickler] 6. März 2016 um 12:25 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Eli Green:
Not so much a bug as a mechnical change, but on Unholy Ecstasy (for Bellatrix) the buff gained at the end of the duration should be given to the target, I.E. If Bellatrix uses the buff on an ally, the ally gets the bonus damage on next hit and mana recovery. (And yes, I am the same Eli Green who created the hero suggestion on PD )

Ah yes, I made that change because I liked the idea of UE being used casually on creeps for free mana (like Lich Sacrifice). It's great for laning because it makes your creeps harder to last hit, then gives you mana and a right click advantage without needing to take a lot of damage yourself.

Hope you like what I've done with your concept! It's one of my favorites right now :D

filozof 12. März 2016 um 11:04 
Sunagakures burrow doesn't work properly
SwordBacon  [Entwickler] 12. März 2016 um 11:10 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von filozof:
Sunagakures burrow doesn't work properly

It has a channel time so moving early cancels it, but I will change that!
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