Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Abandoned Upward
Skorpion1976 23 Sep, 2020 @ 2:54am
Improve immersion by adjusting brightness/lights
Hi there!

wow :)

We just created a new payload server here in the EU and found this beautiful map. I played through it both as RED and BLU with bots (including manually generated nav file). Works flawlessly. I am also a big fan of vegetation on PL maps, so this is like heaven for me.

Suggestion for improvement/better immersion:
What I do wonder is, why it´s so dark at first BLU spawn and especially in the tunnel. I can´t even see a sentry when I stand at the tunnel entrance (coming from BLU spawn). Also enemies are very hard to detect :( Yes, I know, it´s a Jungle setting, but it´s still widely beknownst upward and not being able to see anything but little light coming from the crystals kills the fun for us. That is my only concern I have, before putting this on the server.

So my question is: Is there a chance that the light gets overhauled, so you actually see more when leaving blu spawn and have much more light in the tunnel? Maybe as a different version, so people can choose between the dark and bright map version?

Thank you and best regards,