Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Real Gas Giants
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Echthros  [developer] 14 May @ 2:09pm
Config Values
---General Settings---

<GasGiantBlocksSun> Default = true
Sets whether gas giants block light from the sun similar to in the Eclipses mod. Solar block output and light/atmo visuals are affected.

<GasGiantsHaveAtmoGlobal> Default = true
Whether gas giants have atmospheres for the purposes of thrusters, wind turbines, and the aerodynamics mod. If you are encountering issues with characters having drag/wind while in space, you may want to set this to false (aerodynamics mod currently requires a compatibility patch).

<SetGlobalNoAsteroids> Default = false
Removes all procedural asteroids from the world by default. Set to true if you want asteroids to be limited to planetary rings only.

---Individual Gas Giant Settings---

Name of the gas giant in the world. Used to identify which gas giant the settings will affect.

Name of the gas giant used in the Config. Used only as an identifier to keep track of which gas giant is which in the file. Can be set to anything.

<Radius> Default = 180
Radius of the gas giant in km.

<PlanetColor> Default = (255, 210, 190)
Color of the gas giant surface. Applied to the skin textures via the paintability channel (_add texture alpha channel).

<PlanetSkin> Default = "Default1"
Skin applied to gas giant surface. By default, options available are "Default1" and "Default2". More options can be made available by other addon mods.


<AirDensity> Default = 3
Atmosphere density (affecting thruster and wind turbine performance).

<OxygenDensity> Default = 0
Oxygen content of the atmosphere.

<WindSpeed> Default = 200
Wind speed within the atmosphere (used only for wind turbines).

<HasRing> Default = true
Whether the gas giant has a ring.

<RingSkin> Default = "Default1"
Skin applied to gas giant ring. Only one option is available by default. More can be be made available with addon mods.

<RingNormal> Default = (0, 10, 1)
Normal vector for the plane of the ring. Does not need to be normalized. Set to (0, 1, 0) for perfectly around planet equator.

<RingColor> Default = (255, 210, 190)
Color tint applied to ring visuals and particles.

<RingLightMult> Default = 1
Brightness multiplier for sunlit parts of the ring.

<RingShadowMult> Default = 1
Brightness multiplier for shadowed parts of the ring.

<RingInnerScale> Default = 1
Scale multiplier for the ring. Set to 1 for flush against planet surface.

<RingOuterScale> Default = 2.5
Scale multiplier for outer limit of ring. The inner multiplier scales both the inner and outer limits together. The outer multiplier only affects the outer limit. Values approaching 1 will make the ring very thin.

<RingLayerSpacingScale> Default = 1
Scale multiplier for ring thickness. Adjusts ring layer spacing, resource collection zone thickness, and asteroid zone thickness.

<RingRotationPeriodSeconds> Default = 7200
Time it take for the ring to spin around the planet once.

<ConstrainNearbyAsteroidsToRing> Default = true
If true, asteroids near the gas giant can only appear within the ring (if the ring exists).

<AsteroidRemoval> Default = true
If true, asteroids will not appear inside the gas giant.

<PressureDamagePlayers> Default = true
Sets whether players take pressure damage when delving into the gas giant.

<PressureDamageGrids> Default = true
Sets whether grids take pressure damage when delving into the gas giant.

<CollectPlanetResources> Default = true
If true, external collector blocks will accumulate resources when within the planet atmosphere.

<CollectResourceUpperSubtypeId> Default = "Ice"
Resource collected from upper atmosphere. Can be set to any valid ore type or list of ore types separated by commas. Resource is randomly selected from the list every collection cycle. Add the same entry multiple times to add weights to resources (i.e. "Ice,Ice,Ice,Silicon,Silicon,Gold").

<CollectResourceUpperAmount> Default = 1000
Amount of ore collected from upper atmosphere.

<CollectResourceLowerSubtypeId> Default = "Silicon"
Resource collected from lower atmosphere. Can be set to any valid ore type or list of ore types separated by commas.

<CollectResourceLowerAmount> Default = 1000
Amount of ore collected from lower atmosphere.

<CollectRingResources> Default = true
If true, external collector blocks will accumulate resources when within the planet's rings.

<CollectResourceRingSubtypeId> Default = "Ice"
Resource collected from the rings. Can be set to any valid ore type or list of ore types separated by commas.

<CollectResourceRingAmount> Default = 100
Amount of ore collected from the rings.


<GravityStrength> Default = 10
Strength of the gas giant's gravity.

<GravityFalloff> Default = 7
Falloff power for the gas giant's gravity. Set to 7 for default planet falloff. Set to 2 for realistic falloff (and for use with Real Orbits).

<DayLengthSeconds> Default = 7200
Day length on the gas giant in seconds. Default is 2 hours.

<SpinCounterClockwise> Default = true
If true, the gas giant will rotate counterclockwise. If false, clockwise.
Last edited by Echthros; 21 May @ 9:06pm
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Can the collected resources be gases (O2 & H2)? or only items?
And if it is only items, an idea for the future might be to allow the collection of gasses via air vents...
Last edited by Wyntr Stardust; 20 May @ 6:49am
Could it be possible to make it so collectors can collect multiple different resources within the layer? Example being "Ice,Cobalt,Stone"
Echthros  [developer] 20 May @ 1:45pm 
@joe lasagna Option added.

@WintersKnight94 Unfortunately, the air vents don't interact with hydrogen at all and the collectors are limited to items that go in inventories. You can set the gas giants to have oxygen in their atmo in the Config, though, so you can collect oxygen with vents.
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