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Ori 24 Apr @ 12:44pm
Trinkets suggestions
Cuz the mod creator didn't made one then I'm making it for em (cuz me nice lol)

At the same time I got a few ideas :
- Cancer (yes it's the name of the trinket, look it up on google) : Increase attack speed by 20-30%
- Swallowed Penny : Drop money when hit (between 1 silver to 1 gold)
- Lucky Rock : Get money from ores (the amount depends on the rarity of the ore)
- Second Hand : Increase buff time by 10% OR Decrease debuff time by 10%
< >
Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
Ovosh1337  [developer] 25 Apr @ 6:59am 
@YT/Ori, Good ideas, maybe I'll add them (but cancer is too strong, I'll nerf him)
Ori 25 Apr @ 7:51am 
Originally posted by Ovosh1337:
@YT/Ori, Good ideas, maybe I'll add them (but cancer is too strong, I'll nerf him)
I kinda knew it would be a bit too strong but hey it's a suggestion, nothing is perfect
Triti Xd 25 Apr @ 9:02am 
seeing this also gave me an idea:
-Panic Button: use recall potion when low on health (about 10%) or have it use health potion if possible on hit.
Ori 25 Apr @ 9:18am 
Originally posted by Triti Xd:
seeing this also gave me an idea:
-Panic Button: use recall potion when low on health (about 10%) or have it use health potion if possible on hit.
*fighting Wall of Flesh, get to 10%, teleport and die from spawning back at spawn xD* (but ngl could be very useful)
Last edited by Ori; 25 Apr @ 9:18am
What about a trinket that makes all weapons, projectiles, enemies, blocks, etc explode. Crafted with 9999 dynamite
what about perfection.... perfection could like.. increase luck by a ton, but it unequips itself on hit or something... :resmile:
Cheemzit 27 Apr @ 12:09am 
miner's Eye [] idk not good at idea's
Reize 29 Apr @ 2:59am 
Мне кажется стоит переработать названия и вид, чтобы они были более похожи на вещи из террарии, или связанные с ней вещи типа
не "Panic Button", а "Panic Inhaler" - Ингалятор Паники (хотя есть Амулет Паники, не знаю планируешь ли добавлять синергию)

как вариант можно добавить связанные с артефактами и усиливающие их брелоки.

И если мы тут уж "вдохновляемся" айзеком, то например Постер или сломанный Анх пускай уменьшат время респавна. Или брелок Вера (будь то вера Мэгги или Бетани) удлиннит неуязвимость после удара в полтора раза. а в сочетании с крестиком до 2.5 раз

Продолжая мысль, можно добавить брелоки пассивно увеличивающие эффекты аксессуаров.
Second Opinion - Any burst healing done will range from 80% - 135% of the original healing

Focus - Damage is set to 80%, but this multiplier steadily rises over time, up to 140%. Multiplier is set back to 80% upon taking damage.
Ovosh1337  [developer] 4 May @ 12:49pm 
вот бы кто-то нарисовал спрайты для всех этих брелоков...
i have some ideas:
-Purple Heart: Increase enemy spawn rates by 10-25%
-Used Diaper: Decrease enemy spawn rates by 10-25%

also an idea i got from @Triti Xd's suggestion, you could use Cursed Skull as a trinket that would use a recall potion or magic mirror to teleport you home if you get on low health.
Last edited by lochness; 6 May @ 3:05pm
SoftStar 23 Jun @ 3:32am 
Hey while we're at this can the dev perhaps add a config that allows more trinket slots, or a config where trinkets can be put in normal accessory slots?
Ovosh1337  [developer] 23 Jun @ 3:55am 
SoftStar 23 Jun @ 4:03am 
Also a few trinket ideas:

Wafer []: Decreases damage taken by 10%-5% [this is fair because Worm Scarf decreases damage by 15%].
Golden Wafer: Decreases damage taken by 15%-20%
Note: Yes this is literally worm scarf but non-expert mode.

Bottle of Pills []: Gives a random buff or debuff every 1-3 minutes, effects last 30-1:30.
Golden Bottle O' Pills: Gives a random buff every 1-3 minutes, effects last 30-1:30 [basically golden version removes the risk of getting a debuff].

D20 []: Acts as a random Trinket, the Trinket it acts as changes every 5-10 minutes[?].
Golden D20: Acts as a random Golden Trinket, the Golden Trinket it acts as changes every 5-10 minutes.
Note: I dont know if this could actually work how I'm suggesting, so uh yeah.

1UP []: Revive with 25% health.
Golden 1UP: Revive with 50% health

I get it if some of these are too hard to code or are overpowered, the only time I ever code is on scratch, so I am not experienced lol. The number ranges are what I think would be fair but you are the developer so do whatever you want with them
The wiki pages for each item are also added just incase you find another idea related to the items :)
SoftStar 23 Jun @ 4:04am 
Originally posted by Ovosh1337:
I didnt expect you to reply so fast LOL [it is three am for me]
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