

Ovosh1337  [author] 24 Jul @ 3:23am 
@Big Evil Toad, Updated the mod, tried to fix this bug (but I don't know exactly how you got it, so maybe nothing changed)
Big Evil Toad 23 Jul @ 11:43pm 
So I recently made Perfection, and the code that is supposed to make it unequip from your person when you get hit, seems to instead make a duplicate of it and give it to you. i noticed when i got into combat, checked my inventory, and noticed it was full of Perfection, pretty funny bug, but considering it could be abused by recycling trinkets in Shimmer, it should probably be fixed, lol.
Ovosh1337  [author] 22 Jul @ 2:04am 
Released version 2.6.0
1)Added 3 trinkets (2 regular, 1 golden: Perfection (Increases luck by 0.5, unequips when taking damage), Wafer (Increases DR by 4%), Golden Wafer (Increases DR by 8%)).
2)Changed the fork (health 3 → 5).
3)Added ability to enable trinkets in accessory slots in configs.
I got tired of doing small updates once a year, so the next update will definitely be a major update, but you'll have to wait for more (I'm not motivated to rush)
GAMEPLAN 21 Jul @ 9:46am 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER THE
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄░░ WORKSHOP
turantan37 19 Jul @ 1:14pm 
Thinkets.Makes u think:steamhappy:
jankocc05 15 Jul @ 12:20pm 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER THE
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄░░ WORKSHOP
GoodPuffer 14 Jul @ 1:03am 
Imaginateur(FR) 12 Jul @ 4:33am 
the idea seem great... if only you could gulp them like equip them in a buddle. like 2-3 at first then 55 at pre-hardmode then 15 endgame
Moonscorp 10 Jul @ 7:54am 
fork is probably the strongest one
Missy 7 Jul @ 6:38pm 
Trinkets, I love gifting trinkets to friends and family
SPAMTONG G. SPAMTONG 5 Jul @ 8:21am 
WE BINDING ISAAC WITH THIS ONE:isaac::isaac::isaac::resmile::resmile:
AlIen Wooliee 5 Jul @ 7:54am 
ISAAAC YEAHHHH :isaac::isaac: 29 Jun @ 5:44am 
нихуя себе
FireSlinger35 20 Jun @ 10:42am 
hey can you add trinket to gold grates at 5% chance
Ovosh1337  [author] 20 Jun @ 10:24am 
Released version 2.5
1) added 3 trinkets (2 regular, 1 golden trinket: Mother's Kiss (Increases maximum health by 25), Golden Mother's Kiss (Increases maximum health by 40 and defense by 2), Super Magnet (Increases pickup range for life hearts and mana stars))
2) Added the ability to change the chance of trinket spawning in the mod's configs
Tainted Judas 01 19 Jun @ 7:23am 
we love eye sack
LittenXD 17 Jun @ 8:13pm 
isaac reference :auimp:
tinywilly 15 Jun @ 8:34pm 
hell yea:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal:GDNormal
Bracket 8 Jun @ 4:03pm 
All of these are from tboi which is a really good game and they suit well for a game like this
dream 28 May @ 1:13am 
чтоооо брелки с айзека
Ovosh1337  [author] 27 May @ 7:28am 
ARTEM 26 May @ 10:13pm 
Мод хорош.
У меня есть несколько идей:
1. Mother`s kiss: увеличивает максимальное ХП на 25
2. Callus: даёт невосприимчивость к шипам.
3. Swallowed M80: при получении урона персонаж взрывается, нанося в небольшом радиусе 100 ед. урона, не ломая блоки.
4. Super magnet: увеличивает расстояние поднятия сердец и звёзд маны.
5. Red patch: при получении урона, урон оружия увеличивается на 15%.
6. Forgotten lullaby: увеличивает скорострельность призываемых существ на 20%
7. Аксессуар Mom`s purse: позволяет носить два брелока
Возможно, что-то из этого уже добавлено, не слежу за обновами
Sneaky Snitch 23 May @ 7:14pm 
ok this is really cool lol
Ovosh1337  [author] 19 May @ 1:29am 
@Aegleseeker Hi, i don't use Github, so write to me on discord, my nickname is ovosh1337_
I will send you the translation files and you can translate one of them
Aegleseeker 18 May @ 9:42pm 
hello how could i help with Chinese translation?
crazy horse 10 May @ 3:10pm 
hell yeah i rarely see tboi things in other games lessgo
Ovosh1337  [author] 9 May @ 7:44am 
Хорошо, добавлю
Biopsyhozis 9 May @ 6:51am 
Хороший мод, а можно добавить настройку шанса появления брелоков, хотелось бы сделать, что бы их шанс появления был от силы 5-10%
Ovosh1337  [author] 8 May @ 11:25am 
Released version 2.4
1) added 5 trinkets (4 regular, 1 golden trinket: Second Opinion (Any healing will be between 80% and 135% of the original healing), Golden Second Opinion (Any healing will be between 50% and 200% of the original healing), Cursed Skull (If the damage you take leaves you with less than 20% health, you are teleported to a random location), Purple Heart (Increases enemy spawnrate by 10%),Used Diaper (Reduces enemy spawnrate by 10%) )
2) that's all
Ovosh1337  [author] 7 May @ 5:39am 
you can help me with the translation if you want
Ovosh1337  [author] 7 May @ 5:36am 
The mod has so far been translated only into Russian and English
企雨 6 May @ 9:19pm 
is not Chinese?
CillianCat 6 May @ 6:50pm 
I don't know if this is a bug or intentional but when I switch between load outs, the trinket stays the same in the trinket spot no matter what load out you use.
Ovosh1337  [author] 6 May @ 5:27am 
buy a new item from a merchant during the blood moon
Ovosh1337  [author] 6 May @ 5:26am 
@Aric6172 yes
Aric6172 5 May @ 4:32pm 
will this mod work in a world that has already been generated?
Silly the Vaporeon 4 May @ 3:07pm 
yea it probably should be post mechs
Ovosh1337  [author] 4 May @ 12:47pm 
Released version 2.3
1)Added 2 new trinkets and their golden trinket versions (Blind Rage (Increases the immunity time when taking damage by 0.25 seconds) and Missing Poster (Reduces respawn time by 1.5 seconds)).
2)Fixed many bugs
3)Changed the rarity and prices of golden trinkets.
Captain Shockbreaker 30 Apr @ 5:18pm 
If it is added it should probably be at least post mechs since having two trinkets on top of a full row of accessories could be pretty strong.
Silly the Vaporeon 30 Apr @ 4:15pm 
Could Mom's Purse be added as an item to give you another trinket slot (only usable once ofc)?
KNKoc 30 Apr @ 2:09pm 
Eyesack we lov u :smile:
Busybody64 30 Apr @ 10:33am 
liliceman21 29 Apr @ 1:17pm 
The :GDNormal:Ing Of Risaac
Mako 28 Apr @ 9:47am 
no way i cant beleive they added accessories 2 to terraria
jinho006 28 Apr @ 8:33am 
Waverly 27 Apr @ 11:02pm 
sharkyseablade 27 Apr @ 6:45pm 
why does it say inspired by the binding of isaac? this is straight up from the binding of isaac
MegaAlex70 27 Apr @ 6:19pm 
for a second I got confused if I was looking at the tboi workshop
shindi 27 Apr @ 4:12pm 
The binding of terraria
Skwigs 27 Apr @ 12:40pm