Arma 3
Proelium Altis
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
BM  [developer] 14 Jan @ 12:04pm
Summer break
We wanted to thank you and wish you happy vacations! We are taking a little break (not unfortunately from real life commitments). Thanks to your helpful contributions, it has been a really busy and successful few months for Proelium. If we were to make a prediction, around October we might see another full-bodied update, but until then there will definitely be adjustments and solutions to small problems encountered. Finally, here is a short list of what we announced at the beginning of the year and then implemented.

Thank you all!

Listed for this year:
  • New tasks
  • New features
  • New bon & pen
  • New achievements
  • New compatibilities
Last edited by BM; 28 Jun @ 2:09am
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
I guess if you're going to expand on missions I think you can expand on the regular presence patrols by including KEYLEs (Key leadership engagements) and VSO ( Village stabilization operations) which were common for infantry units and even SF ODAs to do during the GWOT. KEYLEs like talking to village elders or anyone with authority and VSOs to get the entire population to support you were a big part of the interactions with villages, towns. Getting there support was seen as important regardless of what you think of the outcome of that war.
Originally posted by Niner Tactics:
I guess if you're going to expand on missions I think you can expand on the regular presence patrols by including KEYLEs (Key leadership engagements) and VSO ( Village stabilization operations) which were common for infantry units and even SF ODAs to do during the GWOT. KEYLEs like talking to village elders or anyone with authority and VSOs to get the entire population to support you were a big part of the interactions with villages, towns. Getting there support was seen as important regardless of what you think of the outcome of that war.
Oh yeah almost forgot HVT kill capture missions too to have that counter insurgency feel but maybe we need more AI teammates.
BM  [developer] 24 Jan @ 5:26am 
As also mentioned on Discord, I like your suggestions. I find them interesting and in line with what we are building - it seems that you have therefore acquired the right spirit and know what Proelium is about. However, regarding the number of AI, always remember that we are talking about Arma 3 and we have worked a lot on balancing the performances. Currently no one has reported fps drops and this is one of the greatest successes of this scenario. Thank you very much, if even after future updates you have new ideas to illustrate, please do so!
Octopuss 7 Apr @ 11:55pm 
Hi BM, Just find out most of your in-game text (such as achievement and bonus/penalty) are not fully localized(English only?).
As a Chinese player and a fan of your great work,if you need Simplified Chinese translate of in-game text, please contact me(via steam if you please).
Yesterday I play with my friends(non of them are good at English),I have to explain all of your features one by one to make them understand:steamfacepalm:
Anyway,i think if your scenario support more language,there will be more players around the world can enjoy your Masterpiece(or should I say:Magnum Opus):steamthumbsup:
BM  [developer] 8 Apr @ 1:54am 
Originally posted by Octopuss:
Hi BM, Just find out most of your in-game text (such as achievement and bonus/penalty) are not fully localized(English only?).
As a Chinese player and a fan of your great work,if you need Simplified Chinese translate of in-game text, please contact me(via steam if you please).
Yesterday I play with my friends(non of them are good at English),I have to explain all of your features one by one to make them understand:steamfacepalm:
Anyway,i think if your scenario support more language,there will be more players around the world can enjoy your Masterpiece(or should I say:Magnum Opus):steamthumbsup:

Thank you very much for your proposal and for your words. I find it absolutely fantastic and in reality even if Proelium is not completely translated into other languages, each line of text is already inside a Stringtable, therefore prepared for localization. We received another similar valuable offer from a Russian guy, so we will most likely open a dedicated work section on our little Discord server. Once the work is set up, I will contact you both as soon as possible, if in the meantime you would like to join our server you would be welcome.
The 'Magnum opus' brought a smile to my face, brilliant. Thanks again!
Komodo 30 May @ 12:56pm 
is it possible to play with other factions other than BLUFOR?
BM  [developer] 30 May @ 2:05pm 
Originally posted by Komodo:
is it possible to play with other factions other than BLUFOR?
Hi Komodo! Yeah it is possible. When you are in the lobby set the parameters as you wish, among those you will also find the faction to play with.
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