Arma 3
Uniform Injury Effect (UIE) V2
J3FF  [developer] 28 Dec, 2023 @ 6:52am
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_mickey_ 28 Dec, 2023 @ 7:58am 
@J3FF Hi!

My problems are that some uniforms from some mods will not have a blood texture, until the character is killed. Thus, the mod will not display blood textures when character wounded, blood appears ONLY after the death of the character. Discovered and problematic mods today - @VSM All-In-One Collection - , and @YuEmod -

Please note, that everything is fine with @RHS uniform
Last edited by _mickey_; 28 Dec, 2023 @ 12:15pm
J3FF  [developer] 28 Dec, 2023 @ 8:53am 
@_mickey_ Hey!

Could you try using as few other mods as possible in your game?
Load UIE, CBA, and the uniform mods + their dependencies and see if it changes anything.
not gonna be the most comprehensive report, but its that black uniform bug. i havent done any real testing and just gonna try my best to piece together whatever i gathered from playing

-When does it happen?
Seems to be random, but one standout feature from this is that it happened to units which have been unloaded/far away from player/zeus camera, or simply not visible by the player. I was testing things in La Rochelle on Tanoa with my character and affected AI being at the main airport, and after around 20-40 minutes I come back to the airport and all of the AI units have black uniforms. All the AI use vanilla Syndikat uniforms except two guys who use uniforms from the Arma 3 Aegis/Atlas mods.
Note: after leaving the aiport for a few minutes and coming back, some units somehow got fixed, while others got "partially fixed". An AI wearing Syndikat Jacket uniform had the jacket black, but the pants were normal.

Quite a few of them and probably too many to list in comment section. I can send the HTML file with all the mods used on discord or something. But in terms of other conflicting injury/texture mods, there are none. Again, didn't do any actual dedicated testing, the bug.. just happens.

-Where did it happen?
Dedicated server and singleplayer scenario (launched from eden editor). Host of server said he also had the issue, but apparently only with units I spawned in.

-Were the units injured?
No. Interestingly enough, dead AI who are injured don't seem to turn black ever, but uninjured ones seem to.

Lastly, I tab out of the game quite often, so maybe its somehow related to that. Can't think of anything else, so there you go.
J3FF  [developer] 8 Jan @ 10:56am 
Thankyou for the report ultrameganasral!

I'm beginning to wonder if vanilla uniforms are the issue. I have a check in place that checks if the uniform is vanilla and then doesnt activate the system on it (making it 100% impossible to cause black uniforms or other issues). However I think that check might only apply to truly vanilla uniforms, and not ones added in updates or dlc. I'm going to do some testing and see if I can replicate the issues and go from there.
leh2012 25 Jan @ 6:28am 
Considering the black uniforms bug. Today I was checking S&S uniforms.
I created all available S&S Groups (~250 soldiers in total) on the Tanoa airbase and started blasting. I noticed that some uniforms had no blood. To try to fix it I launched ArmA with UIE. After the battle I landed to inspect the bodies. Blood appeared! But when I got up close I noticed that trees and distant objects started to blur as if my textures were set to the new ultra low setting instead of ultra. Plus, some of the uniforms were black.
Discovering that, I started playing around trying to reproduce the bug without S&S Uniforms.
I managed to do that with vanilla gear only. For that I used ~1000 soldiers with copy pasted lead-out.
With UIE active some of their uniforms were turning black a few seconds after the start of the mission.
When I toggled the setting that applies UIE to players only, black uniforms ceased to appear (and trees and distant objects stopped being blurry).
When I switched off UIE black uniforms ceased to appear as well.
Therefore, it is safe to assume that UIE has something to do with it. Most likely, this problem arises when PC can barely handle the game. Because we all have different hardware and mods, this texture overload will happen in different moment for different players.
Outside of this stress test, I haven’t seen black uniforms with UIE. But I play small SP battles most of the time… More tests needed.
PS: I really love UIE! It improves immersion so much!
Last edited by leh2012; 25 Jan @ 6:41am
J3FF  [developer] 25 Jan @ 7:09am 
Thankyou for the investigation Ieh2012! The association of the black uniforms with UIE was known however often hard to reproduce in an exact way. I have also experienced the reduction of other objects texture quality when a large number of units are present. UIE already renders uniforms on low texture settings because of its slight performance impact, however while not directly hurting performance it will eventually use up the texture budget if there are lots of different uniforms, thats likely whats occuring here.

Something to try would be increasing your windows paging file and see if that contributes too it!
leh2012 25 Jan @ 2:44pm 
J3FF, I am happy to inform you that increasing my windows paging file indeed stopped black textures from appearing in the example with 1000 soldiers I mentioned above! (I increased my RAM recently and forgot to change the file accordingly).
It seems that my findings correspond with your understanding of the situation which is good! I hope I was able to help you at least a little bit!
Once again, your mod is truly amazing for it successfully fixes very important issue!
Have a wonderful day!
J3FF  [developer] 25 Jan @ 2:58pm 
Thankyou for confirming that! I will add that note to the mod description!
Rowdy 9 Mar @ 5:43pm 
half the time this doesnt work for some reason
J3FF  [developer] 10 Mar @ 12:41pm 
@Rowdy Hey! Do you think you could provide some more info on what you mean by that? Does the blood not appear, does the uniform turn black, something else?
Rowdy 14 Mar @ 2:46am 
blood doesnt appear sometimes, not sure if its the mods im using, and also sometimes on respawn it will appear
J3FF  [developer] 15 Mar @ 9:23am 
If its just not appearing at all then the uniform you are using likely doesn't have hidden selections. This is something the mod maker for that uniform sets when creating the uniform and isn't something I have control of.
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