A Requiem For Man: The Requiem Armory
Compatibility with Teslarage's Armour Upgrade
create an XComArmourUpgrades.ini in the config folder
copy paste this into the XComArmourUpgrades.ini

;Requiem Armory
+arrVestsToConvert = (VestTemplateName = "RequiemStainlessVest")

the vest should now be converted into a vest module
the reason for why adding this here is because copy pasting that into the armour upgrade mod doesn't work, it needs to be in this mod's config folder for it to work, i already tested it, the same goes to spectrum enemies mod, lwotc enemy pack, custodian's hyperdrive vest, and alpha's drone and robotics shield vest, so you can apply the same method to the mod i just mentioned
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Tried this, and still isn't working. Although I did notice, that even though the mod title for TeslaRage's mod is [WOTC] Armour Upgrades, the config file doesn't contain the "u" in the word Armour. Gonna try reloading again with this change made to your file listed above, and see if this makes a difference. Will let you know.
Yep. That's fixed it. Works for me now. Thanks for this.
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