Vanilla Factions Expanded - Empire
Room types - Gallery & Ballroom
Just posting this here so others can more easily find it.

Автор сообщения: Oskar Potocki
Any instrument in a room makes a ballroom, 4 works of art make a gallery.

When it says "Any insturment" I ran into the issue of the piano from 'Vanilla Furniture Expanded' turning my recreation rooms into ball rooms.
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I can confirm that the instruments in this Mod don't count to a Ballroom:


How exactly would one add them?
legodude17  [Разработчик] 10 апр. 2023 г. в 10:27 
Автор сообщения: Black★Rock Shooter
When it says "Any insturment" I ran into the issue of the piano from 'Vanilla Furniture Expanded' turning my recreation rooms into ball rooms.
Unfortunately there's no easy way to detect if something is meant to be a rec room, but I can look into it.

Автор сообщения: TurtleShroom
I can confirm that the instruments in this Mod don't count to a Ballroom:
How exactly would one add them?
You'd need to make sure they have the thingClass of Building_MusicalInstrument.
tbh @legodude17 it's fine now that I am aware of what counts as what. I kept having my dining rooms turn into galleries due to spamming statues. Lol
Is it possible to make a throne-room, rec-room, gallery, ballroom, and dining-room (+nutrient p.d.) into a single room? Or is there an exclusion between the gallery/ballroom and other room types?
Отредактировано Trainee86; 14 апр. 2023 г. в 23:24
legodude17  [Разработчик] 15 апр. 2023 г. в 12:00 
Автор сообщения: Trainee86
Is it possible to make a throne-room, rec-room, gallery, ballroom, and dining-room (+nutrient p.d.) into a single room? Or is there an exclusion between the gallery/ballroom and other room types?
A room can only be one type at a time. Pawns can still use tables and chairs and rec items in other rooms, but that's just because they don't actually depend on the room type.
Does anyone know why the harpsichord appears to be completely neglected? A harp is enough for an archcount, a piano is well over the top. Tthe middle ground, despite clearly making its room a ballroom, also makes it "undignified", how queer
Okay, I am confused again. I have a Ballroom with three Sculptures, those aforementioned Tribal Instruments, and a Harpsichord.

The only other thing I have in the Room besides Stools for each instrument is the Fireplace from this Mod:

In spite of this, my Room is still classified as Recreational. Am I doing something wrong?
legodude17  [Разработчик] 7 мая. 2023 г. в 13:11 
Can you cook things on the fireplace? If so, it may be classified as a work table block it from being a ballroom.
Автор сообщения: legodude17
Can you cook things on the fireplace? If so, it may be classified as a work table block it from being a ballroom.

No, the Fireplace doesn't do anything except heat the room.

<ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase"> <defName>MLH_LargeFireplace</defName> <label>large fireplace</label> <description>A fireplace of great size that can be used to heat up large spaces, like a tavern, or a great hall.</description> <thingClass>Building_WorkTable</thingClass> <category>Building</category> <graphicData> <texPath>Things/Building/LargeFireplace/MLH_LargeFireplace</texPath> <graphicClass>Graphic_Multi</graphicClass> <drawRotated>false</drawRotated> <allowFlip>false</allowFlip> <drawSize>(4.1, 3.1)</drawSize> <damageData> <rect>(0.2,0,0.6,0.1)</rect> </damageData> </graphicData> <rotatable>true</rotatable> <uiIconPath>Things/Building/LargeFireplace/MLH_LargeFireplace</uiIconPath> <altitudeLayer>Building</altitudeLayer> <passability>PassThroughOnly</passability> <pathCost>50</pathCost> <fillPercent>0.65</fillPercent> <tickerType>Normal</tickerType> <drawerType>RealtimeOnly</drawerType> <size>(4, 3)</size> <statBases> <MaxHitPoints>350</MaxHitPoints> <WorkToBuild>4000</WorkToBuild> <Flammability>0</Flammability> <WorkTableWorkSpeedFactor>0.5</WorkTableWorkSpeedFactor> </statBases> <selectable>true</selectable> <stuffCategories> <li>Stony</li> </stuffCategories> <costStuffCount>350</costStuffCount> <costList> <WoodLog>40</WoodLog> <!-- just the intial wood --> </costList> <soundImpactDefault>BulletImpact_Ground</soundImpactDefault> <leaveResourcesWhenKilled>false</leaveResourcesWhenKilled> <placeWorkers> <li>PlaceWorker_PreventInteractionSpotOverlap</li> <li>PlaceWorker_Heater</li> </placeWorkers> <drawPlaceWorkersWhileSelected>true</drawPlaceWorkersWhileSelected> <comps> <li Class="CompProperties_Flickable"/> <li Class="CompProperties_Refuelable"> <fuelConsumptionRate>3.5</fuelConsumptionRate> <fuelCapacity>120.0</fuelCapacity> <fuelConsumptionPerTickInRain>0.0006</fuelConsumptionPerTickInRain> <fuelFilter> <thingDefs> <li>WoodLog</li> </thingDefs> </fuelFilter> <initialFuelPercent>1</initialFuelPercent> <showAllowAutoRefuelToggle>true</showAllowAutoRefuelToggle> </li> <li Class="CompProperties_Glower"> <glowRadius>25</glowRadius> <glowColor>(252,187,113,0)</glowColor> </li> <li Class="CompProperties_HeatPusher"> <compClass>CompHeatPusherPowered</compClass> <heatPerSecond>80</heatPerSecond> <heatPushMaxTemperature>24</heatPushMaxTemperature> </li> <li> <compClass>CompGatherSpot</compClass> </li> <li Class="Gloomylynx.CompProperties_FireOverlayRotatable"> <compClass>Gloomylynx.CompFireOverlayRotatable</compClass> <fireSize>0.75</fireSize> <offset>(0,0,-0.75)</offset> <showRotateList> <li>North</li> </showRotateList> </li> </comps> <designationCategory>Temperature</designationCategory> <designationHotKey>Misc1</designationHotKey> <hasInteractionCell>True</hasInteractionCell> <interactionCellOffset>(0,0,-2)</interactionCellOffset> </ThingDef>

^ That is the code for the Large Fireplace. It does not have any Bills.
legodude17  [Разработчик] 7 мая. 2023 г. в 13:46 
It has the thingClass of Building_WorkTable, which is how crafting stations are detected. The ballroom does not allow crafting stations, which means the room with the fireplace can't be a ballroom.
Автор сообщения: legodude17
It has the thingClass of Building_WorkTable, which is how crafting stations are detected. The ballroom does not allow crafting stations, which means the room with the fireplace can't be a ballroom.

Huh. How weird. Would you please consider writing a Patch on your end to fix that?
legodude17  [Разработчик] 7 мая. 2023 г. в 14:02 
Автор сообщения: TurtleShroom
Автор сообщения: legodude17
It has the thingClass of Building_WorkTable, which is how crafting stations are detected. The ballroom does not allow crafting stations, which means the room with the fireplace can't be a ballroom.

Huh. How weird. Would you please consider writing a Patch on your end to fix that?
I'm not sure what you want me to do. The issue is with the fireplace being set as a workbench despite not having recipes.
Автор сообщения: legodude17
I'm not sure what you want me to do. The issue is with the fireplace being set as a workbench despite not having recipes.

That's what I mean. I would like to see if you could write a Patch for the Mod I linked that fixes that issue on your end, because I am pretty sure that the actual Mod maker no longer updates it.
legodude17  [Разработчик] 7 мая. 2023 г. в 14:37 
Автор сообщения: TurtleShroom
Автор сообщения: legodude17
I'm not sure what you want me to do. The issue is with the fireplace being set as a workbench despite not having recipes.

That's what I mean. I would like to see if you could write a Patch for the Mod I linked that fixes that issue on your end, because I am pretty sure that the actual Mod maker no longer updates it.
Sorry, I'm not going to make a patch for some random unmaintained mod to fix an issue with it. I don't think that's a good use of my time. What's stopping you from making a patch yourself?
Автор сообщения: legodude17
Sorry, I'm not going to make a patch for some random unmaintained mod to fix an issue with it. I don't think that's a good use of my time. What's stopping you from making a patch yourself?

That reply came off to me as rude, or at least condescending. There is no discernment of voice and tone online, so I am not sure if that was what you meant.

The two second Patch it would take would be about a kilobyte in length and I really don't want to upload an isolated Mod that small just to fix something like that.

If you want, I can write the Patch for you, if you are so busy, and you can include it that way. it would simply be far easier to do it on your end.
Отредактировано TurtleShroom; 7 мая. 2023 г. в 16:47
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