

Android Tiers Reforged [LEGACY]
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Winterbloom  [developer] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 10:48am
Bug Reports
It is recommended to join the Android Tiers discord ( https://discord.com/invite/udNCpbkABT ) to report bugs, but for those who do not wish too, this discussion is for you to report bugs too. Bug reports must include a Hugslog from Hugslib (CTRL+F12 ingame). Thank you for your co-operation.

PLEASE READ: Currently issues have arose with hugslib, please go to:


for manual instead of the new standalone uploader use this:

AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios

And grab your player.log file, and post it in a pastebin for us. I also would recommend joining the discord as it makes it a bit harder on us not having a hugslog to go on to provide support here on steam.
Last edited by Winterbloom; 4 May, 2023 @ 12:29pm
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Showing 1-15 of 191 comments
Darmanarnar 18 Jan, 2023 @ 11:02pm 
When im Crating new worlds it only generates One Type of Map (i think its wasteland because it only have little population). i pinned point it into this mod. pls fix i love this mod.
Darmanarnar 18 Jan, 2023 @ 11:03pm 
even if i change the seeed it still spawns the same
Winterbloom  [developer] 19 Jan, 2023 @ 4:25am 
We can't do anything if you do not provide a Hugslog with your report, without it we cant even see whats breaking, it may not even be our mod, it could be another mod your using for instance, or an issue with rimworld its self.
Just a short report, because of this issue here:

There is an issue, for some reason, with the latest humanoid alien races. It seems like, older files are mixing up with newer ones.
Unsubbed from that mod, deleted the folder with the content of the mod, resubbed to it, loaded the game, works fine now.

Sometimes Steam is against the anti-vanilla users.
This should also be recalled inside the "compatibility issues", I guess, as this is a very common, but very highly overlooked, issue, since Steam has kinda the worst "just slap the new sh*t right on top and next to it!" download merger logic ever.
Trixalicious 19 Jan, 2023 @ 7:55am 
I seem to have an issue with loading a save that has surrogates, using a human with a Transceiver and surrogate humans with Receivers.
Whenever you load a save, any skill experience a surrogate earns goes toward that pawn alone, rather than the controller. I can fix it by disconnecting and reconnecting them from the SkyMind, after which the pawn with the transceiver starts to earn the experience again like normal. But that also means all their work priorities and areas get reset, and they drop their equipment.
Included the log, though it doesn't throw an error about this specifically. https://pastebin.com/sEfWqsZx
Winterbloom  [developer] 19 Jan, 2023 @ 8:53am 
Originally posted by Trixalicious:
I seem to have an issue with loading a save that has surrogates, using a human with a Transceiver and surrogate humans with Receivers.
Whenever you load a save, any skill experience a surrogate earns goes toward that pawn alone, rather than the controller. I can fix it by disconnecting and reconnecting them from the SkyMind, after which the pawn with the transceiver starts to earn the experience again like normal. But that also means all their work priorities and areas get reset, and they drop their equipment.
Included the log, though it doesn't throw an error about this specifically. https://pastebin.com/sEfWqsZx

This is probably related to Vanilla Framework Expanded, as their MVCF.dll has been causing some issues, they are working on it currently as this was on their end.

But I will forward this to killa incase theres something else going on.
Last edited by Winterbloom; 19 Jan, 2023 @ 8:54am
bonafide boofer 19 Jan, 2023 @ 1:17pm 
Currently having an issue with pawns, both human and bots, locking up when trying to perform mechanic jobs on injured bots. Happens with pawns both skilled and unskilled at mechanics. The errors are thrown when pawns attempt to pick up repair stims off of a shelf.

Winterbloom  [developer] 19 Jan, 2023 @ 10:38pm 
Originally posted by Spoons:
Currently having an issue with pawns, both human and bots, locking up when trying to perform mechanic jobs on injured bots. Happens with pawns both skilled and unskilled at mechanics. The errors are thrown when pawns attempt to pick up repair stims off of a shelf.


Please refer to the "Incompatabilities & Reasons for them" as your using a mod that I can see that causes this.
bonafide boofer 19 Jan, 2023 @ 11:19pm 
Ahh, that's unfortunate. Thanks.
PearificPear 20 Jan, 2023 @ 5:13am 
Having two issues, both regarding medicine.

Pawns use repair kits interchangeably with medicine on non-android pawns. (I checked the settings of the mod, that option is not ticked).

Androids set to do maintanance and have the lowest tier of medicine checked just stand by the shelf where medicine is stored, and yet do nothing. Setting their treatment to "doctor care no medicine" immediately makes them start doing maintanance.

Haven't done further testing yet, and not good at reading logs (yet), but I my intuition is telling me it has something to do with either Smart Medicine or Pharmacist.

Winterbloom  [developer] 20 Jan, 2023 @ 5:51am 
Originally posted by Pearific:
Having two issues, both regarding medicine.

Pawns use repair kits interchangeably with medicine on non-android pawns. (I checked the settings of the mod, that option is not ticked).

Androids set to do maintanance and have the lowest tier of medicine checked just stand by the shelf where medicine is stored, and yet do nothing. Setting their treatment to "doctor care no medicine" immediately makes them start doing maintanance.

Haven't done further testing yet, and not good at reading logs (yet), but I my intuition is telling me it has something to do with either Smart Medicine or Pharmacist.


Same issue as spoons, you are using both smart medicine and pharmacists, they are incompatible. There is a discussion for this.
bonafide boofer 20 Jan, 2023 @ 5:11pm 
My apologies. I admittedly skimmed right past the smart medicine/pharmacy section of that post. Again, thanks for your help!
PearificPear 20 Jan, 2023 @ 5:17pm 
Noted. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Winterbloom  [developer] 20 Jan, 2023 @ 6:24pm 
Originally posted by Pearific:
Noted. Sorry for the inconvenience.
no worries or reason to apologize, hard to convey emotion through text alond, you should be fine by putting them further down the mod list but im not quite sure if that works for all of them.
Rooskey 20 Jan, 2023 @ 9:19pm 
Deconstructing androids seems to cause the "We butchered humanlike" moodlet. I tested it on a T2 android (to make sure that deconstructing was definitely the cause), and it worked.
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