

[3.8] Sleeper Worms
sirblackaxe 21 Jan, 2023 @ 12:10pm
Techweights code
In order for the blocker-clearing tech to be drawable, I think it needs to look something like this? I also added some standard weight modifiers so that stuff like expertise traits and rare tech boosts apply.

sw22_tech_repair_damage = { cost = @tier3cost3 area = society tier = 2 # 3? is_rare = yes # is_reverse_engineerable = no # Removed: Now possible to steal via espionage (if potential). prerequisites = { "tech_basic_industry" } start_tech = no category = { new_worlds } weight = @tier3weight3 # Added base weight. # weight_groups = { # Not added # deposit_blockers # } # mod_weight_if_group_picked = { # Not added # deposit_blockers = 0.5 # } potential = { any_owned_planet = { OR = { has_deposit = sw22_d_damage_1 has_deposit = sw22_d_damage_2 has_deposit = sw22_d_damage_3 } } } weight_modifier = { factor = 10 # 0 # Replaced modifier = { # Added: Standard for blocker clearing techs factor = 1.25 has_tradition = tr_expansion_adopt } modifier = { # Added: Standard for blocker clearing techs factor = 4 has_ascension_perk = ap_mastery_of_nature } modifier = { factor = 0 # 10 # Replaced NOT = { # Added NOT any_owned_planet = { OR = { # NOR = { # Replaced has_deposit = "sw22_d_damage_1" has_deposit = "sw22_d_damage_2" has_deposit = "sw22_d_damage_3" } } } } modifier = { # Added: Standard for all techs factor = value:tech_weight_likelihood research_leader = { area = society has_trait = "leader_trait_expertise_new_worlds" } } modifier = { # Added: Standard for rare techs factor = @ap_technological_ascendancy_rare_tech has_ascension_perk = ap_technological_ascendancy } modifier = { # Added: Standard for rare techs factor = @federation_perk_factor has_federation = yes federation = { has_federation_perk = rare_tech_boost any_member = { has_technology = tech_gene_banks } } } } ai_weight = { modifier = { factor = 500 } modifier = { # Added: Standard for blocker clearing techs (for if you lose the planet with the blocker after drawing the tech but for finishing it) factor = 0 NOT = { any_owned_planet = { OR = { has_deposit = "sw22_d_damage_1" has_deposit = "sw22_d_damage_2" has_deposit = "sw22_d_damage_3" } } } } modifier = { # Added: Standard for all techs factor = 1.25 research_leader = { area = society has_trait = "leader_trait_expertise_new_worlds" } } } }
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Frai7ty  [developer] 24 Jan, 2023 @ 1:33pm 
This looks good, I'm testing something similar now to see if it works.
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