Feral Frostmane Mammoth
 Denna tråd har blivit fäst, så den är troligtvis viktig
zerg93  [utvecklare] 21 dec, 2022 @ 10:42
Bug reports
Before reporting a possible bug You should take notice of the following:
-Immortal Empires Is still in BETA and has a certain number of minor and major bugs, including crashes.
This might lead You to wrongly assume that my mods are responsible for those issues when they are not.
-LOD issues/missing textures issues should NOT be reported as bugs since can be caused by low settings, LOD mods, Immortal Empires BETA bugs and/or even some faulty version of H3ro asset editor.
Translated= I generally can't do anything about that.
If you are experiencing low poly models+missing textures related to the current state of the game there isn't a common solution that works for everyone, but I managed to fix that by doing the following:
-Disable Sharpening
-Enable FXAA
-Enable Unlimited video memory
It's surely not an optimal solution for low-mid rigs (FXAA+Unlimited video memory will likely destroy your FPS) but It seems to work.
-ALWAYS try to replicate the bug on a new campaign and with only my mod enabled before sending the report.
-Be specific and explain the bug's behaviour as best as You can.
Vague/unhelpful reports like "This mod crashes my game!!Fix It!!!!" without proofs will be ignored and deleted.