Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

More Description for Traits [b42 & b41]
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Champy  [developer] 23 Dec, 2024 @ 9:51am
B42 Translations
Post your b42 translations here.

Be advised that b42 will get more patches and so your translations is likely to soon be outdated.

I will add your translation when I have the time, not right away.

Files to translate are in media/lua/shared/Translate/EN folder

And do note that it's crucial that the "Forge" , "Knit" , "Construct" , "Growing Seasons" and "Make Jar of" translations precisely match the wording of the vanilla recipes translations, otherwise the basic recipe grouping logic will not work.

For example, in english we have the KnitBalaclavaFace recipe translated as :

"Knit Open-Face Balaclava"

So I made sure the translation of UI_moredesc_Knit is "Knit" because it starts with Knit , so the recipe grouping works for Knitting.

Recipe Grouping may or may not work depending on your language. I'll try to improve it in the future.
Last edited by Champy; 28 Dec, 2024 @ 9:25am
< >
Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
LoneRFeeD 26 Dec, 2024 @ 5:10pm 
Russian translate

Change the encoding to UTF-8



IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_FishBait = "Приманки для рыб",
IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_ForestRarities = "Лесные редкости",
IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_WildHerbs = "Дикие травы",
IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_DeadAnimals = "Мёртвые животные",
LoneRFeeD 26 Dec, 2024 @ 5:11pm 

UI_RU = {

UI_trait_knownrecipes = "Известные рецепты:",
UI_trait_moredesc_percent = "(%1%)",
UI_trait_moredesc_currentlybugged = "(!!! CURRENTLY BUGGED !!!)",

UI_trait_moredesc_grappleeffectiveness = "%1% Эффективность хватки",

UI_trait_moredesc_HPtoallconstructionsexceptwalls = "%1 HP ко всем конструкциям, кроме стен",

UI_trait_moredesc_Fasterbuildingspeed = "Увеличение скорости строительства",
UI_trait_moredesc_Fasterbarricadingspeed = "Немного увеличена скорость создания баррикад",

UI_trait_moredesc_gearswitchingspeed = "%1% скорости переключения передач",
UI_trait_moredesc_topspeed = "%1% максимальной скорости для всех транспортных средств",
UI_trait_moredesc_engineloudnessreversing = "%1% громкости двигателя при движении задним ходом",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedreversingspeed = "Увеличение скорости движения задним ходом",
UI_trait_moredesc_acceleration = "%1% ускорения",
UI_trait_moredesc_reverseacceleration = "%1% ускорения заднего хода",
UI_trait_moredesc_maxspeed = "Максимальная скорость %1 MPH",
UI_trait_moredesc_nochangetoengineloudness = "Громкость работы двигателя не меняется",

UI_trait_moredesc_motionsickness = "(Увеличивается тем быстрее, чем быстрее едет транспортное средство, максимум %1% болезни)",

UI_trait_moredesc_panicexceptnightterrors = "%1% паники, кроме ночных кошмаров и фобий",
UI_trait_moredesc_doesntpanicfromzombiereanimating = "Не паникует от оживления зомби",
UI_trait_moredesc_stressfromlootingcorpses = "%1% стресса и несчастья от снятия предметов с трупов",
UI_trait_moredesc_nostressfromlootingzombies = "Нет стресса или несчастья от снятия предметов с трупов",

UI_trait_moredesc_footstepsoundradius = "%1% радиуса звука шагов",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripvaultingfence = "%1% шанс споткнуться, когда бегом/спринтом перепрыгиваешь низкий забор или когда на тебя бросаются зомби",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "Повышенный шанс падения при столкновении с зомби или выжившим",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "Уменьшается шанс падения при столкновении с зомби или выжившим",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceofinjurywhenopeningcan = "Повышенный шанс получить травму при открытии банки без консервного ножа",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceofinjurywhenopeningcan = "Уменьшение шанса получить травму при открытии банки без консервного ножа",

UI_trait_moredesc_alsogivesblurryvision = "Дает нечеткое зрение",
UI_trait_moredesc_weaponsightsrangebonusatminimum = "Бонус дальности прицела оружия всегда имеет минимальное значение",
UI_trait_moredesc_maluscanberemovedbywearingglasses = "Недостаток можно устранить, надев очки",

UI_trait_moredesc_soundeffectsmuffled = "Некоторые звуковые эффекты будут приглушены",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombiesbehindvisiblelater = "Зомби, приближающиеся сзади, будут видны позже",

UI_trait_moredesc_canthearsound = "Не слышно звука. Радиопереговоры не отображаются",
UI_trait_moredesc_stillabletowatchtv = "Благодаря субтитрам вы можете смотреть телевизор.",

UI_trait_moredesc_perceptionradius = "Радиус восприятия %1%",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombiesbehindvisibleearlier = "Зомби, приближающиеся сзади, будут видны гораздо раньше",

UI_trait_moredesc_widerfieldofview = "Более широкое поле зрения",
UI_trait_moredesc_maxrangemodifieronweaponsights = "%1% максимальный модификатор дальности на оружейных прицелах",

UI_trait_moredesc_hunger = "%1% голода",

UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofnotbeinginjuredbyzombies = "%1% шанс не пострадать от зомби",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofgettingscratchedcutbytrees = "%1% шанс получить царапины/порезы от деревьев",

UI_trait_moredesc_unfitlosecondition = "Заменяется на «Не в форме», если тренировать фитнес до уровня %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_unfitgaincondition = "Приобретается, если фитнес ниже уровня %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapelosecondition = "Можно избавиться, тренируя фитнес до уровня %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapelosecondition2 = "Заменяется на «Негодный», если Фитнес опускается ниже уровня %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapegaincondition = "Приобретается, если фитнес опускается ниже уровня %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_speed = "%1% скорость",
UI_trait_moredesc_fitlosecondition = "Заменяется на «Атлетичный» при достижении уровня %1 Фитнес",
UI_trait_moredesc_fitlosecondition2 = "Пропадает, если фитнес ниже уровня %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_runningsprintingspeed = "%1% скорость бега/спринта",
UI_trait_moredesc_runningsprintingenduranceloss = "%1% потеря выносливости при беге/спринте из-за самой черты",
UI_trait_moredesc_athleticlosecondition = "Пропадает, если фитнес ниже %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_athleticgaincondition = "Можно получить, тренируя Фитнес до уровня %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_highercalorythresholdtogainweight = "Повышенный порог калорийности для набора веса, если текущий вес %1кг",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripwhilerunvaulting = "%1% возможность споткнуться во время бега/спринта, перепрыгивая через низкий забор.",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripfromlunge = "%1% шанс споткнуться, когда на тебя бросаются зомби",

UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchancetotripfromlunge = "Уменьшен шанс споткнуться при атаке бросающихся зомби",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "Слегка повышенный шанс упасть, столкнувшись с зомби или выжившим",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchancetofailatallfenceclimb = "Повышенный шанс не перелезть высокий забор или стену",
UI_trait_moredesc_enduranceregeneration = "%1% регенерации выносливости",
UI_trait_moredesc_doubledendurancelosswhenrunning = "Удвоенная потеря выносливости при ходьбе с большим весом или беге, спринте, перетаскивании трупов",
UI_trait_moredesc_falldamage = "%1% урона от падения. и немного увеличенный шанс перелома/глубокой раны от падения",
UI_trait_moredesc_slowerropeclimbingspeed = "Более низкая скорость подъема по веревке",
UI_trait_moredesc_cannotgainfitnessxptowardslevel = "Невозможно получить Фитнес XP на уровне %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_startingweight = "Стартовый вес равен %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyobeseifweightgoesabove = "Заменяется на «Толстый», если вес превышает %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_lostifweightgoesbelow = "Пропадает, если вес становится ниже %1",

UI_trait_moredesc_includingnonpackagedandcookedfood = "Включая неупакованную и приготовленную пищу",

UI_trait_moredesc_meleedamage = "%1% урона, наносимого в ближнем бою",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyveryunderweightifweightgoesbelow = "Заменяется на «Очень худой», если вес ниже %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_lostifweightgoesabove = "Пропадает, если вес становится выше %1",

UI_trait_moredesc_greatlyincreasedchancetofailatallfenceclimb = "Значительно повышается вероятность провалить перелезание через высокий забор",
UI_trait_moredesc_cannotgainxptowardsfitnesslevel7orhigher = "Невозможно получить Фитнес XP для уровней 7 и выше",
UI_trait_moredesc_characterwillstartlosinglife = "Персонаж начнет терять жизнь, если его вес ниже %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyemaciatedifweightgoesbelow = "Заменяется на «Истощенный», если вес становится ниже %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyunderweightifweightgoesbelow = "Заменяется на «Худой», если вес превышает %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyveruunderweightifweightgoesabove = "Заменяется на «Очень худой», если вес превышает %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyoverweightifweightgoesbelow = "Заменяется на «Избыточный вес», если вес ниже %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_knockbackpower = "%1% силы отбрасывания",
UI_trait_moredesc_canbegainedbytrainingstrengthtolevel = "Может быть получен при тренировке силы до уровня %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbystrongatlevel9strength = "Заменяется на «Сильный» при достижении %1 уровня силы",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyfeebleatlevel2strength = "Заменяется на «Хилый» при достижении %1 уровня силы",
UI_trait_moredesc_canbelostbytrainingstrengthtolevel5 = "Может пропасть если тренировать силу до уровня %1",

UI_trait_moredesc_corpsesickness = "%1% трупная болезнь",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofcatchingacold = "%1% шанс подхватить простуду",
UI_trait_moredesc_coldstrength = "%1% силы простуды",
UI_trait_moredesc_coldprogressionspeed = "%1% скорость развития простуды",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombificationspeed = "%1% скорость зомбификации",

UI_trait_moredesc_claustrophobic = "Не впадает в панику в комнатах размером %1+ плитки. Чем меньше комната, тем быстрее нарастает паника",

UI_trait_moredesc_windpenaltywhenaimingwithguns = "%1% штрафа за ветер при прицеливании из оружия",
UI_trait_moredesc_accuracywithguns = "%1% точности при использовании оружия",
UI_trait_moredesc_critchancewithguns = "%1% шанс крита при использовании оружия",
UI_trait_moredesc_betteraimingdelay = "Улучшенная задержка прицеливания",

UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhensleeping = "%1% скорости восстановления усталости во время сна",
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhilesleeping = "%1% усталости теряется во время сна",
UI_trait_moredesc_doesnotwakeupwhenreaching0tiredness = "Но не влияет на время сна, поэтому персонаж будет спать после достижения 0 усталости",
UI_trait_moredesc_needtosetanalarmtotakefulladvantage = "Ставьте будильник каждую ночь, чтобы использовать все преимущества черты",
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednesslossratewhileawake = "%1% усталости теряется во время бодрствования",
UI_trait_moredesc_sleepduration = "%1% продолжительности сна",
UI_trait_moredesc_hardertostartsleeping = "%1% скорость восстановления усталости во время сна",

UI_trait_moredesc_greatlydecreasedchanceofscratchbytrees = "Значительно снижен шанс получить царапины/порезы при ходьбе или беге между деревьями",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofbreakingfirekindling = "%1% шанс сломать хворост для костра",
UI_trait_moredesc_lightsfiresfaster = "Зажигает костры на ~%1% быстрее",
UI_trait_moredesc_gunaimweatherpenalty = "%1% штраф за погоду при прицеливании",

UI_trait_moredesc_severityofvehicleinjuries = "%1% тяжесть травм, полученных в результате ДТП",
UI_trait_moredesc_fractureseverity = "%1% тяжести переломов",
UI_trait_moredesc_allwoundshealmuchfaster = "Все остальные раны заживают намного быстрее",
UI_trait_moredesc_allwoundshealmuchslower = "Все остальные раны заживают гораздо медленнее",
UI_trait_moredesc_noeffectonexercisefatigue = "Не влияет на усталость от упражнений",
UI_trait_moredesc_xpforallskillsexcept = "%1% XP для всех навыков, кроме Фитнеса и Силы",

UI_trait_moredesc_readingspeed = "%1% скорости чтения",

UI_trait_moredesc_basespeedatstrongpanic = "%1 базовая скорость при сильной панике",
UI_trait_moredesc_basespeedatextremepanic = "%1 базовая скорость при экстремальной панике",
UI_trait_moredesc_stillcantgoabovemovespeedcap = "(По-прежнему нельзя превысить предел скорости перемещения.)",

UI_trait_moredesc_ifusingthenewstealthsystem = "При использовании новой системы стелса:",
UI_trait_moredesc_ifusingtheoldstealthsystem = "При использовании старой системы стелса:",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofbeingspottedbyazombie = "%1% шанс быть замеченным зомби",

UI_trait_moredesc_increasedminimumanbiantlight = "Незначительное увеличение минимальной освещенности, за исключением закрытых помещений",
UI_trait_moredesc_reducedvisoinconemalusindarkness = "Снижение остроты зрения в темноте",
LoneRFeeD 26 Dec, 2024 @ 5:11pm 
UI_trait_moredesc_thirst = "%1% жажды",

UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceoffailingatallfenceclimb = "Снижение шанса потерпеть неудачу при перелезании через высокий забор или стену",
UI_trait_moredesc_slightlyincreasedropclimbingspeed = "Немного увеличена скорость лазания по веревке",

UI_trait_moredesc_aftercraftingdoesntreturnitems = "После крафтинга не возвращает использованные предметы в их первоначальный контейнер",

UI_trait_moredesc_includingtextonmapsandcaloryvaluesonfood = "Включая текст на картах или указание калорийности на упаковках с продуктами питания",

UI_trait_moredesc_hardertostartsleeping = "Тяжелее засыпать",

UI_trait_moredesc_xpforweaponskillsandaimingskill = "%1% XP для всех навыков оружия и навыка прицеливания",

UI_trait_moredesc_inventorytransferringtime = "%1% времени перемещения предметов в инвентаре",
UI_trait_moredesc_aimingdelaywithguns = "%1% задержки прицеливания с оружием",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceofjammingguns = "Снижение шанса заклинивания оружия",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceofjammingguns = "Увеличение шанса заклинивания оружия",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchancewoundwhenopeningacan = "Уменьшение шанса получить травму при открытии банки без консервного ножа",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchancewoundwhenopeningacan = "Увеличение шанса получить травму при открытии банки без консервного ножа",
UI_trait_moredesc_foodillnesschance = "%1% вероятность пищевого отравления",
UI_trait_moredesc_foodillnessduration = "Пищевое отравление длится в среднем ~ %1%",
UI_trait_moredesc_taintedwatermorepoisonous = "Грязная вода на %1% ядовитее",
UI_trait_moredesc_raweggsnevercausefoodillness = "Сырые яйца никогда не вызывают пищевое отравление",

UI_trait_moredesc_inventorytransferbloodyitemsfasterandstressfull = "Перемещение кровавых предметов в инвентаре происходит быстрее и вызывает стресс",

UI_trait_moredesc_endurancelosswhenrunningsprintingcarryingdragging = "%1% потери выносливости при беге, спринте, переносе тяжестей или перетаскивании трупов",
UI_trait_moredesc_endurancelosswhenswinging = "%1% потери выносливости при размахивании",

UI_trait_moredesc_loot = "%1% больше лута",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceoffailingitemrepairs = "%1% шанс неудачного ремонта",

UI_trait_moredesc_fasteraxeswing = "Машет топором на %1 быстрее",
UI_trait_moredesc_axetreedamage = "%1 повреждение дерева топором",

UI_prof_moredesc_movespeedintrees = "%1% скорости передвижения между деревьями",
UI_prof_moredesc_startingregularityexercise = "Начните с %1% регулярности во всех фитнес и силовых упражнениях",

UI_trait_ThinSkinnedDesc = "Повышенная вероятность того, что царапины, рваные раны или укусы повредят кожу".

LoneRFeeD 26 Dec, 2024 @ 5:13pm 
I think there are errors in these lines of code because the translation doesn't work

UI_trait_moredesc_canbelostbytrainingstrengthtolevel5 = "Can be lost by training Stength to level %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhensleeping = "%1% tiredness recovery rate when sleeping",
Champy  [developer] 27 Dec, 2024 @ 2:25am 
Thanks for the translation, I'll look into it and update the mod next week
Meme do Galo 27 Dec, 2024 @ 12:47pm 
Brazilian Portuguese translation


IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_FishBait = "Iscas para Peixe",
IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_ForestRarities = "Raridades da Floresta",
IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_WildHerbs = "Ervas Silvestres",
IGUI_SearchMode_Categories_DeadAnimals = "Animais Mortos",
Last edited by Meme do Galo; 27 Dec, 2024 @ 12:49pm
Meme do Galo 27 Dec, 2024 @ 12:49pm 

UI_trait_knownrecipes = "Receitas conhecidas:",
UI_trait_moredesc_percent = "(%1%)",
UI_trait_moredesc_currentlybugged = "(!!! ATUALMENTE COM BUG !!!)",

UI_trait_moredesc_grappleeffectiveness = "%1% de Eficácia ao Agarrar",

UI_trait_moredesc_HPtoallconstructionsexceptwalls = "%1 de HP para todas as construções, exceto paredes",

UI_trait_moredesc_Fasterbuildingspeed = "Velocidade de construção aumentada.",
UI_trait_moredesc_Fasterbarricadingspeed = "Velocidade de barricar ligeiramente aumentada.",

UI_trait_moredesc_gearswitchingspeed = "%1% de velocidade de troca de marcha",
UI_trait_moredesc_topspeed = "%1% de velocidade máxima para todos os veículos",
UI_trait_moredesc_engineloudnessreversing = "%1% do volume do motor ao dar ré",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedreversingspeed = "Velocidade de ré aumentada.",
UI_trait_moredesc_acceleration = "%1% de aceleração",
UI_trait_moredesc_reverseacceleration = "%1% de aceleração em ré",
UI_trait_moredesc_maxspeed = "Velocidade máxima de %1 MPH",
UI_trait_moredesc_nochangetoengineloudness = "Nenhuma alteração no volume do motor",

UI_trait_moredesc_motionsickness = "(Aumenta quanto maior a velocidade do veículo, até um máximo de %1% de enjoo)",

UI_trait_moredesc_panicexceptnightterrors = "%1% de pânico, exceto para terrores noturnos e fobias",
UI_trait_moredesc_doesntpanicfromzombiereanimating = "Não entra em pânico com zumbis reanimando",
UI_trait_moredesc_stressfromlootingcorpses = "%1% de estresse e infelicidade ao saquear itens de cadáveres",
UI_trait_moredesc_nostressfromlootingzombies = "Nenhum estresse ou infelicidade ao saquear itens de cadáveres de zumbis",

UI_trait_moredesc_footstepsoundradius = "%1% do raio do som dos passos",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripvaultingfence = "%1% de chance de tropeçar ao pular/correr sobre uma cerca baixa ou ser atacado por zumbis em investida",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "Maior chance de cair ao esbarrar em um zumbi ou sobrevivente",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "Menor chance de cair ao esbarrar em um zumbi ou sobrevivente",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceofinjurywhenopeningcan = "Maior chance de se machucar ao abrir uma lata sem abridor",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceofinjurywhenopeningcan = "Menor chance de se machucar ao abrir uma lata sem abridor",

UI_trait_moredesc_alsogivesblurryvision = "Também causa visão embaçada",
UI_trait_moredesc_weaponsightsrangebonusatminimum = "O bônus de alcance das miras de armas está sempre no valor mínimo",
UI_trait_moredesc_maluscanberemovedbywearingglasses = "Os efeitos negativos podem ser cancelados usando óculos",

UI_trait_moredesc_soundeffectsmuffled = "Alguns efeitos sonoros serão abafados.",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombiesbehindvisiblelater = "Zumbis se aproximando por trás serão visíveis mais tarde",

UI_trait_moredesc_canthearsound = "Não é possível ouvir som. As informações do rádio não aparecem.",
UI_trait_moredesc_stillabletowatchtv = "Ainda é possível assistir TV devido às legendas.",

UI_trait_moredesc_perceptionradius = "%1% do raio de percepção",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombiesbehindvisibleearlier = "Zumbis se aproximando por trás serão visíveis muito mais cedo",

UI_trait_moredesc_widerfieldofview = "Campo de visão mais amplo",
UI_trait_moredesc_maxrangemodifieronweaponsights = "%1% de modificador de alcance máximo nas miras de armas",

UI_trait_moredesc_hunger = "%1% de fome",

UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofnotbeinginjuredbyzombies = "%1% de chance de não ser ferido por zumbis",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofgettingscratchedcutbytrees = "%1% de chance de ser arranhado/cortado por árvores",

UI_trait_moredesc_unfitlosecondition = "Pode se tornar Fora de Forma treinando Condicionamento Físico até o nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_unfitgaincondition = "Adquirido se o Condicionamento Físico estiver abaixo do nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapelosecondition = "Pode ser perdido treinando Condicionamento Físico até o nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapelosecondition2 = "Substituído por Fora de Forma se o Condicionamento Físico ficar abaixo do nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapegaincondition = "Adquirido se o Condicionamento Físico ficar abaixo do nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_speed = "%1% de velocidade",
UI_trait_moredesc_fitlosecondition = "Substituído por Atlético ao atingir o nível %1 de Condicionamento Físico",
UI_trait_moredesc_fitlosecondition2 = "Perdido se o Condicionamento Físico estiver abaixo do nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_runningsprintingspeed = "%1% de velocidade de corrida/sprint",
UI_trait_moredesc_runningsprintingenduranceloss = "%1% de perda de resistência ao correr/sprintar devido à própria característica",
UI_trait_moredesc_athleticlosecondition = "Perdido se o Condicionamento Físico estiver abaixo de %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_athleticgaincondition = "Pode ser adquirido treinando Condicionamento Físico até o nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_highercalorythresholdtogainweight = "Limite calórico maior para ganhar peso, se o peso atual for %1 kg",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripwhilerunvaulting = "%1% de chance de tropeçar ao pular/correr sobre uma cerca baixa",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripfromlunge = "%1% de chance de tropeçar ao ser atacado por zumbis durante uma corrida",

UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchancetotripfromlunge = "Menor chance de tropeçar ao ser atacado por zumbis durante uma corrida",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "Chance Ligeiramente maior de cair ao esbarrar em um zumbi ou sobrevivente",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchancetofailatallfenceclimb = "Maior chance de falhar ao escalar uma cerca ou parede alta",
UI_trait_moredesc_enduranceregeneration = "%1% de regeneração de resistência",
UI_trait_moredesc_doubledendurancelosswhenrunning = "Perda de resistência dobrada ao caminhar com peso pesado ou correr, sprintar, arrastar cadáveres",
UI_trait_moredesc_falldamage = "%1% de dano de queda e chance ligeiramente maior de fratura/ferida profunda por queda",
UI_trait_moredesc_slowerropeclimbingspeed = "Velocidade de escalada em corda mais lenta",
UI_trait_moredesc_cannotgainfitnessxptowardslevel = "Não é possível ganhar XP de Condicionamento Físico para o nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_startingweight = "O peso inicial é %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyobeseifweightgoesabove = "Substituído por Obeso se o peso ultrapassar %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_lostifweightgoesbelow = "Perdido se o peso ficar abaixo de %1",

UI_trait_moredesc_includingnonpackagedandcookedfood = "Incluindo alimentos não embalados e alimentos cozidos.",

UI_trait_moredesc_meleedamage = "%1% de dano corpo a corpo",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyveryunderweightifweightgoesbelow = "Substituído por Muito Abaixo do Peso se o peso ficar abaixo de %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_lostifweightgoesabove = "Perdido se o peso ultrapassar %1",

UI_trait_moredesc_greatlyincreasedchancetofailatallfenceclimb = "Chance muito maior de falhar ao escalar uma cerca alta",
UI_trait_moredesc_cannotgainxptowardsfitnesslevel7orhigher = "Não é possível ganhar XP de Condicionamento Físico para níveis 7 e superiores",
UI_trait_moredesc_characterwillstartlosinglife = "O personagem começará a perder vida se o peso estiver abaixo de %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyemaciatedifweightgoesbelow = "Substituído por Emaciado se o peso ficar abaixo de %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyunderweightifweightgoesbelow = "Substituído por Abaixo do Peso se o peso ficar acima de %1", -- Correção aqui
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyveruunderweightifweightgoesabove = "Substituído por Muito Abaixo do Peso se o peso ficar acima de %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyoverweightifweightgoesbelow = "Substituído por Acima do Peso se o peso ficar abaixo de %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_knockbackpower = "%1% de poder de repulsão",
UI_trait_moredesc_canbegainedbytrainingstrengthtolevel = "Pode ser ganho treinando Força até o nível %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbystrongatlevel9strength = "Substituído por Forte ao atingir o nível %1 de Força",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyfeebleatlevel2strength = "Substituído por Fraco ao atingir o nível %1 de Força",
UI_trait_moredesc_canbelostbytrainingstrengthtolevel5 = "Pode ser perdido treinando Força até o nível %1",

UI_trait_moredesc_corpsesickness = "%1% de enjoo por cadáver",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofcatchingacold = "%1% de chance de pegar um resfriado",
UI_trait_moredesc_coldstrength = "%1% de intensidade do resfriado",
UI_trait_moredesc_coldprogressionspeed = "%1% de velocidade de progressão do resfriado",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombificationspeed = "%1% de velocidade de zumbificação",

UI_trait_moredesc_claustrophobic = "Não entra em pânico em salas com %1 ou mais espaços. Quanto menor a sala, mais rápido o pânico aumenta.",

UI_trait_moredesc_windpenaltywhenaimingwithguns = "%1% de penalidade de vento ao mirar com armas",
UI_trait_moredesc_accuracywithguns = "%1% de precisão com armas",
UI_trait_moredesc_critchancewithguns = "%1% de chance de crítico com armas",
UI_trait_moredesc_betteraimingdelay = "Melhor tempo de espera para mirar",

UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhensleeping = "%1% de taxa de recuperação de cansaço durante o sono",
UI_trait_moredesc_doesnotwakeupwhenreaching0tiredness = "Mas não afeta o tempo de sono, então o personagem continuará dormindo após atingir 0 de cansaço",
UI_trait_moredesc_needtosetanalarmtotakefulladvantage = "Defina um alarme todas as noites para aproveitar ao máximo a característica",
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednesslossratewhileawake = "%1% de taxa de perda de cansaço enquanto acordado",
UI_trait_moredesc_sleepduration = "%1% de duração do sono",
UI_trait_moredesc_hardertostartsleeping = "%1% de dificuldade para começar a dormir", -- Mantive a tradução anterior, pois parece ser um erro no original em inglês.

UI_trait_moredesc_greatlydecreasedchanceofscratchbytrees = "Chance muito menor de ser arranhado/lacerado ao andar ou correr por entre árvores",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofbreakingfirekindling = "%1% de chance de quebrar a lenha para fogueira",
UI_trait_moredesc_lightsfiresfaster = "Acende fogueiras ~%1% mais rápido",
UI_trait_moredesc_gunaimweatherpenalty = "%1% de penalidade climática na mira de armas",

UI_trait_moredesc_severityofvehicleinjuries = "%1% de severidade das lesões em veículos",
UI_trait_moredesc_fractureseverity = "%1% de severidade de fratura",
UI_trait_moredesc_allwoundshealmuchfaster = "Todas as outras feridas cicatrizam muito mais rápido",
UI_trait_moredesc_allwoundshealmuchslower = "Todas as outras feridas cicatrizam muito mais lentamente",
UI_trait_moredesc_noeffectonexercisefatigue = "Nenhum efeito na fadiga por exercício",
UI_trait_moredesc_xpforallskillsexcept = "%1% de XP para todas as habilidades, exceto Condicionamento Físico e Força",

UI_trait_moredesc_readingspeed = "%1% de velocidade de leitura",

UI_trait_moredesc_basespeedatstrongpanic = "%1 de velocidade base em Pânico Forte",
UI_trait_moredesc_basespeedatextremepanic = "%1 de velocidade base em Pânico Extremo",
UI_trait_moredesc_stillcantgoabovemovespeedcap = "(Ainda não é possível ultrapassar o limite de velocidade de movimento)",

UI_trait_moredesc_ifusingthenewstealthsystem = "Se estiver usando o novo sistema de furtividade:",
UI_trait_moredesc_ifusingtheoldstealthsystem = "Se estiver usando o sistema de furtividade antigo:",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofbeingspottedbyazombie = "%1% de chance de ser avistado por um zumbi",

UI_trait_moredesc_increasedminimumanbiantlight = "Luz ambiente mínima ligeiramente aumentada, exceto em salas fechadas",
UI_trait_moredesc_reducedvisoinconemalusindarkness = "Redução da penalidade do cone de visão na escuridão",

UI_trait_moredesc_thirst = "%1% de sede",

UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceoffailingatallfenceclimb = "Menor chance de falhar ao escalar uma cerca ou parede alta",
UI_trait_moredesc_slightlyincreasedropclimbingspeed = "Velocidade de escalada em corda ligeiramente aumentada",

UI_trait_moredesc_aftercraftingdoesntreturnitems = "Após a fabricação, não retorna os itens usados ao seu contêiner original",

UI_trait_moredesc_includingtextonmapsandcaloryvaluesonfood = "Incluindo texto em mapas e valores calóricos em alimentos embalados",

UI_trait_moredesc_hardertostartsleeping = "Mais difícil de adormecer",

UI_trait_moredesc_xpforweaponskillsandaimingskill = "%1% de XP para todas as habilidades de armas e a habilidade de Mira",

UI_trait_moredesc_inventorytransferringtime = "%1% de tempo de transferência de inventário",
UI_trait_moredesc_aimingdelaywithguns = "%1% de atraso na mira com armas",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceofjammingguns = "Menor chance de armas emperrarem",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchancewoundwhenopeningacan = "Menor chance de se ferir ao abrir uma lata sem abridor",

UI_trait_moredesc_foodillnesschance = "%1% de chance de doença alimentar",
UI_trait_moredesc_foodillnessduration = "A doença alimentar dura ~%1% em média",
UI_trait_moredesc_taintedwatermorepoisonous = "Água contaminada é %1% mais venenosa",
UI_trait_moredesc_raweggsnevercausefoodillness = "Ovos crus nunca causam doença alimentar",

UI_trait_moredesc_inventorytransferbloodyitemsfasterandstressfull = "A transferência de inventário de itens ensanguentados é mais rápida e causa estresse",

UI_trait_moredesc_endurancelosswhenrunningsprintingcarryingdragging = "%1% de perda de resistência ao correr, sprintar, carregar carga pesada ou arrastar cadáveres",
UI_trait_moredesc_endurancelosswhenswinging = "%1% de perda de resistência ao balançar",

UI_trait_moredesc_loot = "%1% mais saque",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceoffailingitemrepairs = "%1% de chance de falhar nos reparos de itens",

UI_trait_moredesc_fasteraxeswing = "Balança machados %1% mais rápido",
UI_trait_moredesc_axetreedamage = "%1 de dano de machado em árvores",

UI_prof_moredesc_movespeedintrees = "%1% de velocidade de movimento em árvores",
UI_prof_moredesc_startingregularityexercise = "Começa com %1% de regularidade em todos os exercícios de condicionamento físico e força",

UI_trait_ThinSkinnedDesc = "Maior chance de arranhões, lacerações ou mordidas romperem a pele.",
虚无隐士 28 Dec, 2024 @ 8:39am 
There are some code, I mean not in UI_EN.txt, should be translated :
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhilesleeping(just one line and others are tirednessrecoveryratewhensleeping, it may be a mistake)
Champy  [developer] 28 Dec, 2024 @ 8:45am 
Originally posted by 虚无隐士:
There are some code, I mean not in UI_EN.txt, should be translated :
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhilesleeping(just one line and others are tirednessrecoveryratewhensleeping, it may be a mistake)

Those two should be fine they are in UI_EN.txt . I'm correcting the other two.

And just a heads up guys, I'm adding mod options and recipe grouping which will require more translations :

UI_moredesc_options_MoreDescriptionForTraits = "Mod More Description For Traits",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowMoreDescription = "Show more description",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowMoreDescription = "If not checked , no extra description will be added after the vanilla description",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowForagingStats = "Show Foraging stats",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowForagingStats = "If checked, will add foraging stats to the traits and professions descriptions",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowFreeRecipes = "Show free recipes ",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowFreeRecipes = "If checked, will add foraging free recipes to the traits and professions descriptions",
UI_moredesc_GrowingSeasons = "Growing Seasons",
UI_moredesc_GrowingSeason = "Growing Season",
UI_moredesc_AllExceptHemp = "all, except Hemp.",
UI_moredesc_MakeJarOf = "Make Jar of ",
UI_moredesc_Pickling = "Pickling",
UI_moredesc_Construct = "Construct",
UI_moredesc_Constructions = "Constructions",
UI_moredesc_Forging = "Forging",
UI_moredesc_Forge = "Forge",
UI_moredesc_Knitting = "Knitting",
UI_moredesc_Knit = "Knit",

And do note that it's crucial the "Forge" , "Knit" , "Construct" , "Growing Seasons" and "Make Jar of" translations precisely match the wording of the vanilla recipes translations, otherwise the recipe grouping will not work.
Last edited by Champy; 28 Dec, 2024 @ 8:47am
虚无隐士 28 Dec, 2024 @ 9:06am 
Originally posted by Champy:
Originally posted by 虚无隐士:
There are some code, I mean not in UI_EN.txt, should be translated :
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhilesleeping(just one line and others are tirednessrecoveryratewhensleeping, it may be a mistake)

Those two should be fine they are in UI_EN.txt . I'm correcting the other two.

And just a heads up guys, I'm adding mod options and recipe grouping which will require more translations :

UI_moredesc_options_MoreDescriptionForTraits = "Mod More Description For Traits",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowMoreDescription = "Show more description",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowMoreDescription = "If not checked , no extra description will be added after the vanilla description",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowForagingStats = "Show Foraging stats",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowForagingStats = "If checked, will add foraging stats to the traits and professions descriptions",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowFreeRecipes = "Show free recipes ",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowFreeRecipes = "If checked, will add foraging free recipes to the traits and professions descriptions",
UI_moredesc_GrowingSeasons = "Growing Seasons",
UI_moredesc_GrowingSeason = "Growing Season",
UI_moredesc_AllExceptHemp = "all, except Hemp.",
UI_moredesc_MakeJarOf = "Make Jar of ",
UI_moredesc_Pickling = "Pickling",
UI_moredesc_Construct = "Construct",
UI_moredesc_Constructions = "Constructions",
UI_moredesc_Forging = "Forging",
UI_moredesc_Forge = "Forge",
UI_moredesc_Knitting = "Knitting",
UI_moredesc_Knit = "Knit",

And do note that it's crucial the "Forge" , "Knit" , "Construct" , "Growing Seasons" and "Make Jar of" translations precisely match the wording of the vanilla recipes translations, otherwise the recipe grouping will not work.

Sorry, it`s my mistake. The correct missing code shoule be "UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceofjammingguns" and "UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchancewoundwhenopeningacan".
Champy  [developer] 28 Dec, 2024 @ 9:09am 
@虚无隐士 I see it now, thanks !

I'm updating right away.
虚无隐士 28 Dec, 2024 @ 10:02am 
@Champy Thank for your hard working.

Could I ask about how the "Forge" , "Knit" , and the others working? What will happen if they don`t match the vanilla translations well? Will it make other people confuse or the program run incorrectly?In fact, b42 is just coming and there is no completed translation. I just searched in the vanilla translations and the translate mod, and find nothing matched well.

If the adverse effects is ledding people misunderstanding, it will be ok. I finished Chinese translation an hour ago and complete the test. It work well in the current version. Should I just put it up?
Champy  [developer] 28 Dec, 2024 @ 10:06am 
Originally posted by 虚无隐士:
@Champy Thank for your hard working.

Could I ask about how the "Forge" , "Knit" , and the others working? What will happen if they don`t match the vanilla translations well? Will it make other people confuse or the program run incorrectly?In fact, b42 is just coming and there is no completed translation. I just searched in the vanilla translations and the translate mod, and find nothing matched well.

If the adverse effects is ledding people misunderstanding, it will be ok. I finished Chinese translation an hour ago and complete the test. It work well in the current version. Should I just put it up?

You're welcome !

If it doesn't match, it just won't group the recipes together in one line neatly, like so :

"Knitting : Balaclava, Socks, Wool Hat"

would be

Knit Balaclava
Knit Socks
Knit Woold Hat
without recipe grouping.

It's ok if it doesn't match, the mod would still work but some descriptions will be formatted less neatly.
虚无隐士 28 Dec, 2024 @ 10:14am 
Originally posted by Champy:
Originally posted by 虚无隐士:
@Champy Thank for your hard working.

Could I ask about how the "Forge" , "Knit" , and the others working? What will happen if they don`t match the vanilla translations well? Will it make other people confuse or the program run incorrectly?In fact, b42 is just coming and there is no completed translation. I just searched in the vanilla translations and the translate mod, and find nothing matched well.

If the adverse effects is ledding people misunderstanding, it will be ok. I finished Chinese translation an hour ago and complete the test. It work well in the current version. Should I just put it up?

You're welcome !

If it doesn't match, it just won't group the recipes together in one line neatly, like so :

"Knitting : Balaclava, Socks, Wool Hat"

would be

Knit Balaclava
Knit Socks
Knit Woold Hat
without recipe grouping.

It's ok if it doesn't match, the mod would still work but some descriptions will be formatted less neatly.

Thanks for reply so quickly. I will put up Chinese translation and go bed. I will check message later if there is something wrong. It`s 2:14 am in China.

Thanks for taking us such a good mod.
虚无隐士 28 Dec, 2024 @ 10:15am 

UI_CN = {
UI_trait_knownrecipes = "已知配方 :",
UI_trait_moredesc_percent = "(%1%)",
UI_trait_moredesc_currentlybugged = "(!mod作者标记条目损坏!)",

UI_trait_moredesc_grappleeffectiveness = "%1% 攀爬效率",

UI_trait_moredesc_HPtoallconstructionsexceptwalls = "对所有建筑造成 %1 HP 伤害,除了墙壁",

UI_trait_moredesc_Fasterbuildingspeed = "提高建筑速度。",
UI_trait_moredesc_Fasterbarricadingspeed = "略微提高路障速度。",

UI_trait_moredesc_gearswitchingspeed = "%1% 装备切换速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_topspeed = "所有车辆的最高速度增加 %1%",
UI_trait_moredesc_engineloudnessreversing = "增加倒车时引擎的音量 %1%",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedreversingspeed = "提高倒车速度。",
UI_trait_moredesc_acceleration = "%1% 加速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_reverseacceleration = "%1% 倒车加速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_maxspeed = "最高速度为 %1 MPH",
UI_trait_moredesc_nochangetoengineloudness = "引擎音量不变",

UI_trait_moredesc_motionsickness = "(车辆越快,晕车程度越高,最高可达 %1% 的晕车上限)",

UI_trait_moredesc_panicexceptnightterrors = "%1% 恐慌,但不包括夜惊和恐惧症",
UI_trait_moredesc_doesntpanicfromzombiereanimating = "不会因为僵尸复活而恐慌",
UI_trait_moredesc_stressfromlootingcorpses = "从尸体上取物会增加 %1% 压力和不快乐",
UI_trait_moredesc_nostressfromlootingzombies = "从尸体上取物不会增长压力或不快乐",

UI_trait_moredesc_footstepsoundradius = "%1% 脚步声半径",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripvaultingfence = "在跑/冲刺翻越矮栅栏或被僵尸扑击时有 %1% 的几率摔倒",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "增加与僵尸或幸存者碰撞时摔倒几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "减少与僵尸或幸存者碰撞时摔倒几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceofinjurywhenopeningcan = "增加在没有开罐器的情况下打开罐头时受伤几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceofinjurywhenopeningcan = "减少在没有开罐器的情况下打开罐头时受伤几率",

UI_trait_moredesc_alsogivesblurryvision = "导致视力模糊",
UI_trait_moredesc_weaponsightsrangebonusatminimum = "武器瞄准镜的额外射程始终处于最小值",
UI_trait_moredesc_maluscanberemovedbywearingglasses = "佩戴眼镜可以取消这些减益效果",

UI_trait_moredesc_soundeffectsmuffled = "某些音效会被削弱。",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombiesbehindvisiblelater = "从后方接近的僵尸会更晚的被发现",

UI_trait_moredesc_canthearsound = "无法听到声音。无线电杂音不会出现。",
UI_trait_moredesc_stillabletowatchtv = "由于有字幕,仍然可以看电视。",

UI_trait_moredesc_perceptionradius = "%1% 感知半径",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombiesbehindvisibleearlier = "从后方接近的僵尸会更早的被发现",

UI_trait_moredesc_widerfieldofview = "更宽的视野",
UI_trait_moredesc_maxrangemodifieronweaponsights = "%1% 武器瞄准镜的最大射程修正",

UI_trait_moredesc_hunger = "%1% 饥饿度",

UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofnotbeinginjuredbyzombies = "%1% 不被僵尸伤害的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofgettingscratchedcutbytrees = "%1% 被树木刮伤/割伤的几率",

UI_trait_moredesc_unfitlosecondition = "通过健身使体格达到 %1 级会变成身体不好",
UI_trait_moredesc_unfitgaincondition = "如果体格低于 %1 级则会获得",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapelosecondition = "通过健身使体格达到 %1 级则会失去",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapelosecondition2 = "如果体格降至低于 %1 级则被身体很差取代",
UI_trait_moredesc_outofshapegaincondition = "如果体格降至低于 %1 级则会获得",
UI_trait_moredesc_speed = "%1% 速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_fitlosecondition = "体格达到 %1 级时被运动健将取代",
UI_trait_moredesc_fitlosecondition2 = "如果体格低于 %1 级则失去",
UI_trait_moredesc_runningsprintingspeed = "%1% 跑步/冲刺速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_runningsprintingenduranceloss = "%1% 跑步/冲刺耐力损失(由特性本身引起)",
UI_trait_moredesc_athleticlosecondition = "如果体格低于 %1 级则会失去",
UI_trait_moredesc_athleticgaincondition = "通过健身使体格达到 %1 级则会获得",
UI_trait_moredesc_highercalorythresholdtogainweight = "如果当前体重为 %1kg ,体重增加的卡路里阈值较高",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripwhilerunvaulting = "%1% 在跑/冲刺翻越矮栅栏时跌倒的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_chancetotripfromlunge = "%1% 被爬行僵尸扑倒的几率",

UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchancetotripfromlunge = "减少被爬行僵尸扑倒的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceoffallwhenbumping = "略微增加在碰撞僵尸或幸存者时摔倒的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchancetofailatallfenceclimb = "增加攀爬高栅栏或墙壁的失败率",
UI_trait_moredesc_enduranceregeneration = "%1% 耐力恢复",
UI_trait_moredesc_doubledendurancelosswhenrunning = "携带重物行走、跑步、冲刺或拖动尸体时双倍耐力损失",
UI_trait_moredesc_falldamage = "%1% 坠落伤害,并略微增加因坠落导致的骨折/重伤几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_slowerropeclimbingspeed = "降低攀绳速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_cannotgainfitnessxptowardslevel = "体格达到 %1 级后无法获得经验值",
UI_trait_moredesc_startingweight = "起始体重为 %1",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyobeseifweightgoesabove = "如果体重超过 %1,则被肥胖代替",
UI_trait_moredesc_lostifweightgoesbelow = "如果体重低于 %1,则失去",

UI_trait_moredesc_includingnonpackagedandcookedfood = "包括非包装食品和熟食。",

UI_trait_moredesc_meleedamage = "%1% 近战伤害",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyveryunderweightifweightgoesbelow = "如果体重低于 %1,则被非常低体重代替",
UI_trait_moredesc_lostifweightgoesabove = "如果体重超过 %1,则失去"

UI_trait_moredesc_greatlyincreasedchancetofailatallfenceclimb = "大大增加了翻越高大栅栏或墙壁的失败率",
UI_trait_moredesc_cannotgainxptowardsfitnesslevel7orhigher = "无法获得体格的经验值使得等级提升到7或更高",
UI_trait_moredesc_characterwillstartlosinglife = "当角色体重低于 %1 时会开始流失生命值",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyemaciatedifweightgoesbelow = "如果体重低于 %1kg,将被替换为瘦骨嶙峋",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyunderweightifweightgoesbelow = "如果体重低于%1,则被替换为低体重",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyveruunderweightifweightgoesabove = "如果体重高于%1,则被替换为超低体重",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyoverweightifweightgoesbelow = "如果体重低于%1,则被替换为高体重",
UI_trait_moredesc_knockbackpower = "%1% 击退力",
UI_trait_moredesc_canbegainedbytrainingstrengthtolevel = "可以通过将力量训练到1级来获得",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbystrongatlevel9strength = "当力量达到%1级时,被替换为身强力壮",
UI_trait_moredesc_replacedbyfeebleatlevel2strength = "当力量达到%1级时,被替换为身体虚弱",
UI_trait_moredesc_canbelostbytrainingstrengthtolevel5 = "可以通过将力量训练到%1级而失去",

UI_trait_moredesc_corpsesickness = "%1% 尸体病进程",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofcatchingacold = "%1% 感冒的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_coldstrength = "%1% 感冒程度",
UI_trait_moredesc_coldprogressionspeed = "%1% 感冒加重速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_zombificationspeed = "%1% 僵尸化速度",

UI_trait_moredesc_claustrophobic = "在小于%1+格的房间内不会惊慌。房间越小,惊慌增加得越快。",

UI_trait_moredesc_windpenaltywhenaimingwithguns = "%1% 枪械瞄准的风偏惩罚",
UI_trait_moredesc_accuracywithguns = "%1% 枪械精准度",
UI_trait_moredesc_critchancewithguns = "%1% 枪械暴击几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_betteraimingdelay = "更低的瞄准延迟",

UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhensleeping = "%1% 睡眠时的疲劳恢复率",
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednessrecoveryratewhilesleeping = "%1% 睡眠时的疲劳恢复率",
UI_trait_moredesc_doesnotwakeupwhenreaching0tiredness = "但不会影响睡眠时间,所以角色会在疲劳度达到0后继续睡着",
UI_trait_moredesc_needtosetanalarmtotakefulladvantage = "每晚设置闹钟以充分利用此特性",
UI_trait_moredesc_tirednesslossratewhileawake = "%1% 清醒时的疲劳损失率",
UI_trait_moredesc_sleepduration = "%1% 睡眠持续时间",
UI_trait_moredesc_hardertostartsleeping = " 1% 入睡困难度",

UI_trait_moredesc_greatlydecreasedchanceofscratchbytrees = "大大降低了在树木间行走或奔跑时被划伤/割伤的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofbreakingfirekindling = "%1% 损坏浪费生火材料的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_lightsfiresfaster = "点燃火焰的速度提高约%1%",
UI_trait_moredesc_gunaimweatherpenalty = "%1% 枪械瞄准的天气惩罚",

UI_trait_moredesc_severityofvehicleinjuries = "%1% 车祸损伤严重程度",
UI_trait_moredesc_fractureseverity = "%1% 骨折严重程度",
UI_trait_moredesc_allwoundshealmuchfaster = "所有伤口愈合得更快",
UI_trait_moredesc_allwoundshealmuchslower = "所有伤口愈合得更慢",
UI_trait_moredesc_noeffectonexercisefatigue = "对锻炼疲劳没有影响",
UI_trait_moredesc_xpforallskillsexcept = "%1% 除了体格和力量外的所有技能经验值",

UI_trait_moredesc_readingspeed = "%1% 阅读速度",

UI_trait_moredesc_basespeedatstrongpanic = "%1 强恐慌下的基础速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_basespeedatextremepanic = "%1 极端恐慌下的基础速度",
UI_trait_moredesc_stillcantgoabovemovespeedcap = "(仍然不能超过移动速度上限)",

UI_trait_moredesc_ifusingthenewstealthsystem = "如果使用新的隐身系统 :",
UI_trait_moredesc_ifusingtheoldstealthsystem = "如果使用旧的隐身系统 :",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceofbeingspottedbyazombie = "%1% 被僵尸发现的几率",

UI_trait_moredesc_increasedminimumanbiantlight = "略微增加了最低环境光亮,封闭房间除外",
UI_trait_moredesc_reducedvisoinconemalusindarkness = "减少了黑暗中的视野惩罚",

UI_trait_moredesc_thirst = "%1% 口渴",

UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceoffailingatallfenceclimb = "降低了攀爬高栅栏或墙壁失败的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_slightlyincreasedropclimbingspeed = "略微提高了绳索攀爬速度",

UI_trait_moredesc_aftercraftingdoesntreturnitems = "制作完成后不将使用过的物品放回原来的容器",

UI_trait_moredesc_includingtextonmapsandcaloryvaluesonfood = "包括地图上的文本或包装食品上的卡路里值",

UI_trait_moredesc_hardertostartsleeping = "更难入睡",

UI_trait_moredesc_xpforweaponskillsandaimingskill = "%1% 所有近战武器技能和瞄准技能的经验值",

UI_trait_moredesc_inventorytransferringtime = "%1% 转移物品时间",
UI_trait_moredesc_aimingdelaywithguns = "%1% 枪械瞄准延迟",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchanceofjammingguns = "降低枪械卡壳几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchanceofjammingguns = "增加枪械卡壳几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_decreasedchancewoundwhenopeningacan = "减少在没有开罐器的情况下打开罐头时受伤的几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_increasedchancewoundwhenopeningacan = "增加在没有开罐器的情况下打开罐头时受伤的几率",

UI_trait_moredesc_foodillnesschance = "%1% 食物中毒几率",
UI_trait_moredesc_foodillnessduration = "%1% 食物中毒的平均持续时间",
UI_trait_moredesc_taintedwatermorepoisonous = "受污染的水毒性增加 %1%",
UI_trait_moredesc_raweggsnevercausefoodillness = "生鸡蛋永远不会引起食物中毒",

UI_trait_moredesc_inventorytransferbloodyitemsfasterandstressfull = "更快地转移血腥物品并且造成压力",

UI_trait_moredesc_endurancelosswhenrunningsprintingcarryingdragging = "%1% 跑步、冲刺、携带重物或拖拽尸体时的耐力损失",
UI_trait_moredesc_endurancelosswhenswinging = "%1% 挥动武器时的耐力损失",

UI_trait_moredesc_loot = "%1% 更高的战利品掉落率",
UI_trait_moredesc_chanceoffailingitemrepairs = "%1% 物品修理失败的几率",

UI_trait_moredesc_fasteraxeswing = "挥斧速度提高 %1%",
UI_trait_moredesc_axetreedamage = "%1% 用斧头砍树的伤害",

UI_prof_moredesc_movespeedintrees = "%1% 树林中的移动速度",
UI_prof_moredesc_startingregularityexercise = "初始具备 %1% 的健身(体格和力量)纪律"

UI_trait_ThinSkinnedDesc = "增加皮肤被划伤、割伤或咬破的几率。"

UI_ShortSighted_Condition = "可以通过戴眼镜消除Debuff"

UI_moredesc_options_MoreDescriptionForTraits = "为特质提供更多描述",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowMoreDescription = "显示更多描述",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowMoreDescription = "如果未选中,则不会在原版描述后添加额外描述",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowForagingStats = "显示对采集的影响",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowForagingStats = "如果选中,将在特质和职业描述中添加显示对采集的影响",
UI_moredesc_options_ShowFreeRecipes = "显示掌握的配方",
UI_moredesc_options_Tooltip_ShowFreeRecipes = "如果选中,将在特质和职业描述中添加掌握的配方",
UI_moredesc_GrowingSeasons = "作物生长季节",
UI_moredesc_GrowingSeason = "作物生长季节",
UI_moredesc_AllExceptHemp = "除了大麻以外的全部",
UI_moredesc_MakeJarOf = "制作罐装食品",
UI_moredesc_Pickling = "腌制",
UI_moredesc_Construct = "建筑",
UI_moredesc_Constructions = "建筑",
UI_moredesc_Forging = "锻造",
UI_moredesc_Forge = "锻造",
UI_moredesc_Knitting = "编织",
UI_moredesc_Knit = "编织",
< >
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