Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Ultimate Tech Tree : New Horizon
StalinChild  [developer] 13 Dec, 2022 @ 9:16am
FAQ - Updates/Game Breaking Bug
For those not in the discord and can't readily access FAQs/moderators I'd like to just put across a few frequent questions I've been seeing on discord or on steam, I'll update the post every now and then as well.

1. When is the next update coming (As of Dec 13th)
Due to a large amount of work/RL stuff over this period of celebration we're unlikely to get much work done, if at all. As such the next update is likely to come in mid/late January of 2023

2. Game Breaking Issue in 1946
As far as we can tell (Due to issues relevant in the 1st point we can't be sure) it is caused by people not owning BBA and the AI trying to research hidden tech, as of now we can't fix it, but we're hoping to get a fix for January.

This post might be changed in future, for different FAQs