Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

Brishen 2021년 12월 30일 오후 9시 32분
Regigigas guide...ish for starters
okay! I've toyed with this combo foo- I mean... Big guy for awhile. and this is sort of a guide on how to not endlessly be comb- how to play this thing!

to start... you're combo food. you're big, slow, and heavy starting out, and a lot of characters from my experience love this. always be on guard while you are on slow start, you do NOT want to be going after your opponent yet. you'll want to know how to parry a lot of moves, and if you want quickly knock an opponent away. also, if they have projectiles... uhhh... yeah, you may loose a stock or two.

when you get out of slow start is when you can safely start pressuring. this guy has hard hitting attacks (seriously, his DAttack does like 10% per hit.) and actually rather fast. you'll still want to be careful since... still, you're combo food. but parrying will help a lot, and a few lucky or skillfully planned hits will confirm... hopefully, your victory. if you're up against peacock, you might as well give up.

this guy has... an interesting recovery IMO. its not a high jump, but it clings to walls. you can climb on a wall for awhile before falling in Special fall, and during this if you jump up to the platform above, you'll have super armor while jumping, along with a hitbox to hit above you... which is the problem. you have a linear hit box, while people could hit you at range to likely make you fall. aside from being rather dangerous to recover from below, its easier to recover from the side. oh, and the Uspecial multihits out of startup.

moving on to matchups... like I said, people with projectiles will give you a hard time if you can't work around them, and you might as well give up if its Peacock. as for good match-ups... uh... I'm sure he has a few I don't know about. and if someone is spamming some sort of counter (etc: Chara, Incineroar, Egg) his Fspecial grapples. keep in mind that grapples do not pass parries.

thats pretty much all I know, hope this helps people!
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Mr. Stuffy 2021년 12월 31일 오전 3시 17분 
I will say regigigas is a pretty limiting character considering how his range pretty bad and his ridiculous hitbox allows both campy and fast melee characters to knock him around.
My advice would be to use down strong and focus punch fairly often in slow start.
Down strong because it covers the radius around him (albeit not very far) and doesn't have to face a certain direction to stop a potential attack
Focus punch purely on he cannot be knocked back on this move, this can be used to shut down a cocky player's combo. The victim doesn't need to be exactly infront of where his fist is going to land, the hit box for the attack is cut down the center sort of so just being the front half of his hitbox will land the attack. So if an opponent were trying to land another hit, you can use this move at the same time, so that the opponent's move animation gives them less reaction time to dodge or parry. Plus it hits pretty hard so i'd definitely use it as a go-to move for him.
After slow start, his new speed alone makes him a difficult character to deal with.
Despite his horrible range he practically has no blind spots in hand to hand, he can sweep under him with down smash, he can use his up strong to smack anyone arching over him even from behind, he can kick down or swing from behind anyone that tries to go for an aerial combo, you get the point.

So while his move set gives him a pretty linear strategy, he can be really annoying to deal with if the player knows the difference between swatting the opponent away and actively attacking them.
Mr. Stuffy 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2021년 12월 31일 오전 3시 19분
V_Force 2022년 8월 17일 오후 5시 16분 
Hit them with moves idk.
Sir Cheese 2024년 6월 25일 오전 11시 18분 
So summarized he is weak to Charakters that use often ranged attacks and combos for consistent damage. He is strong on dealing Strong direct damage, getting knocked of stage (since he is a heavy) and with his unique recovery. You should rely on parrys and a defensive playstyle at the start and after the slow start you can play more agressive. So any combo suggestions or combo ideas?
Sir Cheese 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 6월 25일 오전 11시 19분
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