Hypertraversal Manipulation CLASSIC
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Feedback & Suggestions
Suggest away; my competency level isn't that high but maybe something is easy enough for me to manage or a kind soul can make it happen.


I am extremely leery of scope creep in mods. I have a specific use for this mod and anything I add to it should match the theme or enhance that use.

I'm also not interested in making things for the mod that require other mods. Doing a module to work with something else isn't out of the question, but I'd have to be interested and capable enough to do it. People may be better off doing what I did and just diving in and doing it themselves.


Balance as it stands is the product of some private play and is subject to tweaking. Thoughts on this are welcome (both on tech availability/cost and on the actual costs of using the devices).

I'm currently debating on whether the trigger for Massive and Exotic stars should have a strategic resource cost instead of just piling more Energy into it (e.g. a Dark Matter expenditure seems pretty obvious for Exotics, at least the Black Hole).
Автор останньої редакції: Vauthil; 7 трав. 2021 о 7:48
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4

Dowser: 2000 alloys 100 influence to build (360 days), 5000 energy to fire
Bore: 3000 alloys 100 influence to build (720 days), 10000 energy to fire

Massive Stars require 2500 additional Energy
Exotic Stars require 5000 additional Energy


Yes, it's pricey compared to the EHOF, but you also control where these things go, and Megastructure Build Cost/Speed modifiers apply to everything except the additional requirements for certain stars.
Since Gigastructural Engineering introduced a new star class (O-class), will you try to add the ability to get it with this mod?
Автор останньої редакції: Silent0Death; 10 трав. 2021 о 23:43
First of all I congratulate you on your Mod, excellent ... secondly, in the personal aspect to be able to play Stellaris with your Mod you should remove the extra menus, for me they are a nuisance more than a contribution, the rest is at a level very good!
Vauthil  [розробник] 12 трав. 2021 о 0:04 
Цитата допису Silent0Death:
Since Gigastructural Engineering introduced a new star class (O-class), will you try to add the ability to get it with this mod?

I'm holding off because I'd like the core mod to not involve (even soft, switched) dependencies on other stuff, but also because I want to see if they bother balancing it when the EHOF returns or if they'll just let that print the things (it's the same principle as why I don't do Quasars and Supermassives, since those are a one-shot requires-an-ascension-perk purchase). There's a "Dangerous Technologies" module to this mod I have planned that maybe I'll slap that into.

Цитата допису Darh:
First of all I congratulate you on your Mod, excellent ... secondly, in the personal aspect to be able to play Stellaris with your Mod you should remove the extra menus, for me they are a nuisance more than a contribution, the rest is at a level very good!

Referring to the stage notifications? It's sort of a standard -- both in vanilla and in mods -- to inform the player when a stage is completed on a mega, so I'm going with the flow there. It's something I missed originally since I did the testing in single-player where I can pause and micro better, but in MP sessions people sometimes really need help keeping track of that stuff.

I'd rather not involve an options menu at this point just to turn that off, but depending on how I implement future stuff maybe I can work something out in the future. Sorry for the annoyance.
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