Arma 3
Unsung Redux Dev
Bug Reports
Didn't see a bug report thread so I decided to start one.

Dak Pek - Black Foliage
Some of the rice paddies in Dak Pek are jet black. No known workaround.

Fixed in update.

Dak Pek - Pathfinding Issues at ARVN Outpost
If a helicopter (i.e. Huey) lands on the ARVN outpost helipad and troops are ordered to get in, they often get stuck in the nearby buildings.

Workaround: Use the Hide Terrain Objects module to remove the offending buildings or objects. Alternatively, hide the helipad and place a fresh one in a more open area nearby.
最近の変更はMr Elusiveが行いました; 2021年5月16日 9時27分
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There doesn't seem to be a sound for the M1919A6. Would it be possible to use the same soundfile as the static M1919A6 in SOG?
I have also seen the black rice paddies north of Hue on Cam Lao Nam when I have this mod loaded.
最近の変更はKWiggiが行いました; 2021年5月14日 15時54分
'68 USMC AT soldier has no ammo in his launcher. Affected unit classname:
Frosted Vert の投稿を引用:
There doesn't seem to be a sound for the M1919A6. Would it be possible to use the same soundfile as the static M1919A6 in SOG?

Are you referring to the ROK M1919 gunner? Just tried in the editor and his gun sounds just fine, although it would be a lot nicer if it used the SOG sound instead.
TeTeTe3  [開発者] 2021年5月14日 19時20分 
The M1919 sounds were probably fixed in yesterdays update, after Frosted Vert posted.
USMC Corpsmen have no medical supplies in their backpacks or vests. Affected classnames:

uns_men_USMC_65_MED uns_men_USMC_68_MED
The ported bolt action rifles don't have an animation for working the action, which is odd since in Unsung they do, and also iirc Toadie also helped with animations for SOG and I'm sure the animation from one of the bolt actions in the DLC could work for the springfield.
I'm wondering how many magazines were commonly issued in Vietnam. At least yesterday when I was using your USMC, some troops had as few as 4 magazines. I would think it would have typically been 6-10, is that about correct? Purely by appearance on the character models, each bandoleer should add enough space for server M16 magazines, it looks like 5?
TeTeTe3  [開発者] 2021年5月20日 12時38分 
I'm in the dark about the bolt action animation, sorry. We copied most of the stuff for weapon animations and not sure what's missing.
{E-Z}Johnny.D did add more magazines to the Marines, thanks for the report(s).
F105F Thunderchief Hydra 70 HEAT FFAR Rockets have a strange spread and a like no Range. The Rockets flying nearly straight down.
Ammo missing for the Stoner LMGs.
snoops_213  [開発者] 2021年6月11日 5時11分 
Yeah I know sorry my bad on that. Just waiting for Tetet to upload steam fix for the stoner problem.
uns_m48a3 (M-48A3 Patton MBT) tank driver doesn't stop with disableAi "MOVE" command but instead keep rolling forward. This bug also exists in Unsung 3.11 Golf version of same vehicle.
Upon loading your latest update, I am receiving the following error: No entry 'bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons.uns_38spec'. .....
TeTeTe3  [開発者] 2021年8月24日 23時41分 
Thanks, reverted the H-21 config to proper Unsung Redux, I had mistakenly copied it from Unsung ...
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