[OUTDATED!] Mass Effect: Crucible
 Ten wątek został przypięty, więc pewnie jest ważny
Garry Windu  [producent] 4 marca 2021 o 10:23
Feel few to post any suggestion for ME: Crucible here.
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 51 komentarzy
AvalosDragon 5 marca 2021 o 12:56 
Please re-enable the civilisation edit feature.
w.girl27 5 marca 2021 o 19:56 
i suggestion for how the reaper crisis might be able to be done if you intend to mix stellaris and mass effect lore is make it a new option for the l cluster and have the reapers be explained as the final evolved state of the gray tempest if they never got contained who desire to harvest all life in the galaxy to create more of themselves and they engineerd the galatic gateway network after killing the desanu creating the same cycle of harvest just like in mass effect without having to bring in the levithans
Andromeda 6 marca 2021 o 4:13 
The formation of the council, at the beginning the council member civilisations start in a federation called "the council" or something like that. Then there's an event chain for the systems alliance for shepard to become a spectre and eventually it leads to the systems alliance joining the federation
Isimiel 6 marca 2021 o 6:59 
limit the hyper-lane network down to only clusters to force the use of relays
ZeezoTeezo 6 marca 2021 o 10:44 
Absolutely adore this mod. Just had a suggestion re balance: it seems the humans are a bit overpowered.

The Turians and Salarians are usually boxed in and don't expand significantly. Humans however have the entire Traverse and Terminus systems to use. I would suggest including more habitable worlds in Council Space and getting rid of the many low-habitability ones that dot the Alliance and the Traverse (in my playthroughs the humans become significantly more powerful in the mid-late game as a result)

Also would suggest including Omega as an empire as it provides some balance in the north of the map, which otherwise remains empty.

Thank you for this mod by the way! It's been a lot of fun to play!
Garry Windu  [producent] 6 marca 2021 o 11:21 
@ZeezoTeezo Good idea with Omega, I hadn't considered that.

I was anticipating that the Rachni would expand throughout the eastern Traverse and block the Systems Alliance, was this not the case in your game?

Also, what was your experience with Cerberus and the Batarians? Did they pose a threat to the humans?
ZeezoTeezo 6 marca 2021 o 11:58 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Garry Windu:
@ZeezoTeezo Good idea with Omega, I hadn't considered that.

I was anticipating that the Rachni would expand throughout the eastern Traverse and block the Systems Alliance, was this not the case in your game?

Also, what was your experience with Cerberus and the Batarians? Did they pose a threat to the humans?

The Rachi were nearly destroyed by the Collectors early in the game. I think deleting the hyperlanes to Tartarus and turning the galactic core into an L-system type event would work well as they do otherwise drastically change the balance of power, and doing so would leave the Rachni a much more credible threat in the Traverse.

As for the Batarians and Cerberus they only had one colony each, and so seemed rather weak. Perhaps adding more habitable worlds near them would help. I noticed the Salarians, Cerberus, and the Batarians hadn't settled outside their capital even after a century had passed.

kjumper 6 marca 2021 o 14:23 
From my test run with the Systems Alliance, both Cerberus and the Batarians declared war on me about 40 years into the game. Of the two, Cerberus' fleets were far more threatening. Though to be fair, it was on Grand Admiral difficulty with High aggression. If I hadn't formed an early federation with the Turians, I would have been in trouble.

Echoing what some others said, I found I quickly pulled ahead of the others economically, even on Grand Admiral difficulty, because of the abundance of potential colonies available to me. Many AIs had just one or two colonies. The Asari did a little better, and were near the top of the leaderboard, as did Illium.

I agree with the suggestion about Omega too; there needs to be more of a presence in the galactic north/Terminus systems, which is almost empty.
kjumper 6 marca 2021 o 14:28 
Also, as for the Vol, an interesting mechanical effect of them starting as a protectorate of the Turians is that they can't build branch offices with other nations unless they are federated with them (because they can't sign commerical pacts due to lacking independence). Their inability to expand also meant that, as the Alliance, I was able to snake down right next to them, and easily take lots of systems outside of what would normally be considered Alliance space.
Garry Windu  [producent] 6 marca 2021 o 14:38 
@kjumper I will be looking in the lack of planets near some empires. Thanks for the report on the Vol, I may change that.

I'm thinking about adding a few more minor empires, including omega. Hopefully they will be included in the next patch.
kjumper 6 marca 2021 o 14:52 
I admit I was also personally surprised that the Turian's didn't try to integrate the Vol over the 40 years of my first test playthrough.

My own run was set to 1.5x hyperlanes (which admittedly cut off some of my own expansion into the Traverse) rather than Full (which I think was the default for your mod). But even with my eastward expansion limited, I still had far more planets than the others. Namely, I had 9 planets. Looking back at the file, the Courts of Dekuuna actually had the next most, with 7, followed by the Vorcha at 6. The Asari and the Rachni had 3, and everyone else had 1 or two.
kjumper 6 marca 2021 o 14:57 
In case these observations are useful, I found that the Asari federated early with the Courts of Deukuuna in my game. I'm guessing that the Illuminated Primacy would likely join them later, though I didn't get that far in my game.

The Krogan were especially hemmed in between the Asari, Turians, and Salarians. Interestingly though, due to their proximity to it, they would probably have a pretty good chance of reaching the Citadel via hyperlanes, if the game were to go on longer, or if they were in the hands of a human player.
Garry Windu  [producent] 6 marca 2021 o 15:09 
Yeah, these reports are extremely useful, thank you! I'm now getting some ideas for potential balancing.

And yes max hyperlanes is default, as that's what I thought working best for this mod, but I left the option open for players as I know people like the strategy gameplay with fewer lanes.
Garry Windu  [producent] 7 marca 2021 o 4:23 
@1Fieldmedic Yeah I've got some ideas for how to implement the Citadel Council and Spectres.

But I'm fully open to suggestions regarding those topics.
Spider 7 marca 2021 o 6:54 
You could include the Mass Effect Corporations as Enclaves, like the other merchant Enclaves.
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