Arma 3
Gliese 581x [ALPHA]
EAGLE  [utvecklare] 16 feb, 2021 @ 10:27
Feedback & Suggestions
Feedback & Suggestions
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Mallekip 16 feb, 2021 @ 14:00 
Terrain looks awesome! Love that someone has decided to make an *alien* world that isn't copying a movie or videogame. Lots of interesting ideas for missions here, even just using Livonia CBR assets.

Can't imagine how much work went into creating the custom plants and rocks.

Still, I am going to make a suggestion... that you could go crazier. Since your planet does not have a normal atmosphere or geography like Earth, you can try very different kinds of landscapes. I post a few pictures of Mars rover photos and volcanic areas as inspiration:

Above all I want to congratulate you on your map!
Mallekip 16 feb, 2021 @ 14:06 
Oh and more specific: it's difficult to climb the large red rocks in the terrain- perhaps turn them.

Also the environmental sounds still sound like a Greek island :D! You could make it anything... But perhaps just (Sahara) desert sounds would be realistic? I don't have anything useful to say about this.
EAGLE  [utvecklare] 17 feb, 2021 @ 2:26 
Thank you Mallekip :steamthumbsup:, I will work on volcanic areas and small rivers. About environmental sounds (LOL) I have no idea how can alien ambient sounds be. Maybe temporary disabling all ambient sounds is good idea until I find good sounds.
wondering if you could possibly do some flat areas so scenario makers could put down some buildings as a colony or something
EAGLE  [utvecklare] 17 feb, 2021 @ 7:52 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Ever So British:
wondering if you could possibly do some flat areas so scenario makers could put down some buildings as a colony or something
Ron4Swat 17 feb, 2021 @ 15:18 
Ursprungligen skrivet av War is Hell:
About environmental sounds (LOL) I have no idea how can alien ambient sounds be. Maybe temporary disabling all ambient sounds is good idea until I find good sounds.

Don't know whats possible in Arma3, but maybe start with only footstep sounds and a bit of wind sounds. Maybe make it sound a bit more echoing,so it sounds more alien.
Ron4Swat 20 feb, 2021 @ 11:49 
Some thoughts, suggestions, criticisms i had while looking at the terrain, all in random order.

1.) while its suppossed to be a alien world its topograhpy looks to me pretty earth like
2.) the bigger plants all around the terrain look misplaced to me, as all the surroundings seems to be pretty dry and rocky; you would expect such plants mostly in or near the water places
3.) its a pretty big terrain yet every area seems to look very similiar to another; would be interesting for example to have some areas with some longer canyons winding around the terrain etc.
4.) rocks seem to be placed mainly on the hills, but the bottom area of the hills are pretty clear of them, you would expect a higher amount of rocks around the bottom of hills because of gravity, imo it could make the places looking more realistic
5.) i wasn't a big fan of all the big rocks laying around in earlier versions of Laghisola; you mentioned back then that you like the Contact DLC rocks, it seems this terrain is perfect to play around more with them here; asteorids, vulkans etc. all could be a believeable source of all kinds of more strange looking rocks in a alien world like this
6.) beside the topography in general but also the hills looks pretty much the same, might be worth to make them a bit more differently in different areas, for example some being more rocky, some more sharply; some might have a darker color for example from a more recent vulcan eruption
7.) a few more or less big craters could be interesting and a change in landscape; a bigger one of maybe even a few hundred meters, maybe with a pretty flat ground in the centre as opportunity to build a base would make a nice change in landscape and interesting opportunity for missions
EAGLE  [utvecklare] 21 feb, 2021 @ 8:06

Ugly texture but I think it is perfect for placing some crystals
Ron4Swat 21 feb, 2021 @ 8:37 
Judging from the pictures it doesn't look bad. Crystals seem to be a perfect fit in a environment like this.
Redwan S. 22 feb, 2021 @ 0:39 
Would it be possible to have a way to stop the weird wind noise?
EAGLE  [utvecklare] 22 feb, 2021 @ 2:11 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Redwan S.:
Would it be possible to have a way to stop the weird wind noise?
Yes this is pre-alpha version and wind sound was the first attempt to change ambient sounds
Redwan S. 22 feb, 2021 @ 13:41 
Ursprungligen skrivet av War is Hell:
Ursprungligen skrivet av Redwan S.:
Would it be possible to have a way to stop the weird wind noise?
Yes this is pre-alpha version and wind sound was the first attempt to change ambient sounds
Roger, much appreciated for responding ^_^
Mallekip 2 mar, 2021 @ 8:31 
@Ron4Swat I think this is interesting how we see this differently. Personally I enjoy that the geography sortof looks like a planet we have seen before. I think it would kill immersion if, for example there were tall giant indestructible spikes sticking out of the ground. Or something floating against gravity. There is a Pandora map here in the workshop, and I found it difficult making a fun scenario on it with Arma units. But each to their own taste :]!

What I really enjoy as different in this map (and what is scientifically plausible on a low atmosphere planet) is the difference in scale vs the player. The valleys are giant, and you can really race with your vehicle in fun ways.

Re: wind sounds. Livonia actually has some good ones you could use.
On planets with little atmosphere, there is also little wind. The Perseverence rover recently recorded the first winds from another planet!

Man I love being alive now!
Senast ändrad av Mallekip; 2 mar, 2021 @ 8:39
Ron4Swat 2 mar, 2021 @ 16:03 
I think you misinterpreted what i wrote. I don't think i have advocated for anything thats not scientifically possible nor did i meant to.

I actually agree with your sentiment that its good that this alien terrain looks like something we know, i just think that it should look a bit more different, as i would assume that there are other geological processes that have been prominent.

For example i doubt that the planet has seen many ice ages with glaciers kilometers thick that slowly carved out the environment. So how would that look like ?

I however could imagine that on a planet like this there is much more vulcanic activity, where big streams of lava have carved out the landscape, maybe like rivers on earth, but probably with a darker tone, which we would not see that often on earth.

This planet might see alot of more asteorid and meteor impacts, that have created more smaller and bigger craters in much less distances then we see on earth. Some of these meteorids might have blown up parts of some of the hills, which would give them a strange appearance compared what we are familiar with. The lack of ice ages that crashed the remaining bigger parts of the meteorids and asteorids could lead to the existence of more and bigger rocks all over the terrain.

There might be more and heavier earth quakes on this planet, which i assume would also have some effect on the appearence of hills and mountains, etc..

Mallekip 9 mar, 2021 @ 14:29 
^ Your ideas sound plausible. Let's just see what our author wants to do :).

Recently messed around on the map with a friend. Really enjoyed the Southwest corner lake and valley. It's pretty, and you can really make a fun uphill battle there with all the cover.
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