Vanilla Books Expanded
Ideas about possible new books
What about type of book "Encyclopedia" that will teach pawn a little bit in everything but in sum it will teach much faster than usual books. Like 1xp / 5 ticks for legendary but in every skill. And the level of book will be affected by the medium level of all writer's skills.

What about book about relationship. It will significantly decrease the chance of divorce (for one week or quadrum or even longer because effect is not very important) and other bad stuff in relations. And maybe decrease the power of thoughts about dead related people and being refused by the crush. I guess its level should be affected by level of author's relation. And author without one should not be able to write such books. Quality of book maybe affect the how long it work or how strong is effect.

The one about psychology. It should decrease the amount of mental breaks (like -60% possibility of destructive mental break and -30% of light mental break), or just decrease the amount of destructive ones, ot at least (if previous two impossible to code) make mental break threshold lower. I think the quality must be affected by either current threshold or current level of happiness. Again quality affect either time or effect.

Some book about time management that will increase the global work speed. It would be great if it possible to make it be affected by the current level of GWS of author. This one is very useful so maybe it should grant small increase or for short time.

Here's where my fantasy bleed out, thank you for reading.
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Also you used mechanic of immediate effect (pawns get exp as long as they read). For books about relationship, psycology and time management it maybe impossible, so i think they should be read for 2-5 hours for effect to appear. And the progress of reading if it takes to long. Or if it impossible than make it fast to read but with lower effect to banalce it
I commented a suggestion for copies.
I was thinking of a way to mass produce newspaper and books.
A machine that is both a papermaker and industrial printer.
The machine utilizes wood as both a material and fuel. (It will consume electricity if available).
It consumes a original work to make many copies in bulk.
Only original works can be made into copies.
What about books that let you store or transfer inspirations? Like if a pawn gets an inspiration, I've found a lot of the time they are hardly ever very useful, because I might get inspired taming on a pawn that has 3 in animals, or inspired recruitment when I have no prisoners, so if there was a way for pawns to write it down they could transfer it to another pawn, or save it for later (or even sell it). It could be balanced by having them be single use, or even needing the pawn who eventually uses it to have a high mood.
what about comics that give a sustancial mood boost but have a slight chance to generate an addiction that make them crave for more
Perhaps for fiction books you could create a book with two "genres" that train two skills at once, but at half the rate. For example, I could have an Action/Sci-fi book that trains shooting and intelligence respectively. Each genre trains a certain skill and each fiction novel has two genres. Maybe a pawn could also get a mood boost for reading a book with genres that support their passion, so a pawn that likes shooting and intellectual will get a mood boost from that book for a few hours.

Suggestions for skill genres:

Shooting: Action

Melee: Fantasy

Construction: Mythological

Mining: Adventure

Cooking: (Survival)?

Plants: (Survival)?

Animals: Western

Crafting: Dystopian

Artistic: Graphic Novel

Medical: War

Social: Drama

Intellectual: Sci-fi

(It should be noted this would require 66 books for each unique combination)

What do you think about patch for the mod "Rimworld of Magic"? One book will give user XP in magic and one in Might. The quality of book depend of magic or might level of writer
liosalpha 26 Agu 2020 @ 4:05am 
Propaganda and manifestos.

Thes sould take a very long time to make (like 10X more then the skill books) and will be based around a single triat of writer.
When a reader finishes the book it has a chance to:
*Get that trait,
*Lessen a version of that trait toward the one of the book.
*Give a mood debuff,
*Send a pawn in a (mental break) rage aganst all the pawns with that trait.
*Very low chance for the pawn to set fire to the book.

The effectiveness of this is based on the quality level

idk if there is a more propper term for this in english but i think manifesto is kind of fitting.
Like a manifesto on the importance of work ethics (hard worker)
Or a manifesto of the uncaring (psyco)
Nutman 2 Sep 2020 @ 9:36am 
What about a magazine that functions similarly to the newspaper?
Bryan=0101 11 Sep 2020 @ 9:50am 
I had an idea with a fiction book, is that a colonist may really like it, and start talking to other colonists about it, then they become interested in reading the book. If they cannot they suffer a debuff, and if they are able they get more joy than they would otherwise, etc.

It's not really a new book tho.
gbieniek 12 Sep 2020 @ 3:09pm 
To expand on liosalphas "propaganda and manifestos". Perhaps it would be possible for a high social pawn to write this propaganda to leave in your prisons. This would passively either; reduce resistance or increase the success chance (or both). Not sure if this mechanic is possible.

Additionally, like Higgs Bon Bon's suggestion. A motivational style book, that could cause a chance for inspirations or temporary boosts to work speed. If it was possible this could use the pawns stats in the records tab for the type of motivational book they right. A pawn with a many kills could write a book like, 'the art of war', that would cause patriotic feelings increasing fighting skills and reducing pain for a period of time.

Gamer 12 Sep 2020 @ 8:12pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh gbieniek:
To expand on liosalphas "propaganda and manifestos". Perhaps it would be possible for a high social pawn to write this propaganda to leave in your prisons. This would passively either; reduce resistance or increase the success chance (or both). Not sure if this mechanic is possible.

Additionally, like Higgs Bon Bon's suggestion. A motivational style book, that could cause a chance for inspirations or temporary boosts to work speed. If it was possible this could use the pawns stats in the records tab for the type of motivational book they right. A pawn with a many kills could write a book like, 'the art of war', that would cause patriotic feelings increasing fighting skills and reducing pain for a period of time.
Y e s good. propaganda
What about a book for prisoners that raises their willingness to join or reduce the chance for them to try and escape.
Bishop 25 Okt 2020 @ 3:27pm 
Suggestion: Self-help books that shorten the during of some of the more major mood debuffs (like loved one dying, drug withdrawal, etc)
Velvet 16 Des 2020 @ 7:59pm 
Biography - Write a book about a pawn. If that pawn is alive, the book improves the reader's opinion towards the subject when read. If that pawn is dead, the book partially offsets "My Friend X Died" and similar mood debuffs when read. Possible tie-in with traits? Example, a pawn with Jealous gets a mood buff from their own biography, and a mood debuff from reading other biographies.

Law Textbook - In addition to providing minor Social and Intelligence experience when read, can be used as a short-range blunt throwing weapon.
NanoDesu 13 Jan 2021 @ 3:00pm 
Fiction books can proc a chance for inspiration, depending on genre.
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