Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Harpoon (Rope)
Deadmeat 27 Jun, 2020 @ 7:15pm
Dedcated server error (Duplicate)
Keen: Duplicate ModStorageComponent GUID: a57ccbb9-cf0f-4dc9-ae8e-b8d27e05af0c, in 2104723957.sbm: MyObjectBuilder_ModStorageComponent/HarpoonSmall.

And I can not get to the fire controls for this mod.
any help would be appreciated
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Klime  [developer] 28 Jun, 2020 @ 9:11pm 
You can safely ignore the warning. Its due to the framework the mod uses. As for firing the harpoon, it should just be a case of drag the Harpoon block to the G menu, then selecting "Fire Detach"
Deadmeat 5 Jul, 2020 @ 10:59am 
Thank you Klime
OnePunchMan 27 Aug, 2020 @ 7:20am 
thanks for the update but its pretty hard to ignore them it spams in the log. any chance this can be removed now?
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