Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Harpoon (Rope)
Deadmeat 27. juni 2020 kl. 19.15
Dedcated server error (Duplicate)
Keen: Duplicate ModStorageComponent GUID: a57ccbb9-cf0f-4dc9-ae8e-b8d27e05af0c, in 2104723957.sbm: MyObjectBuilder_ModStorageComponent/HarpoonSmall.

And I can not get to the fire controls for this mod.
any help would be appreciated
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Klime  [utvikler] 28. juni 2020 kl. 21.11 
You can safely ignore the warning. Its due to the framework the mod uses. As for firing the harpoon, it should just be a case of drag the Harpoon block to the G menu, then selecting "Fire Detach"
Deadmeat 5. juli 2020 kl. 10.59 
Thank you Klime
OnePunchMan 27. aug. 2020 kl. 7.20 
thanks for the update but its pretty hard to ignore them it spams in the log. any chance this can be removed now?
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