

Android tiers - TX Series
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aRandomKiwi  [developer] 29 Feb, 2020 @ 11:48am
[Features Requests]
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Showing 1-15 of 72 comments
Acarii 29 Feb, 2020 @ 4:02pm 
Suggestion: Bionoids

This brief will focus on the Android BX series "Bionoids", and characteristics thereof. Bionoids are a variant of androids distinct from other models by being primarily made of artificial flesh. Bionoids are visually identical to the species they're designed to resemble. Both physical appearance and behavior. Notable variations of Bionoid are Human, Dwarf, "Fishmen", most variations of beastmen, most common livestock, cats, dogs, and roaches. Differences are usually minuscule, and impossible to determine without special equipment. Primary identification methods are blood and tissue samples, x-ray, and MRI. Rarely more conventional methods are possible, although recorded cases are either unique, or may be misidentification. All identification methods attempt to search for implant-like structures in the subjects biology, or in the case of blood and tissue samples, BX mechanite presence.

Bionoids are known to be extremely accurate to the species they resemble. Even have been recorded to have offspring with target species. Offspring studied at the earliest stages (1-3y) show virtually no markers of their bionoid parentage. The only indicator being small quantities of BX mechanites in their blood and tissue samples. Offspring from 4-12 gradually acquire more indicators, manifesting as self-grown organ implants and reinforcement to bones and some tissue. By the 13th year, nearly all subjects appear to have stopped new development, and are fully considered a bionoid. However, select cases in labs have either accelerated or extended the process. Shortening and lengthening it to 5-30 years, respectively. Shortening is accomplished by introducing raw materials such as iron, plasteel, and silicon into the bionoid's diet. Lengthening, likewise is accomplished through malnutrition.

Biology of bionoids is almost indistinguishable from the target species. However, intelligence, endurance, strength, and durability testing reveals either equivalent of vastly superior capability. This remained true during tissue testing, even when removed from host implants. Regenerate properties of bionoids however appears to be stunted. This is thought to be due to the increased resource cost to maintain the bionoid body and the structure of cells within the bionoid. Bionoids are noted for extreme adaptability, allowing them to utilize most brain implants, prosthesis, and augmentations regardless of its original intent. This is characterized by some bionoids using ordinary android replacement limbs, or some MRI scans revealing chip sets meant for androids. Bionoids do not suffer any known disease or illness. The Bionoid Mechanites are believed to be the cause of this capability. Mechanites replace many functions of the immune system, attacking intruders and destroying them completely. Unsurprisingly, mechanite borne illnesses are rendered inert as well. This is particularly notable, as luciferium derivatives are impossible to utilize.

Bionoid behavior is virtually indistinguishable from target species' behavior. Bionoids have similar food, liquid, waste, and socialization needs. Bionoids appear to share similar emotions and speech patterns as the target. This is included for all variants, including animals. Notable exceptions typically focus on animal variants. Animal variants will occasionally show increased intelligence when stressed sufficiently. These changes can be minor, or rival and sometimes surpass human level intellect. No reliable process has been discovered to trigger this. Other notable exceptions have been recorded in human level bionoids. For unknown reasons, bionoids may singularly or in a group compulsively construct objects with surrounding materials in a "Strange Mood" event. Constructions range from harmless and even helpful, to malignant. Observations from survivors or remains suggests the majority of objects created surpass the understanding of the target community. Some are believed to match descriptions of known archotech. Although unconfirmed, the death of several planets is suspected to be caused by these creations. Attempting to stop these events through any means will without exception, turn all bionoids in the area hostile. This includes uninvolved bionoids. Causes of disruption appear to be irrelevant, even random lightning strikes have resulted in hostility. Extreme caution should be utilized when discovering such an event in progress.

BX series androids. "Bionoids"
Biological in nature
Can use non-organ android replacement parts

Event only item: Bionoid Mech Serum
Convert an existing biological pawn into a bionoid (wipes own social, re-rolls traits and stats). Can be applied to a clone vat to turn a clone into one.

Event: Strange Mood
Some BX androids will attempt to build a random item or artifact in a random location in the home region. Object built may be helpful to your cause, or cause the end of it. Any artifact, furniture, android, mechanoid, and some creatures. Quality is always masterwork or legendary, regardless of skills where applicable.

New artifacts:
Psychic turret - Hostile, induces psychic shock. Stops working when HP is low. Deconstructing for the first time drops as a movable item, allowing you to 'claim' it.
Abomination - Hostile, highly aggressive.
Targeting beacon - Marks map for random laser and orbital bombardment strikes, increases mechanoid raid chance. Deconstructing for the first time drops as a movable item, allowing you to 'claim' it.
Insanity beacon - Functions like the phychic ship. Deconstructing for the first time drops as a movable item, allowing you to 'claim' it.
Rebreather Implant - Allows breathing in space(if SoS2 installed). Installed on lung(s)
Last edited by Acarii; 1 Mar, 2020 @ 1:36pm
Raith 1 Mar, 2020 @ 4:02am 
How about a version for T5 that's similar to the T-1000 series
CrackaJack  [developer] 1 Mar, 2020 @ 2:01pm 
The t5 equivalent is in progress
Raith 2 Mar, 2020 @ 1:56am 
wonder if it will be like the liquid terminator
Honest ClarkVT 2 Mar, 2020 @ 6:23pm 
how about a quest. you are tasked by another faction to build an infiltrator unit and send it back in time to kill someone using a time machine building while it would be cool to spawn into an area like the one in the vid made to showcase the mod I would also be cool to a rabbithole like situation making simple disesions which will vastly affect the mission. the results of the mission will not only net you some sweet loot but also change maybe the weather and events as well as change the leader of factions and such. subsecently another ressistance faction may ask that you send someone of your faction be it a human or T800 to protect someone in the past. You could even use the time machine for yourself and more then likly create mass chaos on the rim.
Acarii 2 Mar, 2020 @ 10:50pm 
I really feel going down the Terminator fan-mod route would be detrimental to the mod's development.
Last edited by Acarii; 3 Mar, 2020 @ 8:29am
Robotic Wizard 3 Mar, 2020 @ 11:18am 
A t-whatever-pending-on-severity would spawn in a flash of light somewhere on your map and target a single pawn and only attack other pawns if they attack him :steamhappy:
Kaellen Havarok 3 Mar, 2020 @ 3:05pm 
If possible I'd like to 1-up/Say I'd also like to see the Bionoid feature. Also, could I ask for more mainly Combat Oriented (TX2K, TX2KI) types past T2 if they aren't already in development, as well as maybe a way to create the human flesh (Or some fake flesh) needed for skinned types without skinning humans for people without QEE or for people that can't use it, (Like for currently, where it's 1.0) I don't much know how you'd balance it, but maybe a recipe where you have to include other meats, or some type of textile like Synthread(Or even a metal) and the other meats, to make the Human flesh?
Lokki 5 Mar, 2020 @ 11:00am 
Originally posted by Acarii:
I really feel going down the Terminator fan-mod route would be detrimental to the mod's development.
But this is a add on to it. if you dont like it, dont use it
Ravenholme 5 Mar, 2020 @ 12:40pm 
Reposting here rather on ATE++'s page because it is more appropriate for 1.1:

I think it would be neat if there were Mechanoid Hive Androids - either ones that have succumbed to hacking and become part of the Mechanoid Hivemind, or specific Android-form Mechanoids (With maybe a smoother, more rounded appearance and sporting the white and grey colours of the Mechanoid Hive).

You could even do something like the "Traitor" events that crop up in other event mods, but instead have a human-like pawn who joined your colony turn out to be a hostile Android/Mechanoid Android TX model. Perhaps if they're not killed/apprehended swiftly enough after the reveal, they call in a Mechanoid cluster siege (if the player owns Royalty) or a Raid of Mechanoids.
Oblivious 5 Mar, 2020 @ 10:59pm 
Why not have these androids be printed off/manufactured off a bench similar to the Androids mod? Except for it to be faster ofc.
Jeff the Second 6 Mar, 2020 @ 8:56am 
I would love to see a version of the TX series androids, but for
alien races, like having each individual race have its own frame
and it's own layer of flesh. It would be cool.
Last edited by Jeff the Second; 6 Mar, 2020 @ 8:57am
Acarii 6 Mar, 2020 @ 9:13am 
Originally posted by ItsLokki:

But this is a add on to it. if you dont like it, dont use it

I don't think this mod needs to be a Terminator mod. The current terminator-like androids are fine, and work very well in the game world. It really does fit the universe to have androids trying to fit in with humans and vice-versa. Either for peace or war, or service. But adding things like liquid metal androids or time travel events may be pushing it. Especially for balance. It's be better to have transhumanist androids that just want to be more human, one way or the other. It would be better to create stories about the hard earned victories and horrors around such androids.

It doesn't need to be Terminator: The Mod. Taking elements from the series is good. And should be encouraged where it makes sense. But not so far that we break suspension of disbelief.
Last edited by Acarii; 6 Mar, 2020 @ 9:13am
Toaster Hugger 7 Mar, 2020 @ 1:35pm 
+1 to Ravenholme's suggestion. It's what I just came to recommend. Traitor TX series from the mechanoids.
DiskenCider 10 Mar, 2020 @ 3:46pm 
I hope you can update android appearance with gloomy face
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