Rivals of Aether
Gunvolt Ver 1.1
Some feedback and bug reports
The info screen (little "i" button in character select under the portrait) should probably contain some gameplay tips to get somebody who doesn't know anything about the character started,

I found a bug with down special. If you grab an opponent near enough to a wall you can fling them right THROUGH it. An easy way to reproduce this is in practice mode on the giant wall on the right side. Smack the opponent against it and then grab them from real close.

I also noticed he can't dash dance and moonwalk like all other characters. I tried dash dancing at 0.25x speed and it kinda works but not really.

Dair should probably be jump cancellable or something when you hit an opponent with it. If you use it to kick an opponent who's offstage to edge guard them you kinda just ♥♥♥♥ yourself.

Also, the tagging system seems to be a little bugged? I had a match with AI Kragg (my first match actually) where I tagged Kragg then used FSpecial and the tip hit Kragg but it didn't consume tags. I got hit and his tags were removed but at some point, FSpecialing him gave him the tags he lost back? I also found that getting hit to lose tags and then doing certain aerial attacks would give the tags back again. It's really strange and inconsistent so I don't know how to reproduce it yet. I did find that hitting Kragg with his own rock shards by breaking his rock tags him so it probably has something to do with any projectile you own? Maybe if you parry enemy projectiles it can have a similar effect? No clue.

Last thing I want to point out is that NSpecial really shouldn't break Kragg's pillar and rock considering it doesn't do any damage and even bounces off of them. It's quite OP against Kragg.

EDIT: Yeah, the bug probably happened due to Kragg's rock shards in terms of FSpecial since I probably hit both Kragg and his rock at the same time or something but I swear I remember fully marking him with ordinary aerial attacks, too. Will test more to find out.
EDIT2: It seems that a lot of the smaller vanilla characters can't be shot when on the ground and not attacking due to how tall you are. I guess that will be fixed with the better fitting sprite changes but if that isn't, maybe allow us to crouch fire? Like maybe if you press the fire button but crouch immediately after it will cause you to crouch fire instead and if you mash while holding down after the initial crouch you will keep crouch firing.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Someone64; 26 Δεκ 2019, 23:18
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Mythos  [δημιουργός] 29 Δεκ 2019, 20:40 
Thanks for the in-depth feedback. I'll make sure to add some kind of check for walls in the future to prevent spawning them inside -- it kind of forces them to an horizontal position, with the code being taken from Clairen's grab. Since Clairen's grab is so close I suppose it was never an issue for her, but with how far Gunvolt sends them, I definitely should've included a check.

I'm not sure how exactly I'm going to deal with the Kragg issue. The code for the UI and tag management has a good bit taken from Guadua, so I'll have to test if it persists for her as well. ...Actually, maybe making it so that the Tag-based hitboxes can't break his rocks would be best.

I'll make sure that the Darts don't break Kragg's rocks either. You're right in that it's an odd feature.

I'm getting some complaints that Gunvolt is a bit overpowered, so I'm not sure if adding the jump cancel would be a good idea. Maybe in a future patch after the next one, so I can gauge how much it would buff him.

As for the Darts missing characters... It's definitely a height thing. I realized too late just how tall he really was in comparison to the non-mod characters (especially Orcane), and I'm currently developing new sprites for him that scale him better to the size of the other characters (Rivals doesn't allow for sprite scaling, only spriting in one of two different resolutions, and the other resolution makes the current sprites way too small). In the future, the height thing shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Lastly, for the info thing... I'm... Actually not sure what you mean by that. The only window that comes to mind is from the Workshop management screen and that's a bit too small to detail his moveset, I feel. Would it be impolite for me to ask you to elaborate on this? It sounds like something I'd like to include.
Both vanilla and workshop characters tend to have a very short summary on the character's moveset in the info screen. The info screen is that small blue button that's sitting under a selected character's portrait. Take a look at the vanilla ones for a good example. You don't have to put the moveset in in great detail, in fact, you're not supposed to. Just put things that would be a little hard for people to figure out on their own. An example could be "Gunvolt's neutral special can tag opponents up to 3 times! This affects the strength of all your strongs." and other short but important tidbits like that. If you have too little space You have to put stuff in the next info page. If you somehow have too much space you can make the last detail something like "careful with using down air. There's no way to stop plummeting once you start" or some more mundane tip like that.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Someone64; 30 Δεκ 2019, 19:35
IDK how I got this to happen but marking has some other strange bugs (possibly related to the ones I reported earlier): https://gfycat.com/FalseTiredDunlin
Does side B (Spark/Lux Calibur) have a hurtbox on it? I am asking since I am getting hurt by attacks that come out on the same frame as side B's hitbox comes out. I notice this often when the you try to side B a constant hitbox like Lv1 Boss!Zetta's sword pillars. I did some texting in practice at 0.25 speed and I got this to work when I landed side B with Boss!Zetta's dome attack. This only seems to happen with Physical type moves instead of projectiles. I am unsure if this happens on any other frame if side B is already out.
On another note for Neutral B (Tag Darts), I suggest Neutral B to be cancel-able into any other B input. This way if you parry someone you can tag someone with a dart and go straight into a different special with ease, instead of waiting for the entire Neutral B animation to end before using another special. Currently any other Special input would cause you to fire another dart as long as the animation is still in active which leaves you more volnerable, you could also apply this in gernal to it cancels into any move. Another suggestion is that Neutral B's tag timer to add additional time to the current stack for example: the first tag has 8 seconds, a second tag could make it 16 and the final tag would make it 24, any further tags would increase the timer by 2 (can't go past 24 seconds), instead of refreshing the 8 second countdown with each tag. My final suggestion for Neutral B is to give it some minor damage like in him games 1% should be fine.
For his Up B, for starters should hit all targets who are marked since its possible to tag multiple players (this also follows how his flash field worked in his game. There is a bug where if you tag a player and use Up B right on top of them (overlapping) you only hit them with the flash field around GV instead of both eletric shock and flash field.
Onto Side B (Spark/Lux Calibur), It should have a tipper at the end of the blade to reward for great positioning, probably give it a 5% damage increase (your choice how much it gives). To follow how Spark/Lux Calibur it works in GV's game, it should have higher damage then his Down B (grounded version, Voltaic Chains) due to it having higher raw damage output in his game, so give it 20% damage instead of 15% (maybe a bit more if you feel like it).
Now for his Down B (grounded version, Voltaic Chains), to follow how it works in GV's game, its damage is heavily scaled with how many tags are on screen (to describe it as in game, its damage without any tags is pretty weak, weaker then Astra/Lightning Sphere, which is weaker then Spark/Lux Calibur. With 3 tags is damage is almost on par with Spark/Lux Calibur, on bosses with multiple targets, Voltaic Chains does MAD amounts of damage, enough to 1 shot bosses.) to put this in rivals, have its damage at 15% with no tags and increase its damage by 1-3 (my preference) or 3-5 (if we want to have it be more rewardable for being able to grab a enemy player in the middle of a fight) per stack on a single target. If multiple players are shot at and are cought in the attack, increase its damage by the number of tags on the other player along with the grabbed target's own tags (example: If each tag increased the damage by 3, and grab target has 3 tags, and the player that got cought in the attack has 2, then the amount of tags = 5 tags, then the total damage applyed to both targets is 30%).
For the other half of Down B (Aerial Version, Astra/Lightning Sphere), have GV be able to jump after it ends (this is a nod to how you can jump out of Astra/Lighting Sphere after the animation ends in his game, was used in a speed run to enter a secret area)
Over all GV is pretty good from what you have done so far, might need some slight tweaks but more testing will be required. Oh, and another thing, if you make add another custom taunt, please include Lumen or Joule.
I know this mod is an older one, but I get a consistent "back to character select" bug if you tag the opponent 3 times and then jump to flashfield (up special).

Is this something that always happens, or only if you tag other workshop characters? Other than the game bugging and sending both players back to the character select screen after that move, the mod works great.
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