A Better Chosen
DerBK  [ผู้พัฒนา] 3 ก.ค. 2019 @ 2: 52pm
What this mod is trying to do (...eventually...)
I want to state my design goal here, my vision for how the Chosen should work within the larger XCOM2 game. I am doing this because there is a disconnect between what i want and what a somewhat big part of the community seems to expect from the Chosen.

To sum it up in a paragraph: The Chosen are primarily part of the strategical challenge, not of the tactical one. When in a tactical mission that has a Chosen, the gameplay shouldn't warp around them, they should act as a modifier/force multiplier similar to some SitReps. Ultimately, the game should still be about fighting squads of aliens with your squad of soldiers in tactical battles. Y'know.... XCOM.

(Warning, everything from now on is a bit stream-of-mind and might be a bit rambling at times. I might edit it later, if it gets too bad :D)

So what does that mean in practice? It means with my mod you will not see stuff like the Hunter squadsight sniping your soldiers from across the map. I believe that is just bad gameplay, frustrating and unsatisfying. And also shifting the game away from the squad on squad battles that i originally signed up for and that i love about this game. Instead i want to introduce abilities and behaviors for the Chosen that enhance that part of the game by offering small modifiers to the tactical challenge. The Tracking Shot and Spectral Zombies from the unmodded WotC are great because they just layer on top of any already ongoing fights and just add some extra spice instead of just warping everything around them. Those perks might be little challenge in a vacuum but can be quite nasty when you are trying to dig in your position against a Sectopod Prime or a horde of Lost Chargers.

I had people ask me to ditch the out of combat phase of Chosen and make them immediately rush the player. Supposedly that makes them more difficult or something. I mostly find it boring because it eliminates like half of the Chosen's behaviors and options. I guess you can see how that also contradicts my earlier goal to have the Chosen subtly layer on top of the regular gameplay. So no, not happening either.

I've now mostly spoken about things that i do not want to do, so how about some more concrete things that i do want to put into the mod going forwards.

In the unmodded game, Chosen are generally meant to go for captures or knowledge extraction instead of killing your guys. That's an aspect that i want to keep but shift more towards capturing. I simply believe that the knowledge thing is not enough of a deterrent for the player, losing against a Chosen needs to hurt. Getting one of your guys captured seems appropriate :) To give one very specific example, it is common practice to intentionally let the Chosen (especially the Assassin) do the knowledge extraction on the first retaliation just to get them out of your hair. This should not be an easy choice to do, if you feed one of your soldiers to a Chosen intentionally, that should have consequences that go beyond a simple +10 knowledge for the Chosen.

One thing that my mods are usually trying to achieve is more variety. Enemies should always have some options, which is why i am giving new abilities to those who do not have them currently. This has already happened for the Warlock who only had his Spectral Zombies in his unengaged phase before and got more small harrassment perks to rotate through. I will do something similar with the Hunter, despite me liking Tracking Shot very much there could be some other thing for him to pick from.

Another thing that i will want to do is lean harder into fatigue. Will loss has a lot of subtle effects in the game, from making your soldiers more susceptible to mind control and panic to increasing post-mission fatigue. An encounter with a Chosen should stress out soldiers more than encountering Sectoid#34509, so i am going to tie Will Loss effects into many Chosen skills. Like the Tracking Shot mark, for example.

Once that is done, should i decide to do even more for this mod, i would want to look into changing Chosen AI significantly depending on strengths and weaknesses. Maybe even add some of my own. A Hunter that is immune to melee could for example be extremely aggressive and in-your-face with close range pistol flankshots, while a Hunter with Brittle would be extra careful and snipey using only defensive movement patterns. That kind of stuff. Dunno yet. Could end up being too much work :D

And that's all i have for now. I will leave this thread open as a discussion thread, feel free to discuss below. Note that my stance on this is not really going to budge much, i have a very clear vision of how i want the Chosen to be.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DerBK; 3 ก.ค. 2019 @ 3: 06pm
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DerBK  [ผู้พัฒนา] 3 ก.ค. 2019 @ 2: 52pm 
I like having this kind of threads around so i have something to link to whenever needed.
DerBK  [ผู้พัฒนา] 3 ก.ค. 2019 @ 3: 04pm 
Maybe one more additional note, regarding the somewhat popular suggestion to give the Chosen more than 2 actions. Well first off, i personally think that's poppycock :D

But i did add an option to the mod to enable Prime Reactions for Chosen. If you want to introduce that kind of ridiculous into your game, might as well do it with style. Prime reactions at least offer some gameplay there.
The biggest problem I've seen with chosen is when their cover gets destroyed. When that happens and is followed by the whole squad focusing them, they can easily go down in 1 turn (something that can't happen to rulers quite the same way).

I have 2 ideas for this. One is to simply make them immune to random crits (saw someone play with that and it went a long way towards solving this issue), and maybe add blast padding so you can't just drown them in explosives.
The other is to give them a defensive action (mainly move but maybe a few other things) if they get hit by a flank/exposed shot.

The assassin suffers less from this problem since her movements makes it hard to get into a position where you can focus all your guns on her in 1 turn. The other 2 are just one ill adviced move away from having it happen to them.
DerBK  [ผู้พัฒนา] 4 ก.ค. 2019 @ 10: 18pm 
Things like "Resilient: Immunity to Crits" or "Tactician: When this Chosen receives damage while being flanked, he gets a bonus action to get back into cover" or maybe even "Unphased: This Chosen doesn't use cover" (and instead has a constant defense bonus, like a MEC) sound to me like they would be interesting Chosen Strengths. The vanilla "Planewalker" thing also goes into a similar direction already.

That way, the introduction of such mechanics could also easily be delayed until tier 2 or 3 which i find important... piling onto an exposed Chosen can often be the only way to even be able to take down that Chosen on the first retal when all you have is a bunch of noobies with 60-70 aim and pea shooters.
That's a really good idea actually. Their M1 forms are fine but if they had a 100% chance to get a nice defensive strenght later on it would help a lot.

Also, I haven't tested this mod yet so apologies if this is already a thing, but IMO they need to use their summon abilities more often (and pick up a summon boosting strenght like shogun or mechlord later).
Tried a few chosen AI mods and they all seem to neglect using their free action summon skill for some reason.
Which is a shame since that creates more of a squad-based type of combat in chosen fights, especially when some modded enemies make it into their summoning lists.
DerBK  [ผู้พัฒนา] 24 ก.ค. 2019 @ 10: 13pm 
Sounds to me like you would enjoy the Warlock after the changes from this mod. He uses Spectral Army midfight on a whim and is also able to still Summon Spectral Zombies while engaged.

During the first test games, he was so much of a summoner, i actually had to dial it back a bit :D
Hehe, I like that. I did actually see an instance in vanilla AI once where the assassin used her summon skill to great effect.
She ran in for a sword strike, then used the free action summon to drop 2 stunlancers right in the middle of the squad before using her bending reed move to run back out, then went on overwatch because she had the "overwatch at turn end" strenght.

Speaking of squadfights with the chosen btw, one thing that always grinded my nards was when you got into the boss fight chamber in the chosen strongholds.
There is always a pod in there, but it's completely pointless since you can always kill it, reload, and wait for cooldowns before moving up to trigger the chosen.
Usually results in the chosen dieing before making a single move since it spawns in alone, and the 2 enemies that teleport in while it's healing are a joke to any sort of leveled up squad.

I recently found a great mod called "populated chosen chambers" that makes the portal platforms spawn in real pods, 4 enemies per portal instead of 1, (which makes it feel more like the final mission avatar fight, which seems appropriate), and I really like that concept. The only thing it's missing is a way for the chosen to trigger as soon as you engage the initial pod in the room (just like how they show up on normal missions).

Not really sure if that is something that is editable or if it's hard coded to "getting in sight range of the chosen regen altar", so my idea for it is to either have some enemies spawn in as the chosen fight triggers, the chosen getting to use their summon move on their scamper, the chosen getting a stasis bubble after it's scamper, or the initial pod being anchored to the chosen's altar so that it activates as you trigger the chosen (just throwing out any thoughts I can think of :P)
DerBK  [ผู้พัฒนา] 25 ก.ค. 2019 @ 4: 18am 
Good food for thought, thanks. Once Primes are able to spawn from the reinforcements in the Chosen chamber, things can get spicy. But that initial pod is indeed pointless and i could see experimenting with pod placements in that level.
Glad to hear it. As they are in vanilla, the chosen base assaults feel way to much routine.
They are basically "do them because you can", which is kinda anti climactic.
They should be more "should I really do this? It's dangerous", like how the alien base assaults in LW1 are. High risk, high reward.

Btw, I think the populated chosen chambers mod can play nice with your mods. I think it only edits the pod sizes and makes a few changes to the chosen regen, but I'm not entierly sure how it's coded.
DerBK  [ผู้พัฒนา] 25 ก.ค. 2019 @ 11: 29am 
>>> Btw, I think the populated chosen chambers mod can play nice with your mods.

Yeah sure, if the mod works like i assume it does (adding new pods in Schedules.ini), that's no problem at all.
Oh, I just remembered something. When the warlock does spectral army in vanilla, it's possible to cheese it like mad by keeping one spectral lancer alive, surround the warlock with your squad, then kill the lancer to end the stasis and just shoot him with everyone.

IMO the stasis shouldn't end until his turn begins (just like sustain).
Sorry if this mod allready does that.
Nice! I actually really appreciate it when modders and content creators post this sort of "design statement" to explain what their overarching goal is.
Hay so I know it's been a while (also who uses steam posts? well some people I guess), but I wanted to ask why you thought the hunter putting a permanent debuf on defence ever time he uses tracking shot was/ is a good idea? It doesn't seem in the spirit of the vanilla game for 2 reasons.

1: It's permanent. As far as I know, there are no other debufs in the game that last until the end of the mission, except for your will decreasing every turn, but in vanilla enemies can't really do much to decrease your will by any significant amount expect the lost. And I think there's a good reason why permanent debufs aren't a thing, they feel really unfair. In the case of the hunter, he uses tracking shot basically every turn and by the time you get the exact point / end of the mission, your 2 or 3 frontline soldiers (usually rangers or skirmishers) each have a 20-30 debuf, and you have to fight both the hunter and likely the last 1 or 2 pods of enemies with your best soldiers for the job at a very high risk of dying. So at this point you have 2 options, either evac the mission if it's an option, or uses your backline support troops like snipers and heavies to do the fighting.

2: It doesn't have a real counter play. Now you could say this about any debuf, such as sectoids panicking your troops, or spectors binding them. But the difference there is that there is a counter play, rush in with a ranger and kill the sectoid, or find and focous fire the spector, or kill the clone of your soldier. The hunter on the other hand, sits at the back of the map, and doesn't even need squad sight, so he can always see at least one of your guys and use tracking shot. You also can't rush him because that would mean sending your frontline troops right up the middle of the map and getting slaughtered by the regular enemies or the hunter himself because of their defence debufs. So in effect this basically puts a soft mission timer on every mission with the hunter, and it's a pretty short one to, maybe 5-7 turns (after concealment breaks), and that's on top of everything else that may have gone wrong in the mission.

Imo the apex of this issue is the blacksite raid with the vial. If the hunter spawns, he camps the extract point, the uses tracking shot. Now everything I said above applies but even harder. So after trying to complete the campaign on commander difficulty with this mode and the better advent ai mod, 3 times now, I have had 2 raids on this blacksite with the hunter on it. And the only real way I can see to beat it is to send in a single reaper and just rush through the mission in steal and not even fight anyone. Which I think would work but it's very cheesy and being forced to play that way just isn't fun.

I think if the debuf lasted for a limited number of turns, like 2 or 3, it would be more manageable because you could disengage and recoup a bit on missions without timers.

Edit: so reapers can't go into shadow with objectives items on them, so that plan won't work.
So I if I get the hunter on this mission what am I supposed to do beyond just bringing a bunch of rookies as cannon fodder and using one to get the item out?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย TirushOne; 2 ส.ค. @ 3: 01am
DerBK  [ผู้พัฒนา] 2 ส.ค. @ 6: 29am 
Oh man, this pains me to tell you because i really appreciate a well written long-form opinion like that, but i quit modding 4ish years ago. So the mods are what they are now and any discussion to have would be purely academic.

So instead i will point you towards the XComGameData_SoldierSkills.ini that comes with this mod where you can find two separate parameters for HUNTER_MARK_WILL_MOD and HUNTER_MARK_DEF_MOD that you can change if the -7 is not to your liking.
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