

District Overhaul - [Beta]
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RevansSchatten  [udvikler] 6. apr. 2019 kl. 3:22
If you have any thoughts on balancing, please post them here.
A short note on balancing. Some districts are supposed to be op, while others are supposed to be a bit weeker. For instance it should be more expensive to farm on a desert planet then on a jungle planet.
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Viser 1-15 af 16 kommentarer
falkon311 11. apr. 2019 kl. 14:37 
Every planet has like 10-16 tile blockers. Is that something you did or just my bad luck? Seems a bit much imo seeing as they're bound to tech's for removal.

I really liked the "Tourism" district for "Ocean" worlds- it really fit. The "Research Complex"... not so much.
Sidst redigeret af falkon311; 11. apr. 2019 kl. 20:01
falkon311 11. apr. 2019 kl. 20:01 
Arid Worlds- Hydroponics and Agriculture districts? We don't need that much food lol.
falkon311 11. apr. 2019 kl. 20:37 
Ok so I've found:
Crystal Districts on Glacial, Bioluminescent and Superhabitable
Gas Refineries on Bogs and Methane
Chemical Plants on Methane

Perhaps a bit too rare?

It feels like there's a lot of emphasis on food and research which are, tbh, the districts I've always built the least amount of in every game, regardless of mods. Currently more than half of my planets have 1 or even 2 districts with nothing built.

Low Cost and High Cost mines- only need 1 or the other.
Two food producing districts- same
Way too many Nature Reserves.

I hope I don't come off as rude and apologize if I do. Definitely don't mean to offend, just my opinions n stuff. To me, this is pretty much a critical mod I can't play without so.. just want it to be as awesome as possible :)
RevansSchatten  [udvikler] 11. apr. 2019 kl. 20:37 
Thanks for the report.
@Jackwagon, I didn't increase the amount of tile blockers. It might be bigger colonys if you are using it, but no idea why.
troopersmith1 11. apr. 2019 kl. 21:10 
I like that you replaced some of the default districts, but I feel there are others that need it as well, for example, on arid and other dry planets, regular agri districts should probably be replaced with the more expensive hydroponics district, to represent the difficulty of agriculture on a water poor world.

The ocean housing district should probably be significantly more expensive than a regular district, to offset the extra housing provided and represent the technical challenges of essentially floating cities.

Gaia worlds should probably have Tourism districts instead of Nature Reserves, which combined with spaceports would really make the world feel like a place people are flocking to for one reason or another.

Speaking of nature reserves, I second the thought that they seem a bit too common.

The Research Complex needs a secondary output so it matches up with the other two research districts, not sure what would fit though. Maybe just buff its physics output a bit instead?

High Cost Mines should probably add a small amount of amenities to represent the pleasant conditions.
troopersmith1 11. apr. 2019 kl. 21:25 
Ocean farms are a great concept, but should be added to some of the other "ocean-type" worlds as a replacement agri district.

I also miss the Low-Cost Mines on Tomb worlds, I thought they were a great fit, particularly if you turned the world into a Penal Colony. Personally, I'd rather have the Low-Cost Mines than the Local Industry.
Sidst redigeret af troopersmith1; 11. apr. 2019 kl. 21:36
RevansSchatten  [udvikler] 11. apr. 2019 kl. 21:54 
Thanks for the feedback 👍
troopersmith1 11. apr. 2019 kl. 22:20 
Hey, did you remove the district for consumer goods production? I don't remember what it was called, but it was similar to Local Industry. I haven't seen any yet.
RevansSchatten  [udvikler] 12. apr. 2019 kl. 1:39 
Yes and no, I did a lot of changes to them, so that machine and hive minds for instance don't get them. But there still are some out there, but they are a bit more rare.
falkon311 12. apr. 2019 kl. 5:17 
Tomb Worlds have Surface Mines which, imo, are better than Low Cost. Don't they also have the Consumer Goods district?
troopersmith1 12. apr. 2019 kl. 10:50 
Tomb worlds have the workshop district, but that isn't the one I was thinking about. I agree surface mines are probably "better" than low-cost mines, I just really liked the flavor of the low-cost mines, particularly on tomb worlds.
troopersmith1 12. apr. 2019 kl. 11:16 
So, at first look, I like the acension perks you added. The three job producing perks combined together is pure madness. The homeworld boosting acension, combined with the two that add resources and districts are fantastic for tall empires. I think the cost of the decisions is fairly balanced, largely due to the high influence cost, which prevents spamming. A pop-up when the resource decision finishes to tell you what was found, similar to planetary prospecting, would be a nice feature.
RevansSchatten  [udvikler] 12. apr. 2019 kl. 12:36 
Thanks for the feedback, I will add an pop-up soon.
troopersmith1 13. apr. 2019 kl. 14:22 
I'm not sure if its just bad (or good depending on how you look at it) luck with RNG but I seem to be getting an awful lot of planets with Local Industry districts. Not quite to the point of being alarming, but definitely noticeable. Out of the 20 planets I've explored so far, 9 of them have Local Industry. While from a "realism" standpoint that actually makes sense, from a gameplay perspective it feels a bit too heavy on the one district.
Sidst redigeret af troopersmith1; 13. apr. 2019 kl. 14:27
glee8e 28. apr. 2019 kl. 8:50 
I'd say changing mining/generator districts to custom district is awesome lore wise, but doesn't play too well with other mods and even vanilla, e.g. various modifiers like high quality minerals or machine empires' power grid/mineral purification plant.
I love the change because it makes sense, but I don't want to lose those additional districts either... I don't know what to say..
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