Project Resurrection - Parte Legendary Lords [WIP]
FaithlessZealot 2020년 1월 6일 오후 3시 06분
First Impressions: Skweel
I'm putting this as first impressions because i haven't had much of a chance but i got a small chance to mess around with him and these are my initial thoughts

As of the beta 06/01/2020 22:51 GMT+0 It seems to boot in fine no crashes, using only Kaedrin's (Essential if you want any works to mod properly because, the CA default sucks) and Mixu's Unlocker. I will do more testing

It does come up at the start with Morlocke being killed in the line of duty when you first play which is strange... I also see that he isn't with the other Skaven lords but, off on his own when you select him from the main screen.

Things I liked:

1. The Rat Ogre and Hellpit bonuses seem reasonable and cool
2. The unique building in hellpit (Although, i feel 500 gold is far too cheap for a tier 5 building)
3. The Lords skills are really nice and fit thematically


1. I think we should be able to settle Frozen/Tundra since that would make sense in the lore as a special faction bonus

2. On some of the tooltips it has 'ratogres' written like that I personally think it looks ugly I know it's super nitpicky but, it would be better as 'Rat Ogres' as that would be in-line with the rest of the games tooltips.

3. Possibly a bonus casualty replenishment since that would be lore appropriate for the Master Mutator

4.More moulder variety would be cool to see Wolf Rats, Giant Rats, Chaemarats, Some different flavours of Rat Ogre, Packmasters etc... (I know that will require a lot of effort so it isn't necessary)

5. A suggestion not sure how doable it would be but, have like a mechanic similar to Skryre where you can genetically enhance your units and it would require slaves to do so. There could be a mechanic if you enhance your units too much they have a chance of rapidly mutating into a uncontrollable chaos spawn. You could also offer some faction upgrades for moulder units.

I'll update this when i can and again I want to say don't take this personal I geniunely do appreciate what you are doing and I look forward to see where this project goes. I know a decent amount of warhammer fantasy lore so if you need some advice on canon i'd be happy to help
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10개 댓글 중 1-10개 표시
Moon  [개발자] 2020년 1월 7일 오후 1시 09분 
We will take some your ideas when we have time to update skweel, and the rat orges text will be fixed in this update, thank you.
Moon 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 1월 7일 오후 1시 09분
FaithlessZealot 2020년 1월 9일 오후 3시 44분

Could be cool to have a sub-mod or some compatibility since this seems to add a ton for Clan Moulder I'm going to test it with your mod now but lord skills would be cool
Moon  [개발자] 2020년 1월 9일 오후 5시 49분 
@FaithlessZealot Wow nice, I'll try to contact this modder when I got time to update Skweel.
Moon  [개발자] 2020년 1월 9일 오후 8시 59분 
@FaithlessZealot I will try to add a wolf rat mount or skill for Skweel when i got some free time.
FaithlessZealot 2020년 1월 10일 오전 6시 10분 
Awesome I look forward to it
FaithlessZealot 2020년 2월 10일 오전 8시 35분 
I'm going to play a Campaign on livestream in the next couple of hours at time of this post... I'll be playing Skweel and using Tanit's unit pack. A submod that introduces unit buffs for the units that Tanit adds would be awesome but, i know that's beyond the scope for right now. Finally i'll be able to play a proper clan moulder campaign!
FaithlessZealot 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 2월 10일 오전 9시 40분
FaithlessZealot 2020년 2월 10일 오전 9시 30분 
One suggestion to make this sound more skaven-ey

"No sense, there is, in the man-things' world. They take their mighty best, those touched by the Horned Rat and either kill-die or turn them out as unclean. No wonder glorious Skaven will one day take-steal all they have! Still, good for us. More meat-things for the larder!"

Skaven tend to speak with synonyms close to one another like: 'take steal' 'kill die' 'run flee'

The Depths of Hellpit Unique Landmark for Hellpit only costs 450 gold i think that may need to be changed cos that is a little low for a Tier V building
FaithlessZealot 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 2월 10일 오전 9시 51분
Moon  [개발자] 2020년 2월 10일 오후 3시 14분 
@FaithlessZealot We haven't remade Skweel, he is still using the old skill trees. Currently, our progress is 40%, we have released the new version of Rorek, Alrik, Byrrnoth and Barundin, the next two will be Gorbad and Brokk, then we will get something for Skweel. We will make him a new skill tree and add some unique units for his faction if possible. oh we will also try to make him a new model and his wolf rat.
Moon  [개발자] 2020년 2월 10일 오후 3시 17분 
@FaithlessZealot I think there are more spelling mistakes or inappropriate descriptions, we will double check all the names and descriptions.
Moon 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2020년 2월 10일 오후 3시 18분
FaithlessZealot 2020년 2월 10일 오후 4시 29분 
MOON님이 먼저 게시:
@FaithlessZealot I think there are more spelling mistakes or inappropriate descriptions, we will double check all the names and descriptions.

No worries i'm just reporting my findings is all no pressure
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