Automatic Pop Migration [Outated - 2.2]
Found a flaw : It doesnt check whether free jobs are eligible before resettling
For example, if the only jobs available on the target planet are generator jobs (which robots cant do), the mod will still move the robots to the planet because it thinks there are free jobs available.

Any chance that could get fixed?
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I am also getting a lot of unemployed rulers and specialists, so there is something going wrong in 2.3. Please fix, this mod is so good I can't play rapid breading empires without it :D
Its not 2.3. The problem is that the mod keeps moving the pops around without checking if the free jobs can be done by the pop. Rulers in particular take a long time to demote (even with the -90% demotion time edict that the mod adds). The mod needs to check if the free jobs are jobs that the pops can do instead of just moving them blindly.
Dernière modification de Question; 8 juin 2019 à 21h14
I've never noticed it before, still, why does it happen at all? Why is it moving pops that are not unemployed? I am playing perfectly homogenous single species fanatic xenophobe empire, so it's not low hab migration, it's ripping pops out of jobs that it has no need to, since they are employed. It's like it treats some specialists and rullers as jobless for no reason at random times.
Dernière modification de Tamaryn Tentagon; 9 juin 2019 à 4h26
Having same issue with mod moving large numbers of slave pops onto planets with open specialist jobs to try to fill them. However because slaves cant fill specialist jobs the slave pops continue to stack indefinitely until I manually fill the specialist jobs myself with my main species pop. Gets pretty micro intensive which is counter intuitive with whole purpose of the mod.

I've just started enabling population controls on all my slaves and mass grow my main species pops. Which is disappointing because I was trying to fill all empire worker jobs with slaves as they are more efficient at it than free pops. Oh well, I hope this mod can fix this in the future. Not sure how easy it is to fix.
Something is probably causing them to become unemployed, theres a tradition that gives 1 merchant job per X pops, if the pop on the planet falls below that amount, the merchant job is lost and the merchant becomes unemployed.
Bio-trophies also get moved around when there aren't any bio-trophy jobs available for them, causing planet stability to plummet.
Yeah, the mod gets really confused with Servitors... Had to disable it on some planets because I would end up with stacks of 70ish drones that were moved around between planets that I prepared for trophies in anticipation of an upcoming war. Felt like it caused quite some lag & freezes in our our MP session.

It kinda is PDX fault for the way they merged biotrophy homes&jobs with ones for drones. It also pretty awful to move trophies by hand since you can't see what planets actually have jobs for them (not to mention habitability... why would the migration screen not be able to tell you the habitability of a pop? Oh god PDX UI design sometimes...)
Dernière modification de akeean; 6 aout 2019 à 6h25
I saw the mod author on discord say that there was no way to check if the pop fits the available job. I tried asking him how to turn off the free housing check since it screws rogue servitors over due to the way bio trophy housing works, but he never replied. I couldnt figure out how to disable the free housing check, because even with all the housing related code commented out from his mod, the mod refuses to move pops to planets with free jobs but no housing.
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