[WOTC] Iridar's Akimbo Class
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Iridar  [developer] 16 Aug, 2019 @ 3:12am
List of Akimbo's Perks

Dual Weapon Specialization
This soldier has undergone special training and does not suffer Aim penalties while dual wielding.
Can be a cross-class perk if you allow it in XComAkimbo.ini.

Pistol Whip
Move to an enemy and strike with both weapons, dealing normal damage.


Trick Shot
Deliver a flanking shot from the mainhand weapon against a target in cover. Ignores cover bonuses.

Bullet Time
Pistol Shot, Trick Shot, Leg Shot, Checkmate and Unload no longer end turn.

Gun Kata
Overwatch now grants an additional Overwatch Action Point. In addition, Overwatch Action Points can now be used to avoid enemy attacks.
Cross-class perk.

Spinning Reload
Reload now grants an Overwatch Action Point. Additionally, this ability passively enables the soldier to spend Overwatch Action Points on automatic reloads during enemy turn.
Cross-class perk.

Overwatch will no longer end turn. Additionally, reaction shots have +20 Aim.
Cross-class perk.

Fire each weapon 3 times at a single target. Costs 3 ammo, 3 turn cooldown. This ability suffers a -20 Aim penalty and cannot crit


Trigger Guard
Gain passive +20 Aim bonus to ALL melee attacks while dual wielding firearms. Pistol Whip will not end turn if the enemy is already in the melee range.

Electrified Spikes
Repeat melee attacks against the same target have a 75% chance to disorient. Melee attacks against disoriented enemies have a 75% chance to stun. Additionally, melee attacks against disoriented or stunned enemies will Shred 1 armor for each hit.

Take Initiative
After attacking an enemy with Pistol Whip, immediately trigger an additional dual melee reaction attack against every enemy in melee range, including the original target. Each enemy can trigger one dual melee attack from Take Initiative or CQC Supremacy per turn.

CQC Supremacy
Free dual melee attacks against enemies moving or attempting action in melee range. Each enemy can trigger one dual melee attack from CQC Supremacy or Take Initiative per turn.

A special mainhand shot that deals 300% bonus damage to a stunned, unconscious or panicked enemy at close range. Always hits.

Limit Break
Allows the soldier to break the shackles of human mind and gain perfect control of the body. Gain unlimited actions until the end of turn. Each action after the 4th will make the soldier take immediate damage, equal to 10% of maximum Health. Each action after the 5th will have an increasing chance to render the soldier unconscious. While Limit Break is active, any damage taken from other sources is delayed until the beginning of next turn and amplified by 25%. Can be used once per mission.


Leg Shot
A special dual shot that will reduce enemy mobility, and potentially immobilize them. Deals half damage and cannot crit. Mobility reduction lasts 1 turn.

Dirty Kick
Move to an enemy and kick them in a vulnerable spot. If hits, stuns for 3 actions.
Cross-class perk.

Hunter's Instinct
Increases ranged damage to flanked enemies by 1. Increases melee damage by 1.
Last edited by Iridar; 16 Oct, 2023 @ 2:53pm
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Imbodenator 20 Apr, 2020 @ 8:05pm 
Thanks in advance for another excellent mod! I'm curious how I might go about adding the dual weapon specialization to the ability selection for RPGO when running "Origins" so you are able to choose it.
Iridar  [developer] 20 Apr, 2020 @ 10:29pm 
Originally posted by Imbodenator:
Thanks in advance for another excellent mod! I'm curious how I might go about adding the dual weapon specialization to the ability selection for RPGO when running "Origins" so you are able to choose it.
Open XcomROG.ini in the RPGO Akimbo plugin mod's Config folder, find the line mentioning dual pistol specialization and remove the semicolon at the start of the line.
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