Of Men and Monsters [Updated For Silence and Fury]
Tanit  [developer] 15 Jun, 2018 @ 3:48am
Balance Comments
Please post here if you have any concerns regarding the balance of a unit's attack, damage, cost, etc...
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
FaithlessZealot 10 Jan, 2020 @ 6:17am 
I'm very much am a fan of how you are developing this mod and i agree with you entirely when it comes to diversity of the Skaven clans so with the new 17 Clan Moulder units if i play as Clan Moulder using Parte's Legendary Lord mods i can expect to see all 17 while the other 4 Clan Moulder units (Which i suspect for lore reasons are the few that are often traded with the other clans like Rat Ogres and Giant Rats). I really appreciate this mod and have already started a Deathmaster Sknitch playthrough and been finding the mod very fun I do have one nit pick though as i feel the recruitment cost and upkeep for the Verminkin is far too high making them next to useless. Night Runners i can get at the same tech level for cheaper and at a lower upkeep and they deal more damage so they are always just vastly superior to Verminkin... Perhaps, as Eshin if you lowered the recruitment cost cos right now it's like 546 and the upkeep to make it more competitive with Clan Rats and Night Runners i'd be more willing to field them in my armies but, as of right now I find it really difficult to justify picking them up over Night Runners.
Tanit  [developer] 10 Jan, 2020 @ 5:40pm 
Thanks Zealot! I will take a look at that. The cost for Verminkin was unchanged from when I first added them almost a year ago and there have been a lot of balance changes to vanilla units since then which I don't always catch. So thank you very much for pointing it out. I will review their cost and try to have it more balanced for this coming Wednesday's update.
FaithlessZealot 11 Jan, 2020 @ 12:23pm 
It's faithless and you're welcome
Tanit  [developer] 11 Jan, 2020 @ 9:14pm 
@Faithless: It seems some of the costs were still unchanged from my old SFO version, I will have to review them all in the near future but as of Wednesday the Verminkin will cost 355 and have an upkeep of 90. This number is based on an evaluation of the costs of all versions of Clanrats and Nightrunners and will hopefully rectify the problem.
FaithlessZealot 13 Jan, 2020 @ 12:42pm 
Originally posted by Tanit:
@Faithless: It seems some of the costs were still unchanged from my old SFO version, I will have to review them all in the near future but as of Wednesday the Verminkin will cost 355 and have an upkeep of 90. This number is based on an evaluation of the costs of all versions of Clanrats and Nightrunners and will hopefully rectify the problem.

Sounds decent as long as they stay competitive with the Clan Rats and Night Runners it'll make for a decent middle ground between them particularly if i'm low on cash and new a few quick skirmishers
Tanit  [developer] 13 Jan, 2020 @ 1:00pm 
Indeed. These guys are essentially intended to replace basic clanrats for Clan Eshin, but if I made them the exact same price that would be unfair given their skirmishing capability, even if it is limited. They are not intended to replace nightrunners, but rather give your clanrats a more Eshin feel to them. Hopefully these guys find their niche in the Eshin roster all right. Let me know if you come across any other issues!
Some units like avatar of kaela, Helldrake, Gorghon etc. are too big mate making them a little bit smaller would help them function much better with the game engine. They are clumsy and a huge target for missile weapons. And I get ur idea which is wonderful, they are all like that in lore and u want them to be powerful units that should be hit with projectiles but warhammer engine makes them too weak cuz they aren't attacking units like they can in real life. I mean that helldrake should be able to kill dozens with its each strike but we can't simulate that in game if they are that big. So maybe u can make them a little smaller so that they are still bigger than other units so its still somewhat loreful adn they will function much better. Love ur mod and ur units mate, waiting eagerly to see ur coming units!
Tanit  [developer] 19 Jan, 2020 @ 11:35pm 
Thanks man! Yeah, this is a difficult area to repair ad balance. One option is making them smaller, the other is increase stats such as mass, or splash targets and decrease stats such as Knockdown chance, something I need to do for the Avatar and verminlord I think.
FaithlessZealot 10 Feb, 2020 @ 7:11am 
I just booted up Clan Moulder Skweel Gnawtooth and the new moulder units are badass as ♥♥♥♥ so i'm very impressed however, I still have access to Warpguard, Verminkin and Verminlord Deceivers... But, yeah i'm going to have fun with this campaign i'm going to go ahead and stream it later today and I'll let you know of my findings
Last edited by FaithlessZealot; 10 Feb, 2020 @ 9:40am
Tanit  [developer] 10 Feb, 2020 @ 11:30pm 
Awesome! Send me a link! The Deceiver is supposed to be available to all, but the Warpguard and Verminkin are not. I have been back over the code and they should be restricted to Eshin, no idea why they aren't. Clan Pestilens update should hopefully be coming this week.
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