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Vehicle Effects 1.9.5
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14 жовт. 2016 о 11:08
21 лип. 2023 о 11:48
Змін 31 ( перегляд )

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Vehicle Effects 1.9.5

В колекціях (5) автора Acc3ss Violation
Dutch Railway collection
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Freight Trains
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Passenger Trains
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North American Trains
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Acc3ss' Mods
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Allows effects to be added to vehicles with xml files!

Recent features

- Load (sort of) custom particleeffects via xml! Check this discussion page on how to do it and for sharing examples!
- Load custom sound effects via xml! Check this discussion page on how to do it and for sharing examples!
- Editor for creating and previewing configs in the Asset Editor! (The button may be hidden behind a EAE panel if you use that as well. Just drag the panel away)
- Mod folders are now searched for VehicleEffectsDefinition.xml

Other features

- Light, sound and particle effects can be added to any vehicle.
- Several new particle and sound effects made for use with vehicles.
- Press Ctrl + Alt + V to reload effects (useful for asset creators)
- Existing effects can be removed from vehicles.

Known issues (asset creators)
- Config does not load when bundling vehicles with assets that are not vehicles or props in a single workshop item:
a vehicle or prop asset file (.crp) MUST be first in the list when ordering all .crp files in the upload alphabetically by filename. If another kind of asset is first the mod WILL NOT be able to find the config files.

Partially based on Network Skins by boformer to get the xml files working.

GitHub page[]

Check this discussion page for a (partial) list of assets using this mod!
I've updated several of my assets to include a config file to make use of this mod, so check those out as well.
Популярні обговорення Переглянути всі (11)
30 лип. 2021 о 10:40
ЗАКРІПЛЕНО: Custom Sounds - Tutorial + sharing
Acc3ss Violation
11 груд. 2016 о 4:36
Adding new effects
18 трав. о 11:03
ЗАКРІПЛЕНО: 'Custom' Particle Effects - Tutorial
Acc3ss Violation
Коментарів: 298
Acc3ss Violation  [автор] 11 черв. о 1:26 
Multiple mods creating effects with the same name is not something that is supported, so that could very well be the cause of the seemingly random changes when VE ends up "randomly" picking one of the effects with a given name
lucia-valerie 27 трав. о 7:18 
@Dying Thanks a lot for the advice, I actually do have your cvpi in the game, I'll try around
Dying 25 трав. о 7:37 
@lukasbruckner try to rename your custom lights, as the light names "BRS....." are in use for my vehicles and if you change a value for the lights and have one of my cars loaded, it may cause this issue.
dgrad598 22 трав. о 11:46 
@Acc3ss Violation: can you add a bus effect sound option to the engine category??
lucia-valerie 19 трав. о 6:23 
I've encountered rather weird problems with the Mod. I make emergency lighting for vehicles, and firstly I noted that "BRS.BlueBig1" got much more intense out of nowhere. Now a couple launches later, BRS.BlueBig1 lost its intensity completely except for the centric laser, and BRS.BlueSmall1 now is as intense as BRS.BlueBig1 got to be. This affects vehicles globally. Any help is appreciated.
Acc3ss Violation  [автор] 11 жовт. 2023 о 10:27 
@MoizesBrando LSM with Vehicle Effects works fine here, so a copy of that output_log.txt would be appreciated
bakepotatou 10 жовт. 2023 о 23:07 
Simulation error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
game crashes to desktop on LSM after a ton of Vehicle Effects errors in outputlog
RLJSlick 25 лип. 2023 о 5:40 
Thanks for the update!
Acc3ss Violation  [автор] 21 лип. 2023 о 11:50 
@Mana I just fixed a bug that might be the cause of these errors, and I updated the mod to version 1.9.5. Please let me know if it solves the issue or not :)
TRAIN GF 18 лип. 2023 о 17:12 
Vehicle Effects has been producing thousands of "Look rotation viewing vector is zero" errors in the output log, and seems to eventually lead to a crash. From testing it only happens on particle creation but doesn't seem to happen for every particle (I think). I can provide a log if needed.