Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Vehicle Effects 1.9.5
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 11 Jun @ 1:26am 
Multiple mods creating effects with the same name is not something that is supported, so that could very well be the cause of the seemingly random changes when VE ends up "randomly" picking one of the effects with a given name
lucia-valerie 27 May @ 7:18am 
@Dying Thanks a lot for the advice, I actually do have your cvpi in the game, I'll try around
Dying 25 May @ 7:37am 
@lukasbruckner try to rename your custom lights, as the light names "BRS....." are in use for my vehicles and if you change a value for the lights and have one of my cars loaded, it may cause this issue.
dgrad598 22 May @ 11:46am 
@Acc3ss Violation: can you add a bus effect sound option to the engine category??
lucia-valerie 19 May @ 6:23am 
I've encountered rather weird problems with the Mod. I make emergency lighting for vehicles, and firstly I noted that "BRS.BlueBig1" got much more intense out of nowhere. Now a couple launches later, BRS.BlueBig1 lost its intensity completely except for the centric laser, and BRS.BlueSmall1 now is as intense as BRS.BlueBig1 got to be. This affects vehicles globally. Any help is appreciated.
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 11 Oct, 2023 @ 10:27am 
@MoizesBrando LSM with Vehicle Effects works fine here, so a copy of that output_log.txt would be appreciated
bakepotatou 10 Oct, 2023 @ 11:07pm 
Simulation error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
game crashes to desktop on LSM after a ton of Vehicle Effects errors in outputlog
RLJSlick 25 Jul, 2023 @ 5:40am 
Thanks for the update!
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 21 Jul, 2023 @ 11:50am 
@Mana I just fixed a bug that might be the cause of these errors, and I updated the mod to version 1.9.5. Please let me know if it solves the issue or not :)
TRAIN GF 18 Jul, 2023 @ 5:12pm 
Vehicle Effects has been producing thousands of "Look rotation viewing vector is zero" errors in the output log, and seems to eventually lead to a crash. From testing it only happens on particle creation but doesn't seem to happen for every particle (I think). I can provide a log if needed.
E'meen 24 Apr, 2023 @ 5:43am 
how can i add custom sound effect for trucks?
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 24 Feb, 2023 @ 3:20pm 
No I don't
Copeus Copium 24 Feb, 2023 @ 1:12pm 
@Acc3ss Do you have a video on doing that?
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 24 Feb, 2023 @ 6:16am 
That can be done using this mod, not sure if anyone has though
Copeus Copium 24 Feb, 2023 @ 4:59am 
What about rear lights on cars? It looks really weird at night time.
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 5 Feb, 2023 @ 6:45am 
Put the XML in the same folder as the asset's .crp file. For non-workshop items (or testing) this should be something like %localappdata%/Colossal Order/Cities/Assets, that's where the game saves everything you make with the editor. For workshop items you have a little folder icon when uploading them next to the preview image. Clicking that opens a temp folder with a Content folder that contains your asset's crp file. Placing the XML in that Content folder with it will ensure it gets uploaded to the workshop as well.
Tinyjudoka 3 Feb, 2023 @ 1:24pm 
I love the possibilities with this mod but what is confusing me is how to exactly add the effects to the asset. For example I have a garbage truck which I want strobes and extra lights on. Do I have to place the saved xml file anywhere for it to save into the asset (if so where. I heard about a root folder but I am very new to making assets and I am not sure what is considered the root folder), or does your setup in the editor automatically save into the asset? Thanks in advance!
c95samuel 24 Jan, 2023 @ 11:44am 
i just tried but nothing happen i had the steam effect but now i dont have any haha
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 24 Jan, 2023 @ 9:36am 
Adding a new effect using the mod's asset editor UI should provide you with a list of all effects. The button to open it should show up when editing vehicle assets.
c95samuel 23 Jan, 2023 @ 12:55pm 
how can i find all the possible effects to add to the vehicles? i need the electricity brake particles but idk how to find it or another that isnt just the steam
ApollonDriver 16 Dec, 2022 @ 8:38am 
some sort of a tutorial for asset creators would awesome, I want to make some emergency vehicles with custom light effects but just can't wrap my head around it
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 16 Dec, 2022 @ 6:21am 
@Chamëleon TBN Sure, send me a message once you have time
Chamëleon TBN 16 Dec, 2022 @ 4:33am 
Hi @Acc3ss Violation - i would like to chat with you about a little issue regarding to misconfigured assets
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 16 Dec, 2022 @ 3:38am 
Mod was updated to 1.9.4
VNDK8R 15 Dec, 2022 @ 6:24pm 
Is a Cities: Skylines 1.16.0-f3 update coming for this mod?
Witchberry 30 Nov, 2022 @ 4:27pm 
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 30 Nov, 2022 @ 10:48am 
It wasn't updated, but I think it works fine
Witchberry 30 Nov, 2022 @ 10:40am 
My game says that this mod was not made for current game version, can you confirm this?
c95samuel 30 Oct, 2022 @ 5:29pm 
hi i want to change the color of the steam, tried changing the values from 0 to 1.0 but theres not a change in the color, any clue?
NET******* 23 Oct, 2022 @ 9:44pm 
Hi, not a asset maker but is there some not crazy difficult way for me to make the tram light work for reversible tram? Right now I just use AVO to replace last car with engine but if course the light is messed up.
c95samuel 6 Oct, 2022 @ 12:52pm 
im having issues with the particle effects file, its all ok but i get an error saying 'maxstartspeed' and i have it in the file, dont know what to do
rnealj62 28 Sep, 2022 @ 2:55am 
It may have worked fine in the past, but doesn't seem to work now.
Chamëleon TBN 15 Sep, 2022 @ 1:43am 
@Hot Wet Nobel Laureates - what have Shicho to do with this mod? But if the question is if you should sub any of Shicho mods in general the answer is: NO! Do not subscribe. They are broken.

@Acc3ss Violation - all good with your mods, they are not listed as broken or incompatible. The only known issue is the error message that not provides the infomation which asset is broken.
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 15 Sep, 2022 @ 1:08am 
I haven't checked since the update, but it has always worked fine for me, so I don't know why it's in there
Hot Wet Nobel Laureates 12 Sep, 2022 @ 5:36pm 
The Google Drive doc of all the broken C:S mods has this mod in a hidden section titled "Shicho (Incompatible with the whole workshop!)". Should I just ignore it, and has anyone had any problems with this mod?
Chamëleon TBN 6 May, 2022 @ 3:08am 
@Acc3ss Violation - i have very often in support players where a wrong configured asset that needs this mod causes errors in the game. I know it is nbot your fault, but the asset creators one... But maybe you can find a way that such assets are logged with the ID in output_log ? Would make our life in support massivley more easy... Feel free to dm or contact me on discord :)
Tianba 3 Apr, 2022 @ 7:41pm 
I have subscribed to this mod before. This prompt will be displayed when I close or reopen it. Now I close these two temporarily.
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 3 Apr, 2022 @ 10:45am 
Those probably need this mod as well:

Although you can just ignore the errors and the trains will work, they just won't have those effects on them.
Tianba 3 Apr, 2022 @ 8:53am 
@Acc3ss Violation What is my situation? Is mod incompatible?
Error while parsing vehicle effect definition file(s). Assets will work but may have effects missing. Contact the author of the asset(s).
List of errors:
1540746841.CR400BF Golden Phoenix_Data: Vehicle Effect Wrapper fallback EMU Train Start was needed for EMU Train Start but not loaded either!
1540746841.CR400BF Golden Phoenix_Data - Effect with name Train Movement not loaded.
1540746841.TrailerCR400BF 复兴号(金凤凰)0: Vehicle Effect Wrapper fallback EMU Train Movement was needed for EMU Train Movement but not loaded either!
1540746841.TrailerCR400BF 复兴号(金凤凰)0 - Effect with name Train Movement not loaded.
.....There are many trains like this
ShiftySquirrel 27 Mar, 2022 @ 6:59pm 
Game wont load with this mod active
AG.终极猎手 22 Feb, 2022 @ 2:28am 
允许使用 xml 文件将效果添加到车辆!


- 通过 xml 加载(某种)自定义粒子效果!查看此讨论页面,了解如何操作并分享示例!
- 通过xml加载自定义音效!查看此讨论页面,了解如何操作并分享示例!
- 用于在资产编辑器中创建和预览配置的编辑器! (如果您也使用该按钮,该按钮可能隐藏在 EAE 面板后面。只需将面板拖走)
- 现在在 Mod 文件夹中搜索 VehicleEffectsDefinition.xml
- 灯光、声音和粒子效果可以添加到任何车辆。
- 几种用于车辆的新粒子和声音效果。
- 按 Ctrl + Alt + V 重新加载效果(对资产创建者有用)
- 可以从车辆上移除现有效果。
Bud_Spencer 19 Dec, 2021 @ 10:52am 
Thanks! :winter2019happydog:
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 19 Dec, 2021 @ 6:28am 
@Bud_Spencer it still provides some extra effects that can be used which are not included in the base mod
Bud_Spencer 18 Dec, 2021 @ 11:13pm 
Is Extra Vehicle Effects still needed, or is it now all in Vehicle Effects 1.9.1?
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 15 Dec, 2021 @ 10:20am 
@sagiluv1 Judging by that stacktrace it's coming from ExtraVehicleEffects , not this one. Try disabling that mod and see if the game works again.
sagiluv1 15 Dec, 2021 @ 4:42am 
@Acc3ss Violation
Your mod is throwing exception error and possibly causing my game to crash. Regardless if I loading a saved game or starting a new map.

ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: array
at System.Array.Exists[Effect] (.Effect[] array, System.Predicate`1 match) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ExtraVehicleEffects.Util.setVehicleKinematicsForEffect (System.String effectName, Single acceleration, Single brake, Single leanMultiplier, Single speed) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ExtraVehicleEffects.Effects.DirectCurrentTrainMovement.SetOptimalVehicleKinematics () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ExtraVehicleEffects.ExtraVehicleEffectsMod.SetOptimalVehicleKinematics () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ExtraVehicleEffects.ExtraVehicleEffectsMod.OnVehicleEffectsUpdateFinished () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at VehicleEffects.VehicleEffectsMod.OnVehicleUpdateFinished () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 12 Oct, 2021 @ 10:38am 
@justing It's either kilometers per hour or meters per second, I'm not sure anymore
justing 10 Oct, 2021 @ 10:43pm 
Does anyone know what units MinSpeed and MaxSpeed use?
Acc3ss Violation  [author] 2 Oct, 2021 @ 3:14am 
I don't thinks so, no
oshawotta737 30 Sep, 2021 @ 8:27pm 
Is there a limit to the amount of vehicles can have effects in any one save?