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Mod Jam for Long War of the Chosen
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Mod Jam for Long War of the Chosen

Illogical[www.twitch.tv] is streaming Mod Jam on his Twitch. You should check him out if you want to see some gameplay. I often am in his chat as well.

tangohotel[www.twitch.tv] is also streaming Mod Jam on his Twitch. Likewise, you should check him out if you want to see some more gameplay. I also visit his chat every so often.

This is the re-release of Mod Jam, following LWOTC's Workshop release, to ensure Mod Jam can still mess with LWOTC's configs. I will leave the old version of Mod Jam up so as to not mess with anyone who doesn't want to lose it in mid-campaign, but it will not receive any further updates. All updates going forward will be here, so remember to switch as soon as you're able to. Mid-campaign switching should be fine, but back up your saves just in case if you care at all about them.


NOTE: If you don't have Long War of the Chosen, tons and tons of stuff in this mod will be horribly broken unless you're really, really good at editing configs and know your way around WSR. No, I won't help you get it working without LWOTC.

I bet a lot of you are seeing that Squad Jam ripoff logo and asking, "What the heck is this?". It's a mod that mods mods, so I guess it's a meta mod. Mod Jam is a collection of configuration files, item templates, and tech templates designed to make other mods play nice with LWOTC as well as with each other. The main focus is on balance; I've left many notes in the config files detailing my changes and why I made them, but for more well-structured reports on the changes I've made, see the Discussions section. Each mod has its own Discussion thread with a full change log. Over time, I will update Mod Jam with configurations and brand new templates for more mods. The focus will be on mods that add new gear for XCOM to use.

Here is the list of mods that are in Mod Jam's roster right now, (which I will coincidentally refer to as "roster mods") in link form for easy acquiring. You must subscribe to whichever of these mods you want to use; Mod Jam makes changes to them but they are not integrated. I highly recommend grabbing them all.

Sgt. Hobo put together a collection featuring Mod Jam, its requirements, its roster mods, and its roster mods' requirements (excluding any that are unnecessary either to Mod Jam or to LWOTC itself). Check it out here.

Illogical also put together a collection, featuring the things in Sgt. Hobo's collection plus all of my other mods for LWOTC. Check it out here.

Any collections OTHER THAN Sgt. Hobo's or Illogical's have not been inspected by me and thus are not endorsed by me. There's a chance there will be conflicts within such collections (not just with Mod Jam but with Long War of the Chosen itself).

You'll note that each of the roster mods has its own subfolder in Mod Jam's main Config folder. There are two reasons for this. The first is organization; it makes it really easy for me to keep things where I can find them, and for users to find the configs related to the mods they use and mess with them. The second reason is that it allows for multiple instances of the same config file name, which means that if I have to update already-released files, it will lead to the least amount of config file overwrites. I still highly recommend backing up all your personal changes, especially if you spent a long time on them.

Mod requirements:
  • Mod Jam is intended to be used with Long War of the Chosen. A lot of the configurations won't function without it. If you don't play LWOTC but still want certain features from Mod Jam such as the new Harbinger Rifle or the Prototype Strike Module, they're workable but will require configuration work on your part.

  • None of the roster mods are hard requirements (as long you read everything I write so you know how to disable certain changes), but nonetheless running them all will give you what I consider the best experience, with the least amount of work needed on your part.

  • WSR is a hard requirement. I use it for many things. Same goes for Ability Editor. Both are very lightweight and versatile, there's no reason not to have them. As Mod Jam gets updates, these two mods will play more and more of an important role. Normalize Loot is a requirement for the Advent Psi Ops update and may be utilized in the future as well.

Known issues:
  • None for the moment, at least in terms of issues caused by Mod Jam itself.
If you run into bugs, bring them to my attention and I'll try my best to fix them. If you have balance-related feedback, I'll hear you out (especially if the change is easy to do code-wise), but don't forget you can always customize the mod to your liking as well. Everyone's toybox is filled with different stuff.

  • I override some localizations with my own.
  • The enemies from Advent Hunter Restoration are not integrated into any of the lists here, as not having that mod would cause invisible enemies to spawn and I didn't want to make it required.

Future plans:
  • Mod Jam is going to get a lot of updates over time. I may just add support one mod at a time, or I might do a few at a time if they need to tie together (like I tied Advent Sniper and Spark Arsenal together with the Sabot Rounds). Due to the subfolder system, whenever I have to add new XComLW_Overhaul.ini stuff, XComWeaponSkinReplacer.ini stuff etc., existing files should be completely intact.

  • The folks who made the roster mods, who right now are Iridar, Farkyrie, Team CX, Claus, Mitzruti, Veehementia, Musashi, RealityMachina, Hotl3looded, Kyuubicle, Bstar, Deadput, Ashlynne_Lee, Wilko, and TePa. Without them, Mod Jam would have no reason to exist.
  • InterventoR for making B&T Expanded Enemies Redux, saving me a ton of time and allowing me to focus my efforts elsewhere.
  • Iridar for making WSR, which I continue to rely on heavily in my work.
  • Boundir for making Ability Editor. Ditto.
  • NightNinja54 for making Normalize Loot, another great time saver.
  • RustyDios for helping me with code.
  • The LWOTC team for making LWOTC, which inspires most of my workshop stuff.

(Let me know if you don't see your name in the credits and think you should be in there. I will add you ASAP.)
Discusiones populares Ver todo (51)
22 DIC 2023 a las 9:13
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495 comentarios
Nullified 26 DIC 2024 a las 8:46 
So, to answer a few questions, custom enemy units will not show up without modjam installed, please refer to the link in description for enemy advent units that are supported.

The missing dependencies is something you can ignore, as muirshi whatever the name is has retired from modding and his/her mods specifically the stealth ones are broken and some of the mods elements which have made their way into other mods like the ones mentioned *daul wield*shadow ops* ignore miss dependencies but dont expect those mods to work as intended.
Void 9 DIC 2024 a las 9:23 
I dont know if this belong here but when I equip an EXO suit I cant equip heavy weapons, they appear as unavaiable. Any ideas?
Akae 31 OCT 2024 a las 10:46 
I get a few mods with "missing dependencies" tag in my Alternate launcher. These are the mods:

Mod jam
ballistic shield
frost legion
information overhaul
dual wield
buildable units
shadow ops perk pack

what am I doing wrong?
rubyeye 28 SEP 2024 a las 15:00 
I have a question about how Mod Jam works with LWotC with regards to enemy mods.

I've learned that LWotC has a specific encounter list which overrides any other enemy mods I install , which is why I rarely see any if at all outside of maybe a sitrep. And that you have to manually add them to LWotC's encounter list file to get them to show up properly.

I'm curious to know if simply installing Mod Jam plus whatever enemy mod ModJam supports, will automatically add them to LWotC's roster of random encounters?

For example, will units like ADVENT Warlock, Flame Viper and Bio Division troops actually appear on normal missions...and will those units extra drop items be available ( ammo/armor )?
Airborne 23 SEP 2024 a las 18:05 
There's a bunch of items I can build but for the life of me I can't figure out what classes/weapons use them (chemthrowers for example). Did something break due to this no longer being updated? I didn't change anything unless that's what I need to do.
Komissar Gebet 22 SEP 2024 a las 3:22 
Maybe it's a silly question to ask, but I'll ask it anyway.
Does ModJam work with experimental build of the LWOTC?
Komissar Gebet 21 SEP 2024 a las 8:38 
Hello, everyone.
I am currently playing LWOTC with ModJam (+ a couple of small additions).
Has anyone encountered the total game freeze after you get "reinforcements imminent" notification? The one when you end your turn and... that's all folks. You will need to reload the game and manage to get out before the reinforcements come in. The thing is - on some missions reinforcements arrive normally but of course in that case you must get out or you shall not make it. On other jmissions - the above mentioned thing. And I haven't encountered the Chosen yet - could it be them?
-=Jordan=- 17 SEP 2024 a las 11:49 
Hi guys, never used u mod, but "[WOTC] Rocket Launchers 2.0" says i need a mod jam to work properly with lwotk, do i need to download EVERYTHING here? i mean its like a ton of submods just for 1 mod here
Big Brain Time Thanos 1 AGO 2024 a las 5:59 
Is there any way to use this without the Tactical Legacy Pack dlc? If I would leave out "[WOTC] Iridar's LW2 Laser and Coil Weapons - Assets" would it make the game unplayable?
4rrakis 23 JUN 2024 a las 15:03 
No idea, all know is that she went on hiatus because of irl stuff.