

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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The Eccentric's Angels [1.0]
Collection by Aelanna
OUTDATED This mod list has not been current for a very long time and is really only here for posterity. I will be creating a new collection soon as soon as my personal mod list is stable for 1.3! ====== A silly tale of maids, catgirls, and glittertech for
Collection by 这不河里吗
回坑了更新一下 依旧是强迫症级别的1.4版本Mod合集,全部汉化且包涵前置mod和ce兼容补丁 根据个人理解排序整理,无爆红稳定运行 CE+CE拓展+CAI 5000+美少女种族(鼠鼠+鼠鼠各种拓展 茉约 半人马 绮罗 聆族 悠兰 魅狐 姬关人形 天轴)+各种优质拓展(卫生 核电 石油 工业 载具 原版拓展系列 机械师 灵能 钓鱼 骑乘 基因 芯片等) 还有虫娘猫娘兽耳娘+勤工拓展,访客 医院,还有各种城防基建,可改地形水域建房采石场矿洞,另外还有很多家具mod,非常适合种田建筑党 前置mod很重要!选择性
Quill's Super-Modded Let's Play 1.0
Collection by quill18
Project Realism
Collection by Paladin
Mod pack version: 1.0. This a first iteration of mod pack, after your feedback it may be changed! Report issues, balance tweaks, etc. Description: You are not welcome on this planet. Raids will become harder in time, they will not tell you about their plan
B站【火丁水库】 CE 机械风暴mod整合包
Collection by aliths
兼顾画面效果、平衡性、游戏性、性能、后期玩法多。 1、画面效果拉满 想建设成啥中世纪小镇都没问题,发型、服装、家具、都有非常漂亮的材质 2、平衡性完全ok 无双是可能的,但是需要付出很大的努力。 3、性能优化完全ok 在多线程加持下,后期360帧基本都能跑满。 4、玩法丰富多样 想玩魔法,想上宇宙、想玩工业自动化,想玩塔防玩核弹,统统满足你。在游戏的后期没有做不到只有想不到。 5、硬核高难度 在XEVA、机械族拓展、事件拓展、Dire Raids的加持下,中期威胁度拉满。不要被机械蜈蚣打哭哦~ 6、无红字,
The Eccentric's Angels [1.4]
Collection by Aelanna
A whimsical tale of glittertech maids, this is the official RimWorld 1.4 mod collection for The Eccentric's Angels, a RimWorld-inspired webcomic on the r/RimWorld subreddit. Collection Details This collection represents the current legacy mod list for the
Edopeh - Matts Saga
Collection by Edopeh
Edopeh Episode IV - Matts Saga
Rum island
Collection by Rarr
Collection by Da熊
目前只有ce会报10条左右的红 其余有黄无红 完美运行不卡顿 多种优化mod保驾护航 内含多达100+枪械【各种时代 满足你的各种时代要求】10+近战武器【100多种近战武器 满足你的近战梦!】和 近战动画Melee Animation近战动画等等.. 飞行器框架对你的殖民地保驾护航 【载具框架 目前对内存负荷太大 暂时不考虑!】 还有多种族【鼠鼠,猫猫。莫约,珉巧.....支持ce的种族】 更有奇幻动物【奇幻生物龙,阿尔法动物,奇幻动物.....】 美化类mod更是多达100+ 让你的殖民地成为环世界最好
Collection by Equinox
本合集为个人向所整理的大型CE合集,内容:功能机制降血压 美化优化提高体验 大型综合拓展原版 且排序内做过简单分类,导入排序以后自定义此合集效果更佳 含XML文件与存档文件辅助排序 链接没有病毒,请复制到浏览器再打开 夸克网盘:https://pan.quark.cn/s/263224b3da19 提取码:dj1P 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RqLkfsP-P6qDwFN4hmZGQA?pwd=Equi 提取码:Equi 若使用需要指导可加群询问管理 以下为自行斟酌是否移除
(OUT OF DATE) Pringis Modded Server (OUT OF DATE)
Collection by Arota
This is the old Pringis Modlist used during Legacy OpenWorld pls dont use to join the Pringis Modded Multiplayer Server Steam collection for our discord where we host multiple Rimworld multiplayer server. Link: https://discord.gg/25z4STSgAa Remember to hav
Veequeue's Rimworld Combat Extended Mods
Collection by veequeue
All Mods from my Rimworld Combat Extended video All mods here are in the exact order If you want to continue on the save file then join my Patreon or YouTube membership Rimpy Load Order: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ftwusoDEGDjqXYA9edjOwPsxbFl5gtZI/vie
Rimworld Canal do Void 01/08/2022 [CE]
Collection by VoiD
Collection by 大斩洪屠
你可以在这里找到一些降低游戏难度的模组 You can find some mods here to reduce the difficulty of the game 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/11VL2cRRQkugGB_N_9vu0WQ?pwd=6666 提取码:6666 有点正义mod合集 环世界的mod类型大致可分为以下几类:核心、界面、功能、道具、种族、派系、综合、其他等.几类。 The mod types around the world can be divide
Collection by 灵阁
1.4单机自用mod持续更新,排序文件放在QQ群701729839 目前排序文件只排了合集中300多个mod,其余是我比较感兴趣的mod,想用的话自己排。 Flora reskin这个材质mod有个不影响的红字,不爽的话可以用群文件这个。其余无红字,如果出现大量红字,可能是现有1.4mod与之前的1.3mod文件冲突,解决办法取消创意工坊订阅,清理steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100里的文件,清理存档文件夹上一级config文件夹,之后重新订阅 使用排序:进入游戏,
[1.2] Six's Mega Mod Pack (Combat Extended)
Collection by Six
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀* * * BACK TO DIRECTORY * * * INSTALLATION Subscribe to ALL the addons Install the latest version of RimPy mod manager (Listed in the download section on the mod page!): https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=184767
Collection by Da熊
前言:这个整合包在正义和负正义之间,游玩体验不是平推式的,我更注重让各位玩家有贴荡起伏的游玩体验(当然不是负正义体验啦),这次我剔除掉了很多没用的mod 留下了更有意义的mod 这次的mod 高达655个mod(还有4个mod是鱼和DLC) ,游玩此mod你必须要有一台16G内存~32G内存的电脑,我已经尽力的把游戏优化到了极限,希望各位玩家可以玩的愉快和开心,如果遇到bug 可以在贴吧和我进行互动! 目前只有ce会报6条左右的红 其余有黄无红 完美运行不卡顿 多种优化mod保驾护航 内含多达100+枪械【
Collection by Bastion
Множество прекрасных модов, ничего сверхъестественного никаких ктулху и спэйсмаринов. Моды для удобств, расширения геймплея, возможностей для погружения и в последнюю очередь контента. (Кроме Alpha Animals он самый выделяющийся) 1.2 Сборка. на 1.3 крашитьс
Collection by Mr. Tex
This is the modlist I use for playing and recording rimworld. Some fun, some balancing, and some ...other.
Combat Extended
Collection by lol
Collection by 捞琴手
没有你找不到,只有你找不到 这可能是家人们能找到的最大能用的中文mod包之一了 食用方法:开袋即食 订阅后下载安装,游戏内直接一键排序即可游玩简单粗暴 (不过好像有几个冲突的mod,冲突里头二选一即可) 我的电脑四倍全速大概在20帧左右 1.2.3倍速大概在30-50帧左右 (小声bb:CPU:AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz) 虽然会爆红字但是对游戏几乎无影响,放心游玩 有啥改进建议欢迎在评论区留言!!!
Collection by 一眼丁真
大肥合集3.0 rjw链接:/s/1QiJT3QpCaG5ViNkqRW8vGw?pwd=5678 提取码:5678 rjw使用方法,把下好的mods压缩文件解压出来,右键steam里的rimworld管理——浏览本地文件——把解压后的那些rjwmod放进rimworld根目录的mods文件夹. 排序:用py自动排序即可 碎碎念:自从我答应吧友们更新合集已经过去了很长时间(因为鸽了,回想起之前的2.0版本真是存在诸多不足,内容繁杂外加不稳定且小众mod过多,所以3.0中替换了大部分没有必要的模组确保流畅性和
1.0 Massive Rimworld Modpack
Collection by AncientGatekeeper
This collection is currently not compatible with 1.1 (only certain mods out of it are). Please use only those mods! I know this collection looks like a lot and is thus a USE AT YOUR OWN RISK set. I am not responsible for weird bugs that may occur. Double c
Colono inutil Mods
Collection by Arzuros
Granstal - The most developed modpack for 1.4
Collection by Hentol
Granstal - The most developed modpack for 1.4 Version of Modpack 1.03v NEED IDEOLOGY and BIOTECH Features The most compatible mods with patches (100% NO ERRORS!) The most beauty bodies with good looking hairs and apparel Hospitality and Gastronomy Combat E
The Vietnam Experience
Collection by Unorthodox Budd3rBoy
Scenario to use with this collection: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2659927317 Also download Jecs Tools and Water is Cold. Steam would not let me add them to the collection. Traps Plus is also optional Mod Config: https://drive.goo
Diego's Last Heist
Collection by Rarr
MIM WH40k Compatibility List
Collection by emitbreaker
These mods are checked at my playthrough and may have no issue with my mod.
Combat Extended Vanilla++ (My modlist updated)
Collection by diphenhydramine dreams
my new modlist decided to make a brand new collection just due to the sheer increase in size and scope of the mods i added all mods work together dont forget to fav dont forget once your in game to go in and tweak all mod settings to your likings, not ever
Insectoid mod pack
Collection by Rarr
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