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Collection by 泡泡茶壶
温馨提示:不要全部订阅,按Ctrl+F再复制粘贴MOD名字可快速搜索 Ⅰ.新兵种:与龙同行→金花兵种拓展 Dead's Cathay Unit Pack 7个新兵种(战虎、战象、龙息枪手、南皋火铳手、天廷龙旗手、巨兽大炮和圣矛火箭炮) Eustace's Cathay Artillery Pack 5个炮兵(震旦弩炮、震旦臼炮、震旦臼炮『爆竹』、铁雹炮和长垣巨炮) GMD Jade Legion II 新领
Collection by niconico☆poi
本合集分享了一些战锤3订阅量和好评都很高的mod,并且分成2类组成: 第一类是不改变任何原版游戏体验的优化及美化类mod,使玩家更好的感受战锤世界,注:因为战败招募mod几乎人人都打,所以我将其放在第一类 第二类mod是扩展游戏和改进,基于原版游戏内容进行一些改良和扩展的mod,并不包括赫赫有名的SFO和R大大修类mod,朋友们可以酌情自选 以下是本人分享的各mod的功能介绍,简介顺序和本合集的mod排序全部一致方便理解,希望朋友们喜欢可以点个赞让更多锤友看到😘 ----------------------
Collection by 泡泡茶壶 温馨提示:不要全部订阅,按Ctrl+F再复制粘贴MOD名字可快速搜索 (下方有中文介绍的就不赘述了) Ⅰ.热门帝国MOD:从第一个→Solland: Faction Overhaul Guns of the Empire 帝国之枪,18个新兵种(全是火枪、大炮和飞机;印象深刻的有:精确制导毁天灭地巡航飞弹和地狱之锤大炮) Dark Omen 仇恨使者佣兵团,开局触发几十个精英兵任务,有独特的兵种、任务和机制
[5.0.3 UPDATE] NOT-SFO MODPACK - by Tiranno Matto
Collection by Tiranno Matto
- 5.0 IMPORTANT NOTE - This collection is kinda worky, didnt expect modders to be that fast. I had to remove many tho, so just follow changes right on the list (probably occurring many times during May 2024) Hello community! I'm back again with my up-to-da
SFO Landmarks and Legends 4.1 Updated
Collection by Think Critically
Updated for 4.1 Tested February 7th, 2024 I enjoy playing with many legendary characters, landmarks and 2x skill points, but I try to avoid roster bloat. This collection is primarily for my own convenience so that I can track my mod loadout. It will be kep
The Empire: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 5.1.1
Collection by ChopChop The Empire Collection for Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 5.1.1 MAGIC, KNIGHTS & MASTER ENGINEERS, GUNS, ARTILLERY & STEAM TANKS GALORE! What's in this collection? This collecti
Luigi's Vanhammer 3 - Vanilla 5.1 Ultimate | 350+ Mods for IEE
Collection by Luigi
Welcome to Van-Hammer for 5.1! This is my personal mod collection that I've been using. The aim and goal is to overhaul the entire vanilla experience while trying to maintain some lore accuracy, but overall making all factions powerful and fun and to make
Collection by 关注真白花音 谢谢喵
Collection by 关注真白花音 谢谢喵
想来想去决定这个合集专门提供给R大Mod新人订阅向,所以移除了R大ModSFO化的子模组,目前已经单独给R大高级兵重做了合集 7.1号更新,科技树拓展Mod作者莫名其妙把北佬科技全部移除,然后整了个独立版北佬科技。。所以科技树拓展想完整体验就得再加单独的北佬科技拓展(合集已更新)
My Modlist 4.2.1
Collection by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
My Modlist My collection of mods I use personally for more tools, mechanics, challenge and more fun Collection is based around the faction I play myself, that being Empire and Dark Elves What's in here? Almost every single mod that adds new factions Almost
The Dwarfs: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 5.1.1
Collection by ChopChop
The Dwarfs: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 5.1 RUNES, OATHGOLD, RITES, UNDERWAYS & CARAVANS, TECHNOLOGY & TONS OF UNITS! What's in this collection? This collection is built around The Dwarfs, Immortal Empires Expanded & new skills. It contains: all Core g
Collection by 呜喵王
Collection by 关注真白花音 谢谢喵
2024.7.4号旧世界更新正式版了测试版已移除 另外就是此合集没有R大高级单位增强子Mod,想玩可以打了这个合集后再单独加这个Mod
SFO 5.1 working collection
Collection by Sorrow
My personal collection I keep track of. All of the listed mods work together on 5.1 with all DLCs and no crashes on startup. I only had 1 crash so far in multiple campaigns, reloaded the save where i crashed and kept playing with no issues moving onward. S
Auto's Immortal Empires & SFO - Updated 27/06/2024
Collection by Autonomous
Oh no, lookout! It's the bloat! If you have any questions, then ask away, but you are expected to know what you are doing, and you are expected to actually read the individual mod pages prior to downloading. A mod here or there may overlap or be outright i
Warhammer III Collectors Edition: Additall
Collection by Tunch Khan
Currently work in progress to establish the best possible collection which are compatible with each other. I am trying to find ones that are somewhat compatible with SFO (or Radious) but that limits the compatibility significantly. Without them, I am using
L&T Game Hub - Base
Collection by Louie04k
Collection by 关注真白花音 谢谢喵
The Skaven: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 5.1.1
Collection by ChopChop
DESCRIPTION UNDER REWORK COMING SOON-SOON! Collection: active 5.1.1 For Load Order of mods use Prop Joe's Mod Manager. All mods are ordered by default except one submod, please follow the instructions below: LINK: BSE - 3 Rows of Building Slots and UGSCC C
Main Mod Packs: Plus Faction Collections
Collection by Basilnth
The base floor for mods for me and friends to enjoy a fast, fun, challenging campaign
Empire mods
Collection by Ragnarjan
All current empire mods.
Collection by 关注真白花音 谢谢喵
Radious - Singleplayer & Coop
Collection by NorscanWarlord
SFO 超凡帝国拓展IEE 派系拓展LCCP Deer24Cathay 自用 24.7.10更新
Collection by 幸福酋长
SFO及各种SUB WH3MM排序 3008451029;0|3119102517;2|3133200171;3|3236567583;4|2801517996;5|3221105455;8|3281249977;9|3140200173;10|2872642385;11|3237503378;12|3228731182;13|3030981870;17|3268035126;21|3266967953;22|3216174371;23|3176348216;24|2882587644;25|2979295
Base Game Mods
Collection by Mortarch Of Blood
PLEASE NOTE - This modlist is an old one that I hadn't updated with what works and what does not due to lack of Immortal Empires and various other stuff that we're still waiting on. As any modlist of mine, it should have said that mods should work but NOT
Cenobium Collection
Collection by opuntia
A collection of Mods that work well together. Enjoy
Wood Elves
Collection by Ragnarjan
All current wood elves mods
【酋长整合】SFO DKAI 超凡拓展 超凡派系拓展 画质增强 坐骑增加 玩法多样
Collection by 幸福酋长
超凡拓展 LCCP&SFO sub SFO 传奇法师领主 科技树合集&SFO sub VCO&SFO sub SCM诺斯卡&SFO sub BSE+Battle Ai Darker Ai&SFO sub Bad guys Mount&Bad legends&SFO sub 坐骑拓展&SFO sub 战帮升级&SFO sub 派系防御塔&SFO sub 凤凰王庭&SFO sub 无友伤&SFO sub Eternity地标&Legend地标&Immortal地标&SFO sub 更多神器 Lod远景增强 战斗
Collection by Realme Elysia
5.0.1 Master Lol Collection
Collection by RedDeath512
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