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Collection by 泡泡茶壶
温馨提示:不要全部订阅,按Ctrl+F再复制粘贴MOD名字可快速搜索 Ⅰ.大型MOD: Skaven Clans 斯卡文氏族整合包,新增8个鼠人新派系及特色兵种包 斯卡文全派系背景大修 Ⅱ.机制&功能性MOD:Trophy Heads→合邦就能用 Trophy Heads & Head's Whisper for Queek 奎克新“头颅收集”机制,真正的猎头者·奎克 Plague Cauldron fea
Solaire's New and Revamped Improved WH3
Collection by Solaire
Quality of life and flavor mods. Works in multi. Will be constantly updated with quality mods and some mods maybe removed for ones with superior function. Keep an eye on it every week or so for possible new additions and removals. The new and improved vers
Radious All in one pack (Massive)
Collection by Destra125
This mod pack works together. 300 hours tested.
Mods by Pwner1
Collection by Pwner1
Mods by yours truly
SFO 5.1 working collection
Collection by Sorrow
My personal collection I keep track of. All of the listed mods work together on 5.1 with all DLCs and no crashes on startup. I only had 1 crash so far in multiple campaigns, reloaded the save where i crashed and kept playing with no issues moving onward. S
SFO Massive Mod Collection - Working 4.1.2
Collection by Rageboh Nurh
After much testing and frustration after all of the hotfixes that change table names for no reason, our mighty modders that keep updating their wonderful expansions and edits to the world have continued to make progress towards total compatibility. This li
The Skaven: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 5.1.1
Collection by ChopChop
DESCRIPTION UNDER REWORK COMING SOON-SOON! Collection: active 5.1.1 For Load Order of mods use Prop Joe's Mod Manager. All mods are ordered by default except one submod, please follow the instructions below: LINK: BSE - 3 Rows of Building Slots and UGSCC C
啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展
Collection by Lightman
合集简介 本合集是基于超凡帝国扩展的自用mod合集,包含了各种汉化,美化,功能性,兵种,坐骑,种族大小修,作弊等mod 合集目前可以一键订阅所有mod,也可以按自己喜好订阅,具体请看注意事项和讨论区置顶的兼容性问题 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展SFO MOD排序 排序按照合集中的排序即可,大致排序逻辑为 最上面: Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版 各种类型为co
啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版
Collection by Lightman
合集简介 本合集是基于原版超凡帝国的自用mod合集,包含了各种汉化,美化,功能性,兵种,坐骑,种族大小修,作弊等mod 合集中大部分mod可以互相兼容同时运行,小部分mod不兼容或未更新,具体请看注意事项和讨论区置顶的兼容性问题 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展SFO MOD排序 排序按照合集中的排序即可,大致排序逻辑为 最上面: Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版
Collection by SUPER'EMO
Sir Castic's The Old World Complete Collection [4.1.2] (220+ mods)
Collection by Sir Castic
About the modlist A collection of mods to use with the The Old World campaign mod, should also work fine in IE! This collection is based on my own personal preferences, and contains a bunch of new races, factions, lords, heroes and units. As well as some m
rosters and unit pack mods
Collection by GIBBYDAMAN
larger packs and compilations smaller packs below PACKSNOTONSTEAMLISTEDHERE: Erengrad's Elves and the Loving Complements of the Everqueen + Noble (WH3 Mod) Looking for some reshade?
WORKING 4.2, mainly BAD GUY Factions expansion.
Collection by TheAwesomeGuy
Rage against the dying of the light
Collection by awpanda1
End times 100-120 Important! no don't activate the "recruit defeated legendary lords" mod until after the 2nd end times trigger activates or else itll break the endtimes scenario. "Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at clos
Skaven Collection
Collection by Mortarch Of Blood
Skaven Collection
Total Warhammer Mods: Thrones of Decay
Collection by Bananaman of Azkaban
Filled rosters, Landmarks, Unit upgrades, LL's, IEE, mod manager and more reasonable additions Prop Joe's Mod manager will auto sort mods. Download Mod Manager from link below
Collection by 娱帅
Collection by Skygamerlops
Warhammer Immortal Empires 2.2 Modlist
Collection by Metroxide
Here you go.
Log's Big List of Cool Warhammer 3 Mods (currently crashes if all enabled, pick and choose)
Collection by Log™ from Blammo!
Solaire's Improved Chaos Renewed
Collection by Solaire
Back and better than ever. Use Propjoe Mod Manager. For Dismemberment mod and Motherland compatibility. Dismemberment Main Mod, Submod, Motherland For Red Estalia and Cataph Southern Realms. Compatability Submod, Red Estalia, Cataph Southern Realms and its
Lista actual
Collection by Draco100000
SFO bby
Collection by bananlover
These mods all work togheter and with sfo
Log's Factional Modpacks Series - Skaven
Collection by Log™ from Blammo!
RagnarsMeute TWW3 modliste
Collection by [GFA] RagnarMG
(OUTDATED) Ultimate Vanilla + MORE ADDONS Modpack - By Marcus Aurelius
Collection by Marcus Aurelius
This is an addon collection to my marcus vanilla + Ultimate collection ( SEE IT IN THE LINKED COLLECTION) featuring mods that are goods but that don't fit in the base collection because of balance so feel free to use or not. For exemple you can add mod to
Collection by Andrew
1. Cathay Engineer 2. Cathay Warriors Of The East 3. 震旦工程师事务官——军器监 4. 震旦天下无敌兵种补充包:烽火长垣 平衡版 5. 震旦天下无敌 原版风格兵种mod 平衡版 6. Eustace's Cathay Artillery Pack 7. Fire Lancers 8. Mixu's Unlocker 9. Order of Solland 10. Mixu's Legendary Lords: Asset Pack 11. Mixu's L
Ikit Funny business
Collection by Rustywatermelon
Collection by 嘉德丽雅
自用mod合集,全有汉化,顺序基本就是这个,没啥冲突,自己调整的话注意保证汉化mod在上面就好了 与龙同行一般不开,兵种美观但是一旦开了难度骤降 有什么好的mod求推荐,后续持续更新 很多mod会导致混沌魔域战役会有bug,玩魔域要关闭
Collection by Marcus Aurelius
This is just a list of every mod i used or iam using. Don't subscribe to all, its just a repository of mod i like.
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