RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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边缘汉化组 中文Mod分类 功能机制
Koleksiyoncu leafzxg
本合集已收录工坊内所有支持简&繁中文的「功能机制」类Mod及汉化 每周更新,力求无遗漏 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 「功能机制」收录满足以下一条或多条的Mod: 运行库; UI优化; AI优化; 指令工具; 逻辑优化; 分析清理; 地图编辑; 游戏机制调整; 创新游戏机制; 您
Immersion+ (1.2)
Koleksiyoncu NECEROS
I'm no longer updating this collection RimWorld, but as a simulation, not a harsh survival story. I love vanilla gameplay and add to that with these mods, striving to keep the core gameplay in place. Self sustainability is important, but requires a lot of
Koleksiyoncu 小蓝
小蓝的1.5合集 内含种族 美化 派系 以及可以修仙 战斗力为原版环境 贴图非常好看(堂丸画的!)适合萌新 种田和非正义mod玩家 合集内有少量微正义mod 四分钟之内启动 丝滑流畅 地板纹理为 JustStoneTile 不喜欢可以下掉 如果喜欢可以动动手指给合集一个点赞 这对合集真的很重要 排序文件的百度网盘链接在评论区 禁止转卖合集以及任何形式的商业活动,本人不接受任何赞助。 有问题可以群内反馈或者留言 反馈群号: 272866822(内有最新rjw和sos2相关以及最新性能鱼) 个人qq: 1527
Medieval Rimworld [1.5]
Koleksiyoncu Cato
##1.5 REWORK NOTES ## The list has been reworked for 1.5 - but be aware that: Not tested with Anomaly yet Using unofficial Medieval Overhaul fork - expect jank About 70% of 1.4 content at present Maynard Storyteller is temporarily unavailable ----- A colle
这里是b站up玄月老贼的中世纪系列的mod合集!专门为骨灰级玩家打造的环世界中世纪硬核体验!!! 记得来看看我捏~( ̄▽ ̄)~* https://space.bilibili.com/380946496?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 使用后记得给我视频三连哦!(排序在老贼qq群,有要的自提,也可以去我的公众号 老贼的小窝,哪里最先更新! 里面的mod都经过我的测试,大概没有任何问题,我自己排序后没有红字,汉化有的没跟上版本,不过可以用 有问题先看整合包文档,再问群里管理员,最后问我! 要
AA's Modlist
Koleksiyoncu AA
$1,000,000 ModList
Koleksiyoncu AA
Modlist for the $1,000,000 Playthrough
Beginnings: The Founding of Rome (1.3)
Koleksiyoncu falconelaris
The Legend Begins... A pair of boys, abandoned and left to the wilds, the two brothers, Romulus and Riemus now awaken from the feral existence which they have known for so long to a world ripe for civilizing. With nothing but the remnants of their old life
1.1 - 1.2 and 1.3 Compatible Rimworld Mods (QOL)
Koleksiyoncu Cat-O-Lantern
RimWorld Mods Collection Quality Of Life: (Updated Regularly For 1.2) 1.3 soon and all DLC'S. Don't start a new game until you've checked out this mod list!! A list of essential mods to improve the game's UI and overall quality of life. Keep an eye on this
[Outdated] 1.4 | Ultimate Vanilla+ List | Guide Included! | All DLC | Last Update March 25th 2024
Koleksiyoncu Deathstar
https://i.imgur.com/aNMmEOT.gif Likes & Favourites are greatly appreciated! 1.5 Anomaly | ►1.4 Biotech | 1.3 Ideology Do you also play Project Zomboid? Check out my collection here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2992074819 Join our
Veequeue's Rimworld Medieval Mods
Koleksiyoncu veequeue
All Mods from my medieval Rimworld video You need every DLC for this to work. Otherwise resort to fit to your mod pack If you want to continue on the save file then join my Patreon or YouTube membership Rimpy load order: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15R
600+ Firefly/Fallout/CB themed, auto-sort friendly [1.3]
Koleksiyoncu Hahkethomemah
This list is the result of a careful look at all 8 000 mods available for 1.3. GOAL The goal was to preserve the original idea of a sci-fi survival sim game and add the high eśt possible variety of items, events, biomes, animals, backstories, factions and
trmplays December Modpack
Koleksiyoncu trmplays
A list of mods I am using for my current playthrough mainly using the new Rim War and Empire mods (December 2020)
Сальный KopoBAN
Koleksiyoncu 🐙💛デニスター💜🐜
Наконец то игра в которой можно грабить корованы. Коллекция модов рассчитана в первую очередь на путешествие по миру в виде корована за ведроидов. С возможностью построить свой ведроидный город состоящий из механизированных единиц. Если не хочется вручную
5-year rimworld veteran's mod list
Koleksiyoncu PARSA TV
Compatible with 08.01.2022 1.3 update. I've played Rimworld for about 5 years by discussing with rimworld players and taking their advice, and I've shared my experiences below to help you as well. These modes are modes that do not change the course of the
Ambiguous Amphibian SOLO Android Progenitor [Unofficial]
Koleksiyoncu sofus
To use modpack easily: 1. Subscribe to the collection and wait for the download to finish 2. Download SoloAndroidProgenitor.xml at https://pastebin.com/bz4MDp0i 3. Place the file in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Stu
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1
Koleksiyoncu macklord222
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1 IMPORTANT : Must have the Royalty DLC. Because of "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" are required by the Royalty DLC. OPTIONAL : to make this collection without the DLC is by removing "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" CORRECT TO
Fantasy пак
Koleksiyoncu 🐙💛デニスター💜🐜
!НЕ ИГРАЙТЕ В ЭТО ПАЖАЛУЙСТА! Поберегите свои нервные клетки Не идеальная фэнтези сборка для RimWorld. Созданная для отыгрыша роли в этом захватывающем и неадекватном мире. Harmony и RIMMSAssemble ставить перед Core, остальные после. Attention! Сборка расч
Mods de BobLennon "This is MINE !"
Koleksiyoncu Mister_Wolfgang
Fichier à placer dans - Sous Windows : C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config/ - Sous Linux : /home/<yourname>/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/prefs/ - Sous Mac : ./Users/<yourname>/Library/Application
My Current ModList
Koleksiyoncu Mlie
The mods Im currently using in my current playthrough, in load-order.
DyneDenethor's 1.1 Working Mod List
Koleksiyoncu Dyne Denethor
All of the mods I've collected for Rimworld 1.1, red error free, and in the mod load order that I used to get no red errors. I load a new colony after finding an error free place with each mod, to make sure that there are no generation errors. PLEASE READ
trmplays' mods (Updated 8/13/2022)
Koleksiyoncu trmplays
UPDATED August 13 2022 CURRENT SETTINGS IM USING (Under Mod Settings): RimWorld of Magic -> Click Default -> Active Aggressive AI Casting and AI Hard Mode To use my exact modlist and load order load my save file which you can download here: https://drive.g
Koleksiyoncu 百里墨
【1.3自用】一晚上排出来的无红字 - WF
Koleksiyoncu WithoutFold
关于一晚上找出一个集合的这件事 综述:都是一个个各地找来的 没错我就是大家的搬运工 ,大多都是有汉化的了,有空会把注意事项一一罗列出来,也会挑些mod做点小推荐。本集合可能一直会做加法,减法大家自己适当的来哈~第一次使用详见注意事项。 "替换掉就行]: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iN1Xe7JhFBCcaG8B01mCqQ 提取码:RWRW 【第一次务必先纯净进去,添加Mod manager,重启再添加其他所有mod,使用下方的自动排序,之后应该就没问题了。。。直接进当然进不去
trmplays' 1.2 MODPACK
Koleksiyoncu trmplays
Mods I am using that currently work with 1.2
Koleksiyoncu 小米米沙
Koleksiyoncu Holarula
I'm sorry that this is a collection for Chinese players and not for English players(etc). But it still work to play,just del the Chinese localization mod. The collection is only for 1.1. 因为1.2更新所以此1.1合集停止更新,在停止更新前以下内容均为可用状态。 (顺便1.2和1.1的多数MOD基本是兼容的,不必在意黄字提醒
Koleksiyoncu h11t13
游戏版本:1.1.2618(基本90%中文)(合集更新日期2020.05.05) 我已经排序好了,依旧开发者无红字报错,除了前置mod其它的可以随意移除。 贴吧地址:htt@ps:/tieba.bai@du.com/p/6545425972(有简单的说明) 排序文链接:htt@ps:/pan.bai@du.com/s/1_kIkKngbuJnEwdreeTpXgw 提取码:9e4f(把@删掉) 排序文件使用方法:订阅本合集全部内容→等待steam创意工坊下载完成→ 游戏主界面→选项→打开存档文件夹→找到Co
Имперские псы
Koleksiyoncu 🐙💛デニスター💜🐜
Rimworld Essentials Modpack 1.4 (Vanilla+)
Koleksiyoncu Dandy
Essential basic mods for 1.4 (Vanilla+) Nothing too drastic. Quality of life, visual updates, primary game mechanic changes and improvements. Not exactly 'purist' changes. The goal was to provide a blanket of QoL improvements along with a host of gameplay
Sayfa başına: 9 18 30 
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